Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Fluorite Base - 140+ supports!

Cyanide πŸŒ’ {Cream
Lover} (#27473)

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Posted on
2020-06-27 20:43:19
Hi guys! First things first, please be gentle. I did this on my laptop with a trackpad and my clipping was being fucky so...This was cleaned up manually (sob) and blended as best I could with a new program and a trackpad.

That being said, I'm fine with constructive criticism, and if anyone wants to do some mockups involving green, I'd love to see them! I based this off of rainbow fluorite, which typically has blues, greens, and purples in a striated pattern, with clear in between. Sometimes you'll get cool patterns like chevrons, but I thought as a base, better to keep it simple!

I used blues, purples, white, and very pale versions of the blues, purples, and green. I did not put a palette on the image because I changed it like 10 times before I gave up and forgot what all colors I used, whoops.

Anyway, you're here for the base, not my rambling, so here you go!



"But, Cyan!" you say, "That's not very bright like fluorite at all!"
Very well, concerned Lioden citizen. Let's call it a pastel fluorite. I hope you enjoyed it regardless!

Alternate Name Options:

Sorry the lineart got chopped a little!

I was thinking Black Light Special, Solid would be gr8 but if it has to be Countershaded, so be it! Alternately, if we needed another Cream Special, I could live with it. Thanks for looking!

Here are some stock images of rainbow fluorite if you've never seen it, absolutely stunning stone! I wasn't able to find any good stock images of pastel fluorite that it's based on, but a quick Google image search will show you some absolutely lovely ones!



If you no support, please let me know WHY, I can't fix it if I don't know! ^-^

This suggestion has 240 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/12/20 @ 19:11:08 by Cyanide 🌻 {G1 Bast} (#27473)

Cyanide πŸŒ’ {Cream
Lover} (#27473)

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Posted on
2021-02-01 01:26:45
I'm so happy with how the art team rendered the base πŸ’•

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R3AP3R (#181623)

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Posted on
2021-02-01 06:53:39
It doesnt have green or blue really in it like fluorite has.

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Cyanide πŸŒ’ {Cream
Lover} (#27473)

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Posted on
2021-02-01 11:44:33
It was added as Kunzite anyway so doesn't matter- but if you check the comments on the first page you'll see I mentioned I wanted more green in it and welcomed mock-ups ^-^

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