Posted by Daily enclave quests (or slightly shorter cooldown

Keet (#70738)

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Posted on
2020-07-04 11:13:50
Having enclave quests reset daily like snake quests makes more sense than a 24-hour timer. Most game features such as event quests, trivia answers/serengeti shuffle/reptile roundup, and account limits operate on a per-rollover basis. Players would still get one quest per day but at any time, which would be a lot more convenient than waiting for a timer.

My original suggestion: The gorilla enclave cooldown is currently twenty-four hours. If it were two or four hours less, we could take the quest in the morning/whenever convenient then take the quest the next day at the same time. It'd be really nice to be able to take the quest at a regular time and not have to worry about being an hour or two later, since the cooldown would provide a buffer. Personally, I end up missing the enclave quest every three to five days to "reset" my cooldown.
Taking four or even two hours off the cooldown shouldn't significantly impact the value of monkey teeth as four hours is only a 16.7% and two a 8.3% reduction in wait time; players wouldn't gain a huge amount of currency but might find the enclave quests more convenient as they can be included in a daily routine with other features that roll over daily or on a shorter cooldown (snake and event quests, cub training, SB raffle, etc.). A slightly shorter cooldown or even daily rollover wouldn't inflate prices but would make enclave a little more convenient.

Let me know what you think; thank you for your time :)

My suggestions masterpost

TLDR: Make the cooldown for gorilla enclave reset daily (or change it to 20-22 hours).

This suggestion has 44 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/12/21 @ 21:23:29 by Keet (#70738)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2020-07-04 11:35:28
It's always been a 24 hour cooldown, (since the original news post), but still I would support a small reduction.

I remember changing it to a per rollover rather than 24 hour system was suggested a few years ago. I was initially against it, but I would actually be very much in favour of that now.

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Keet [frozen] (#67097)

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Posted on
2020-07-04 13:11:14
@Myriad Whaaat I could have sworn it was less. I'm shook. Edited, thank you for the much-needed reference

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⚔️ TriRosRa (#122111)

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Posted on
2021-07-25 11:43:20
Great idea! Was thinking about this myself, as I keep dragging them later and later until I’m staying up just for the quest… real life interferes

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Keet (#70738)

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Posted on
2021-07-25 12:00:09
Thank you! I edited the suggestion to emphasize daily quests rather than a shortened cooldown, as that seems more practical

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