Posted by Badly Describe A Movie

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🔪 (#207714)

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Posted on
2020-08-31 21:07:54
Just like the title says, badly describe a movie you watched! It can be any movie at all! Make sure to add the name of the movie after the description
I'll start!

The title character is a hot, fancy demon who doesn't get any lines (and who I may have a crush on.) The actual main characters are all girls and all of them die except for the little sister of one of the main characters, who goes into a coma and then has a vision of her sister turning into a tree and wakes up screeching her sisters name.

It's the Slender Man movie. Don't kill me, but it's my favorite movie :D

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Swift Strike (#227360)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-30 17:48:38
the price of paper increases which causes a bunch of poor boys to go on strike while also singing and dancing through the entire movie

The Newsies

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