Posted by Breeding Condition Checkbox

Sevenoa (#164607)

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Posted on
2020-05-08 11:19:07
So just a little suggestion for the upcoming nighttime only combo, I'm not sure if theres already a plan on how to implement it but in the news post it said they're still working on it so I figured I'd offer my personal insight:

There could be an extra section/checkboxes/drop down list when choosing to send a stud request that would let you select one of the following:

° Daytime
° Nighttime
And possibly a seperate:
° Dry Season
° Wet Season

And after checked, the stud would get a message saying "Nightime selected" or other options, and would not be allowed to breed during the day. There would also be a blank for if breeding time/season doesn't matter.

I'm not really sure how hard it would be to code/implement, but it seems like the best idea to me for how it could be done? If anyone has any good suggestions on top of this I'll add it to the post!

This suggestion has 16 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Before (#25066)

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Posted on
2020-05-13 14:25:42
Support for Day/Night button (if they don't already have a better solution in mind), but not as much for Wet/Dry season.

Maybe for season it would only let you choose the current season and auto-cancel if the season changes before the stud successfully breeds. I just think it would be annoying for the stud if someone wants Wet season and it just changed to Dry season, for example. Or even if the season changes to the desired one in a few days.

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Sevenoa (#164607)

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Posted on
2020-05-13 14:42:39
Yeah that makes sense, I wasnt as sure about the season but figured I'd add it in anyways, its a lot easier to get the right season rather than day/night

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