Posted by CLOSED!

Cystiline (#39266)

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Posted on
2020-05-30 16:54:32
Hello one and all! I'll make this short, simple, and sweet. My lovely Tigon girl just threw me her first tigon cub <3 And I would like to save up some money for another heat out of her myself, so this heat goes up for auction!

Like any good thing there are rules. Sorry...NOT sorry ;)

THIS LION DOES NOT LEAVE MY DEN. Do NOT complain to me about that because I will NOT stand for it and you will NOT be allowed to bid. I had someone whine to me last year when I did a pon heat auction because they couldn't have her in her den to ensure they'd get their cubs. I am NOT going through that again. That is all for this ted talk ;)

1) PLEASE DO NOT bid what you DO NOT have. If it comes time for her heat, and you can not pay, I will be upset and I WILL NOT hold her heat for you. Her heat will go the next highest bidder.

2) Please pay attention to the bids in the comments. There may be a few hours I am gone, and/or haven't gotten around to updating the main thread. If I update the bid and it's higher than what you put don't come whining to me that you bid and your bid isn't up here. I won't handle it. Because yes, that's happened to me before *eye roll*.

3) it is recommended and suggested that you use a GOP or Buffalo Scrotum to increase your chances. If you can not afford one, but would like to use one, I will try my best to help you. Just let me know :) If you don't want to, that is 110% okay!

4) Please don't whine period. Please don't argue with people about a bid I don't deal with that. Plain and Simple.

5) The end date is the day she goes into heat. By the time her second day of heat comes around PLEASE have a stud that is online chosen for her. My main account male, and side account male are free. Any other stud I am willing to split the price with you on :)

6) Any extra items you'd like to use must be provided by you. I will provide nesting material/food/IBF (if an IBF is wanted).

7) This auction ensures you FULL litter rights! So no matter how many Gons you get, they are all yours! I love to buy my lions cubs though so if you don't want any plain cubs that may come out of this litter, I'll buy them off you -so you still make a profit ;)

8) THERE IS NO WAY TO ENSURE YOU GET A HYBRID. Hybrids are...kinda...random with only a...5%? I believe? chance of getting one. There is no item to ensure you get a hybrid (Lion Scrotums do not work on hybrids), so if you pay for this and do not get a hybrid you will not get refunded. That's not how this works (because once again-YES. I had someone nag me and whine about paying for a heat and not getting a hybrid then wanting their money back).

The Auction

Below is the information for the auction along with Cadenza's image. In case the image has not worked ( i apologize if it doesn't) here is her link :


Interstellar Base
Fire Opal Eyes
Augur Mane Color
Slot 1: Noctis Brindle (100%)
Slot 2: White Belly (100%)
Slot 3: Brimstone Inverted Brindle (100%)
Slot 4: Hyena Stripes Scarce Onyx (100%)
Slot 8: Mottled Stripes (100%)
31 stats total
VLF (5%)

SB: 5GB/5,000SB
MI: 1GB/1200SB
AB 35GB/35,000SB/other items accepted

CB: AB BY Lionlvr (#146607)

I have had this question a lot. If you can not afford the full GB/SB winning Bid/AB I ACCEPT ITEMS!

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Edited on 01/06/20 @ 12:10:18 by Cystiline (#39266)

Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2020-06-01 16:07:18
I bet! Definitely worth it though! The interstellar coat is so stinking pretty! And oki! I'll grab everything by then! I'll try not to forget 😂

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Cystiline (#39266)

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Posted on
2020-06-01 16:16:49
Sounds good! I've placed you down in her notes as the buyer for her upcoming heat :) So I'll send you a message about...3 ish days away :) Since you AB I can cover IBF and Stud fee if you'd like? :)

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Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2020-06-01 16:17:58
Ok cool! And that would be great!

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Cystiline (#39266)

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Posted on
2020-06-01 16:21:15
<3 Great! By the time her heat rolls around if you cant snag anything I can most likely help with that as well! Will message you again when she's 3 days before her heat! Thank you SO much!

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Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2020-06-01 16:24:25
Ok that works! The only things she would need are black stallion, Buffy balls, and GMO cow right?? Is there anything else she could use?? I'm new to hybrid breedings

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