Posted by [Nov] Fossilized Battle Beetles!

Mandala_Side (#84114)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 19:16:16
I'm not sure which board to post this in, so I'm posting it in the event board!

Very, very recently, scientists discovered some 99 million year old insects perfectly preserved in amber in Myanmar. Apparently there were some Cuckoo Wasps, some beetles, and a single soldier fly. In this suggestion I will be discussing the wasps and the beetles, but I'll have to update later with more info on the beetles, since my source only talked about the wasps.

Now, what's so cool about these wasps? Well, other than existing during the dinosaur golden age AND being perfectly preserved, they're brightly colored. Peacock green and shades of metallics. I'll be posting pics when I have the ability.

Since November is the fossil month, I figured it'd be a great opportunity to add more beetles!


This suggestion has 30 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/08/20 @ 16:10:30 by a Moderator

The Empty Kingdom (#152275)

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Posted on
2020-07-01 14:41:23
I'm normally against adding more beetle species til more is done with the ones we have, but I'd make an exception for these. Major support

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