Posted by BOB Breed Only Stud Master List

Dalton ๐Ÿ–ค ORCHID
RIME MACHINE (#149529)

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Posted on
2020-08-11 11:01:22
BOB Breed Only King Masterlist

How to Post Your Studs: Copy the form below and post a comment. Please specify if a raffle clone Updated once a week. Dalton will be only updating with quality BO studs.

Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color:
Markings: (Note rare slots if important)

BO Kings
OMEN from Pardus #78386
BASE: Ebony
EYES: Draconid
MANE: Incubus, Ebony
NOTABLE BO MARKS: lot 1: Marigold Inverted Zebra
Slot 2: Marigold Crackle, Slot 3: Lilac Pelage,Slot 4: Marigold Soft Unders, Slot 5: Feline 7 Gold, Slot 6: Dim Noctis, Slot 7: Gold Rosette, Slot 8: Inverted Soft Rosette Saffron, Slot 9: Feline 8 Noctis, Slot 10: Silky Underfelt

Tethys from Allen #130883
BASE: Ivory
EYES: Apricot
MANE: Barbary, Cream Lighter
CLEAN: Gen 2
NOTABLE BO MARKS: Slot 1: White Rims, Slot 2: Feline 8 Noctis, Slot 5: Shell Soft Unders, Slot 6: Cream Margay, Slot 7: Feline 8 Ginger, Slot 8: White Inverted Zebra, Slot 9: Gold Panther, Slot 10: Vitiligo 6

bee from Oeachmilk #130338
BASE: Dhahabi
EYES: Mist
MANE: Thick, Sienna
CLEAN: Gen 1
NOTABLE BO MARKS: Slot 3: Gold Shroud, Slot 5: Vitiligo, Slot 8: Marigold Underfelt, Slot 9: Bone Inverted Zebra < (below 130 lions), Slot 10: Bone Soft Unders (below 200 lions)

Aurelie from Kaiiba #29094
BASE: Xanthic
EYES: Peridot
MANE: Incubus, Fulvous
MUTATION: Piebald, Light
CLEAN: Gen 3
NOTABLE BO MARKS:Slot 1: Gold Brindle (100%), Slot 2: Feline 2 Gold (100%), Slot 3: Feline 1 Ginger (30%), Slot 5: Marigold Soft Unders (100%), Slot 6: Feline 8 Dark Brown (57%) (less than 200 alive, 3 studs, only 1 active), Slot 7: White Underfelt (100%), Slot 9: Gold Panther (100%), Slot 10: Quartz Soft Unders (70%) (less than 300 alive, 5 active studs)

Selaphiel the Edge Lord from Ignite #159174
BASE: Kimanjano
EYES: Dawn
MANE: Royal, Noctis
MUTATION: Patches, Uneven
CLEAN: Gen 2
NOTABLE BO MARKS:Slot 1: Inverted Heavy Rosette White (100%), Slot 2: Black Pelage (25%), Slot 5: Inverted Rosette gold (1%), Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (1%), Slot 7: Feline 5 Dark Brown (15%), Slot 8: Feline 8 Black (20%), Slot 9: Ebony Heavy Rosette (100%), Slot 10: Cream Rosette (13%)

Amity Blight from Amethyst #3406
BASE: Maroon
EYES: Amethyst
MANE: Regal, Fiery
MUTATION: Patches (Frontal)
CLEAN: Gen 1
NOTABLE BO MARKS: Slot 1: Feline 3 Gold, Slot 2: Lilac Crumbing, Slot 3: Dorsal Line, Slot 4: Feline 8 Silky, Slot 5: Quartz Lace, Slot 6: Vitiligo 5, Slot 8: Bone Undertone

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Edited on 02/04/21 @ 13:07:47 by Dal 1st Gen Heavy F1-F9 (#149529)

chia [G2 Ely 2x Ros
Harlequin] (#840)

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Posted on
2020-09-09 15:19:34
Name: Nikita
Base: Snowflake
Eyes: Cosmic
Mane Shape/Color: Savage/Frostbitten (Working on changing Mane type to Incubus)
Slot 3: Celestial Shine (100%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Feline 8 Noctis (100%)
Slot 10: White Mottled Vents (100%)
Clean: Yes

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Snowcat14-G1 4.8.22
RLC Pie (#53580)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-09-09 15:24:36
Name: *Perseid
Base: Arabica
Eyes: Jasper
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Barbary Slate

Slot 3: Vitiligo 3 (33%)
Slot 4: Vitiligo 1 (22%)
Slot 5: Feline 4 Noctis (46%)
Slot 6: Vitiligo 9 (50%)
Slot 8: Vitiligo 7 (100%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (55%)

