Posted by 🦁Lion Sales - Stats&Muties🦁 [12/17 NEW]

Vitani[1.5k CLEAN
Cracked Ice] (#57775)

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Posted on
2020-07-10 02:54:43

AD: CHECK OUT MY TIGON CUB RAFFLE! 5 total winners - GB, Mutie, & Item prizes!

♥ ALL 1k - 2.6k stat ADULTS have been moved HERE for reverse breedings, but you CAN still buy the lion. Cubs/Adols are still listed here.
♥ These are a mix of auctions and flat sales. Muties and special bases/CLEAN lions are listed first and usually as an auction, followed by the high stat lions which are always above 1k and usually under 3 years. Some statters are listed as flat sales but I may accept a reasonable offer on them.
CLICK HERE to see more rare based and my other lions that don't fit this criteria.
Flat sales: Whoever claims it first, gets it. Winner has until trade expires before it's re-listed. Flat sales are somewhat negotiable so don't be afraid to ask! :)
Auctions: Auctions ends when AB or 2 days without other bids. Winner also has until trade expires before it's relisted. Please only bid what you can afford. AB high to encourage bidding! If two people are actively bidding and the AB is surpassed, bidding will continue until someone concedes.
I may also accept items for the lion that aren't posted below, so feel free to ask.
Thank you to Kate ❄ x3 Rosette Elysian #147488 for the css!


Feel free to ask about applicators I accept!


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Edited on 10/01/21 @ 05:44:22 by Vitani [2.4k Slender Ice NSR] (#57775)

Vitani[1.5k CLEAN
Cracked Ice] (#57775)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-12-11 13:07:39
Gotcha down, Kenai. Thanks!

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