Posted by 💫✨ soffets - CLOSED ATM ✨💫

🌾 honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2020-06-03 10:06:16

soffets - original species
discord link | clan link

soffets are small animals from the mustelidae family, alongside ferrets, minks, and weasels, however they do not have a typical mammalian mouth. instead, they have a muzzle akin to a snake, except covered in a thin coat of soft fur. while some of their traits vary, they maintain a typical ferret-shaped body with short legs. although they have the outward appearance of a snake mouth, they do have small teeth and do not always swallow food whole like a snake would. (they can swallow food whole roughly the size of a large grape or a very small egg.)

they are very playful and mischievous when alert, but tend to be lazy and sleepy most of the day, similarly to a kitten. they can be kept as pets, but require the amount of mental stimulation and close care a ferret would, as they can get frustrated easily if bored, and can be destructive if not provided with enough toys.

soffets are omnivores, but prefer fruits, vegetables, and nuts. in the wild, they are known to knock beehives down to eat the honey. they are opportunistic scavengers, meaning they will eat meat they find but rarely hunt for prey. when it comes to protein, they opt for insects. domestic soffets are known to sniff out and steal chocolate and other sweets, and while it won't kill them, it's advised to keep your sweets safe so your soffet doesn't become overweight.

"what do soffets look like?"
view all soffets here!

original species rules

soffets are a closed species. this means you CANNOT make your own. this species belongs to me, and the only way to obtain a soffet is through me.

when uploading soffets anywhere offsite, please credit my

you may not change your soffet's design in any way without buying the proper items from me and having me redesign it.

traits, rarities, and morphs

soffets vary in traits due to both natural variation (depending on climate/location) and selective breeding by humans.

selective breeding by humans have created breeds of soffets with similar traits, also called morphs! read about morphs here!

ascension: sofferals

discord members/soffet owners can accrue soffbits through a variety of methods, such as making art, writing stories, participating in raffles, and more!

after one has collected enough soffbits, they may choose to ascend their soffet. ascending a soffet will turn it into a sofferal, and can have all sorts of amazing outcomes!

while soffets are pretty similar in size and physical features, ascension has endless possibilities for your soffet!

ascending your soffet, lore-wise, is a permanent change. however, you are free to continue drawing/using your soffet in its original form as well! think of sofferals as an alternate form of your character!

you may also choose to use an ascension item when ascending your soffet. this will consume the item and cause your soffet to take on some of the qualities of the item in its ascended form!


breeding your soffets will cost $20 or 60 gb. i will take both of your soffets and design a possible offspring. this pup will be yours! if you are breeding your soffet with a friend's soffet, please arrange who will be paying/getting the pup first to avoid conflicts.

the pup(s) will be in pup form! you must use soffbits to age them up.

while soffets can and often do have same-sex partnerships, you can only breed two soffets of opposite sexes. however, you can use a sex change bean in the shop to change the sex of your soffet, and even use another one to change it back afterwards! gay rights!

soffets tend to only have one pup per litter, but you can guarantee two pups with a chicken wishbone.

breeding sofferals will still result in a regular pup, which will not be ascended upon aging up.

customization shop

chicken wishbone - $15 or 45 gb - guarantees two pups in a litter.

sex change bean - $5 or 15 gb - changes your soffet's sex.

eye color changer - $5 or 15 gb - changes your soffet's eye color.

white opal - $20 or 60 gb - applies a piebald pattern to your soffet.

black opal - $20 or 60 gb - applies a patches pattern to your soffet.

mirror shard - $20 or 60 gb - creates a two-sided ref sheet for your soffet. half off if design is symmetrical.


if you wish to purchase your own custom soffet, this is the place! you will get to choose the traits and colors!

custom soffet base price: $30 or 90 gb

common traits: free
uncommon traits: $5 or 15 gb each
rare traits: $20 or 60 gb each
special traits: $30 or 90 gb each
mutations: $20 or 60 gb (can only have one)

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Edited on 20/02/23 @ 10:55:03 by 🌾 honey (#30473)

🌾 honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2021-08-07 12:50:04
@yokubo - i decided to make it available for gb as well now! <3

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Moon (#145001)

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Posted on
2021-08-08 10:34:11
Any open adoptables?

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🌾 honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2021-08-08 16:48:19
@moon - yes, the magenta python has no current bids!

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• [Deca Ros.] (#179872)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 10:08:31
These are sooo cute ! I will definitely be subbing!

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 10:10:10
These are super, super adorable! Pretty expensive for adopts, though. I'd suggest lowering the price a bit if you want more new customers <3

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🌾 honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 10:54:35
✧Kassi✧ G2 Penta Dawn Daedal (#187224) - this closed species is not active at the moment for reasons other than pricing. if/when i continue this species again, i have no intentions of lowering the prices, as they sold perfectly fine :)

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• [Deca Ros.] (#179872)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 10:56:44
Do you have an estimate of when they possibly might be active again?

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Edited on 20/02/23 @ 10:58:37 by ༘💗’༄ؘ ~v e n u s. (#179872)

🌾 honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 10:58:47
༘💗’༄ؘ ~v e n u s. (#179872) - i'm not sure, but i will definitely announce it when it's ready! i have to redo pretty much everything due to changing computers and art programs. existing soffets will not be invalid though, they will just be legacy soffets!

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• [Deca Ros.] (#179872)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 11:01:07
Ah, I see! I hope for the best through your transition from one computer to another. I will 100% be looking out for your announcements later on.

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Westan (#422410)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-14 23:24:25
Omg they are so cute! I wanna buy soffet when they will open :)

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