-LOCKED - Community Update #75!
Posted on 2020-07-24 19:41:48

Community Update
As we mentioned before, aside from event news and the 2nd Friday of the month being focused on coding/art updates all at once, all other Fridays are centered around the community!


Official Lioden Raffle

LINK - This is our Official Lioden Raffle. Everyone gets a chance to win a rare prize, plus something extra for any runner ups. These raffles have a very minimal ticket price, and there is a limit of 1 ticket per account to make it fair! Good luck!
This raffle will automatically end on 2020-07-31 00:00:00.


Art and Coding Bug Fixes

* A minor typo within the Glimpse of the Alternate section of the Scrying Stone—"moments preview" has been adjusted to "moment's preview"
* Adult male lions with the Blind mutation will now no longer have the mutation art lay over their mane shapes
* Eating and giving beetles to the kittengarden will now give proper karma gains and losses towards July NPC quests
* Fixed hoard sorting not taking filtered category into account
* Fixed incoming/outgoing stud and heat requests from having their buttons obscured by message text (if present)
* Fixed smudge on Face of Bast decor for Adult Male Regal
* Grandpaws and submales will no longer be referred to as lionesses when viewing their "Cubs Sired" pages
* Grandpaws sacrificed to the Celestial Stone will now properly register as "Deceased" in King Dynasties
* Grandpaws that run away and are never reclaimed will now properly register as "Deceased" in King Dynasties
* Backgrounds and decors will no longer be stuck in the void when grandpaws naturally die, are sent to the King Dynasty, run away and are never reclaimed, or are sacrificed to the Celestial Stone; equipped items will return to your hoard (or be destroyed if they had 0 uses remaining)
* The "Overgrazed Woodland" encounter now only shows one Cow Skull image as a reward, rather than two
* Referring a new player will no longer send you a Game Notification from your own account saying you've referred yourself
* Viewing the Terms of Service quiz page while logged out no longer gives an "HTTP ERROR 500" page
* Viewing another player's Pride Overview will properly link to their king at the top of the page


Raffle Lioness

Congrats 💕Hug me I'm squishy!~🐾 (#64410)! You have won last week's Goridhe lady, woo!
A new Sapela lady with Dark Brown Rogue, Feline 9 Dark Brown, and the twelfth Coffee Bay background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area linked here!

Poll Results - We're happy to see that you guys would love an explore encounter featuring Ukuveza, only visible for those of you that completed the Journey to Vredefort Crater. If you don't know who they are, you can either wait until you reach that step of the quest, or preview them on the wiki! We'll see what we can come up with!

NEW POLL - LIONS LOVE TASTY MEAT nomnomnom. What's the tastiest meat for lions?


Next Development Update: August 14th!

Friday goofy doodle comic:


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stellar (#165218)

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Posted on
2020-07-27 09:14:15
W o n d e r f u l

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Kat (#212727)

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Posted on
2020-07-28 08:04:26
Nice! Congratulations to the winner

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quokka || G2 Strat
Ferus || (#197760)

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Posted on
2020-07-28 16:06:42
omg the comic

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Kaage_Alpha_Lioness (#211163)

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Posted on
2020-07-30 19:16:11
Cool and Funny Awesome Comic! Nice to see Activity on here!

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