Clean: YES-Heritageless

Name: *Etain
Base: Topaz
Eyes: Banana
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Sideburn Sepia

Slot 3: White Undershine (33%)
Slot 4: Feline 8 Gold (48%)
Slot 5: Feline 1 Gold (52%)
Slot 6: Bone Soft Unders (50%)
Slot 7: Gold Brindle (59%)
Slot 9: Feline 9 Gold (100%)
Slot 10: Dim Gold (36%)

Clean: Yes- G2 Shreds

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Edited on 10/09/20 @ 21:31:11 by Snowcat14-Arabica-clean (#53580)

{8Bo Fiery} (#124346)

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Posted on
2020-09-09 15:43:03
Name: Val Velvetine
Base: Haze
Eyes: Ice
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Razor // Lilac

Slot 1: Maofelis Lilac (74%) ~ (only 5 other kings in game)
Slot 2: Sunrise Margay (100%) ~ (only 15 other kings in game)
Slot 3: White Marbled Underglaze (100%) ~ (only 11 other kings in game)
Slot 4: Feline 9 Ebony (100%) ~ (only 1 other king in game)
Slot 10: White Mottled Fissures (57%)

Clean: Clean G5 Primal
Link: Come check him out!

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Mouse ||BLM|| (#174885)

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Posted on
2020-09-09 15:46:02

Name: Wilde IV
Base: Topaz
Eyes: Apricot
Skin: Peach
Mane Shape/Color: Tsavo Pearl

Markings: Rare Slot, less than 100 lions
Slot 4: Feline 3 Gold (10%)
Slot 5: Feline 5 Gold (39%)
Slot 7: Shell Lace (18%)
Slot 9: Cream Margay (32%)
Slot 10: Bone Soft Unders (9%)

Clean: No
Note: Please read stud rules!

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Windsy ๐ŸŒบ {G4
Leonid Daedal} (#111933)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-09-09 18:14:53
Name: Eternity Sky
Base: Leonid
Eyes: Dioptase
Mane Shape/Color: Tufted Penumbra
Slot 1: Hyena Spots Scarce White (69%)
Slot 4: Cloudburst Mist (98%)
Slot 5: Sunset Crackle (98%)
Slot 9: White Eyebrows (21%)
Slot 10: Nimravus White (54%)

Clean: Clean G4 Daedal
Link: Eternity Sky

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2020-09-09 19:16:35
Name: MorgaineLeFae
Base: Stratosphere
Eyes: Starshine
Mane Shape/Color: Normal, Penumbra
Slot 1: Noctis Zebra
Slot 2: Ice Crackle
Slot 3: Noctis Ghost Fetalis
Slot 7: Feline 6 Ebony
Slot 8: Feralis Lilac
Clean: Gen. 2

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Ryvnspirit{Resolute} (#61933)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-09-10 09:38:43
Both my lions have a 50sb refund for clan members you just have to leave a message in the box when requesting

Name: Neji III
Base: Chartreux
Eyes: Mist
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Blade/Chartreux
Markings: (Note rare slots if important)
Slot 1: Cloudburst Shroud (100%)
Slot 2: Blue Lace (100%)
Slot 3: Prune Siamese (100%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (75%)
Slot 5: Feline 4 Onyx (54%)
Slot 6: Feline 1 Onyx (31%)
Slot 7: Feline 7 Onyx (100%)
Slot 8: Feline 5 Onyx (68%)
Slot 9: Feline 3 Onyx (31%)
Slot 10: Hyena Stripes Heavy White (100%)
Slot 11: Onyx Cheetah Royal (100%)
Slot 12: Feline 8 Ebony (100%)
Slot 13: Quartz Feline Unders (16%)
Clean: no but am replacing with clean in 2 weeks

Name: Gaara VI
Base: Cinnabar
Eyes: Bismuth
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Diabolic/Bloodborne
Markings: (Note rare slots if important)
Slot 1: Red Lace (100%)
Slot 2: Maroon Coat (20%)
Slot 3: Blazing Points (100%)
Slot 4: Under White 7 (33%)
Slot 5: Noctis Cheetah Heavy (100%)
Slot 6: Onyx Cheetah Heavy (70%)
Slot 7: Lilac Lace (100%)
Slot 8: Immolation Feline (90%)
Slot 9: Guardian Vitiligo (90%)
Slot 10: Celestial Speckles (100%)
Slot 11: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (90%)
Clean: yes

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Classic {Velvet
X3ros} (#115900)

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Posted on
2020-09-10 11:54:11
Name: Dior
Base: Velvet
Eyes: Dawn
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Thick // Augur

Slot 2: Sunrise Margay (100%)
Slot 5: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%)
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)

