Posted by Personality-based Explore Encounters

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2020-07-05 13:59:32
It would be interesting to have a couple new explore encounters/flavor texts based on your king’s personality. You wouldn’t get anything special from these encounters; they’d just be fun little flavor texts.


Protective: “You find a small beetle flipped over on its back. Aw, poor thing! You help it flip back over before you continue exploring.”

Loner: “You decide to take a different path today. Your usual route seems a bit too busy.”

Fatherly: “You spot a group of your lionesses hunting a gazelle. You remember when they were just little cubs; look how well they’ve grown!”

Hyperactive: “You spot a small rabbit sprinting away from you. Is this a challenge to a race?”

All suggestions welcome!

This suggestion has 35 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Mwothyman (#138189)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:22:42
Perhaps with Heartless, the explore encounter is something along the lines of

"You see one of your lionesses covering something up with dirt. Perhaps it was one of the pride members you had killed. Your eyes narrow as you see a lion walk over, asking if she's alright. Rather rudely, you step forward with a loud roar."

Which would then prompt the attack or warn button, with the warn button it would be like

"You glare at the lion until he leaves, and you turn to nudge your pride member back to your lands. You'll figure out a punishment later"

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