Posted by 🌺Succulent’s Art Shop CLOSED🌺

succulent (#177085)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-05-12 17:05:09

My art shop is currently

Hello!! I've decied to relocate my art shop since the other one looked kinda plain. I'm really happy with how this came out!! You may have seen my art around, though I haven't been here for too long, only about a year. I'm kinda only here for the art community now, since tbh this is kinda the only place my art gets recognized. :') Anyway, please enjoy your stay!! ^^

1. Please be respectful
2. Please be PATIENT. I don't like being rushed, so please just wait and I'll try to finish your art as soon as I can.
3.Please send payment within 24 hours or your commission will be cancelled.
4. You can send payment up front or after I've shown a sketch, you can choose.
5. Please have a clear reference, I wont work off descriptions. If the ref is traditional, please have a clear picture of it.
6. Each commission is counted as a slot. (Ex. One person can order 2 fullbodies but it will take up 2 slots)
7. Don't claim the commissioned art work as your own. Please give proper credit.
8. I can also use discord to communicate if you want, just ask!!
9. Please credit my TH, Succulentbreakfeast (misspelled on purpose) if uploading anything to TH.
1 = 1200
Will also accept these items for their lowest branch prices:
Sunset Markings
Ivory Carvings
Dust: Celestite (x1)
MOD: Patches (Uneven)(x1)(I can dream lmao)
Feathered Leg Wraps - Raven (x1)
Jewelry: Moonstone Circlet (x1)
Jewelry: Moonstone Pendant (x1)
Wings of Death (Top and bottom) (x1)
African Wild Dog Puppy (x1)
Vessel of Anubis (x1)
Falling Stars (x1)
Dicey Ice

Icons (CLOSED, I’d rather not do these rn, sorry😔)
-11 or 13200
-500x500, comes with colored lines, shading, and a painted background, feral, anthro, or human

-14 or 16800
- +3 for shading, +1 for colored lines
- Goes down to shoulders, feral, anthro, or human

-22 or 26400
- +4 for shading, +1 for colored lines
- Drawing of the whole body, feral, anthro, or human

-12 or 14400
- +2 for shading, +1 for colored lines
- More simple fullbody, feral, anthro, or human

Chibi Customs
-20 or 24000 (Could be lower if design is more simple)
- +1 for colored lines
- Fullbody chibi custom, feral or anthro

Pixel Pagedolls (KINDA EXPERIMENTAL!!)
-16 or 24000
- +3 for shading, +1 for colored lines
- 150x150, pixel fullbody with small floating animation, only feral (for now)

Please fill out this form:
Short personality description?:
Payment Method?:
Shading or colored lines?:
Any Specifics? (pose, expression, text, etc.):

And please fill out this form for chibi customs (feel free to be as descriptive as you want):
Moodboard, palette, picture?:
Description(hair, fur, body type, etc):
Shading or colored lines?:
Payment method?:
Anything else?:
Would you like progress shots?:

Again, please be patient and I’ll try to get commissions done as fast as I can and PLEASE credit my TH, Succulentbreakfeast (misspelled on purpose!), if you upload anything on TH!
Thank you!! <33

🌺 Original CSS by katie 🦅 [g1
raffle clone] (#106445)

Pixel header by King-Lulu-Deer on DA
Pixel dividers by SunkenAnchor on DA🌺

More examples!

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Edited on 23/08/20 @ 15:41:48 by Succulent (#177085)

succulent (#177085)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-07-22 22:19:46
Added you both!!

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🔥 Tiger | HIATUS (#184799)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-01-04 02:31:38
Any chance I could get on the waitlist? No worries if it’s full :>

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