Posted by -LOCKED - More Posed mutations, w/ visuals

Cryptid✧G1 Ukame
[Hiatus] (#197426)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-05-16 06:50:39

Hello and welcome everyone!
This topic is about implementing poses for more muties w/ some visuals/edits, sketches/ I did by myself. There were similar and older topics about Posed mutations but I couldn't find ones with visuals so here you go.
These are my first lazy attempt at editing something and I might just do more:


Albino Folded Default
Albino Folded Evil
Albino Folded Good
Albino Folded Jolly
Albino Folded Neutral
Albino Folded Snarky



Further info/ Status:

Already in-game as of now:
Physical Mutations
-Overgrown Claws
-Overgrown Teeth
-Overgrown Tongue
-Primal Fangs

Fairly easy to edit:
Physical Mutations

-Folded Ears- Done

Generally hard to edit?
Physical Mutations
-Bobbed Tail-

Very hard but will try (no edits just sketch):
Physical Mutations
-Basic Primal-
-Primal (Felis)-
-Primal (Ferus)-
-Primal (Smilus)-

Very hard but possible and won’t try, sorry:
Mane mutations
-Mane Feathery
-Mane Fluffy
-Mane Frizzy
-Mane Fuzzy
-Mane Imperial
-Mane Ruffled
-Mane Scruffy
-Mane Shaggy
-Mane Silky
-Mane Villous
-Mane Whiskered
Physical Mutations
-Dorsal Fur
-Overgrown Fur

Out of question:
Lethal Cub Mutations


After note:

I understand some muties hard to pose and dressing them up would be even harder. But some decors need just a bit of tweaking, warping, and moving...

Before you hit that "No support" button imagine all the other edits you could see!
And if you still feel the urge to hit it, please tell me why

I know these are tad bit ugly so I am open to criticism and if you find any major mistakes don't be shy to share.

If any of these were already approved and on the way, sorry but you don't have to tell me. Let me flow my creativity


Post that inspired me to do it:
"Mutie Pose Priority

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/05/20 @ 06:55:37 by CryptidUni [Clean Ivory] (#197426)

Posted on
2020-05-16 07:00:28
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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Topic is locked

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