Clean: no
Link: 1K Velvet 3x ros Fissure

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2020-09-10 12:04:14

Name | Theodas II

Base | Skyward

Eyes | Dawn

Mane Shape/Color | Barbary Skyward

Markings |
Slot 1: Skyward Shine (49%)
Slot 2: Vitiligo 2 (100%)

Slot 3: Ebony Rugged Rump (100%)
Slot 4: Ebony Rugged Face (100%)
Slot 5: Ebony Rugged Back (90%)
*Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 7: Skyward Crumbing (38%)
Slot 8: Feline 5 Ebony (100%)

Slot 9: White Marbled Unders (65%)
Slot 10: White Mottled Fissures (100%)

Clean | Not atm, but 6k slender c: dont kill me

Link | clicky VVV !! Capture.png

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๐Ÿ Lemon Boy ๐Ÿ (#192079)

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Posted on
2020-09-11 14:11:11
Name: ๐ŸŒบ Flower ๐ŸŒบ
Base: Dhahabi
Eyes: Glass
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Scarce Fulvous
Markings: (Note rare slots if important)
Slot 1: Bone Rims
S2: Feline 8 Noctis
S3: Clay Panther
S4: Under White 6
S5: Marigold Soft Unders
S6: Vitiligo 5
S7: Feline 8 Ginger
S8: Marigold Underfelt
S9: White Soft Unders
S10: Royal Underfelt
Clean: yes, 4th gen mosaic(soon to be 2nd gen light)

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Dalton ๐Ÿ–ค ORCHID
RIME MACHINE (#149529)

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Posted on
2020-09-17 11:48:06
Peachmilk: Added
Amethyst: Added
Allen: Added
Ignite: Added
Aurelie: Added

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โ˜˜ Helixagonal โ˜˜ (#179815)

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Posted on
2020-09-17 13:24:45
Name: Bermuda
Base: Leonid
Eyes: Bismuth
Skin: (if not BO leave blank)
Mane Shape/Color: Incubus Styx
Markings: (Note rare slots if important)
Slot 1: Noctis Hindquarters (30%)
SLot 2: Sunset Lace (70%)
Slot 4: Coral Unders (90%)
Slot 5: White Frosting (65%)
Slot 6: Feline 2 Elysian (100%)
Slot 7: White Blaze (65%)
Slot 9: Feline 9 Elysian (100%)
Slot 10: Feline 8 Elysian (100%)
Slot 11: Under White 4 (70%)
Slot 18: Arctic Smoke (30%)
Clean: Yes (4g)

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Roary โ€ (#17357)

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Posted on
2020-09-17 13:26:05
Name: Linden
Base: Supernal
Eyes: Blue
Mane Shape/Color: Savage/Ebony
Slot 1: Feline 6 Ebony (73%)
Slot 2: Noctis Cover (60%)
Slot 3: Feline 2 Ebony (56%)
Slot 7: Dark Brown Puma (63%)
Slot 8: White Feline Unders (100%)
Slot 9: Noctis Shell (60%)
Slot 10: Noctis Margay (100%)
Clean: No

Oops... Supernal isn't a breed only base Anyway this can be deleted??

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Edited on 17/09/20 @ 13:34:06 by Roary (#17357)

Luminence (#97819)

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Posted on
2020-09-17 13:46:03
Name: Nordlys V
Base: Haze
Eyes: Dawn
Mane Shape/Color: Incubus/Lilac
Slot 1: Current RMA slot
Slot 2: White Reverse Vitiligo Mash (51%)
Slot 3: Frostbitten Inverted Quagga (78%)
Slot 4: Guardian Crackle (67%)
Slot 5: Vitiligo 5 (54%)
Slot 6: Feralis Onyx (99%)
Slot 7: Clay Quagga (36%)
Slot 8: Frostbitten Dapple (89%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (72%)
Slot 10: Vitiligo 6 (97%)
Clean: Heritageless
Mutation: Piebald (Frail)
Link: Nordlys V

NB! Some of his markings are subject to change, currently the active RMA slot is slot 1. He will most likely be replaced with a 2G clean piebald soon ^^'

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Vox (G1 Ice Ennedi
8BO++++) (#180685)

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Posted on
2020-09-17 13:55:30
Name: Aether Aeternus

Base: Interstellar

Eyes: Dawn

Mane Shape/Color: Diabolic/Astral

Notable Markings: Maofelis Noctis, White Mottled Vents, Mottled Rosette, Noctis Soft Rosette, Nimravus Noctis, Noctis Heavy Rosette

Clean: Yes, Gen2

Mutation: Patches Uneven

Link: Aether Aeternus

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