Posted by We Are What Remains (Semi lit/lit WC RP) OPEN

Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 13:09:34

We Are What Remains
RP Thread

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Edited on 22/10/20 @ 16:53:11 by Lousyfern (#95107)

✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:38:36
Minkleap | 17 moons | Female | Warrior | Location: Camp | Mentions: Baywish

Minkleap snorted. "As if, you? Beat a WindClan cat? Ha! Don't make me laugh." she grinned smugly, but gasped as he splashed her. "Eep!" she shook out her pelt, matted with water. "Oh, you'll regret that!" she laughed, bouncing toward him and clamoring him with her forepaws, knocking him over. "Take that! Just like when we were kits~" she giggled. "And for the record, my dearest brother, I am TOTALLY faster than you, that race was unfair!" she smiled, getting off him and letting him up. "Ah...the water is refreshing. But why don't we dry off then head toward that twolegplace?" she chuckled, padding to the shore and fluffing her fur out in an attempt to dry herself a little.

"Hey, maybe we'll even get into a scrap with a kittypet!" she aimed playful blows at the air. "Take that, and that! Hah hah!"

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:40:50

Duskkit | 2 Weeks | She-kit | Kit | Location: Nursery | Mentions: Shadowspade, Robinkit, Darkcreek, Ashtail

Duskkit was fast asleep, curled up under her mothers dark furred tail. She'd twitch a tiny tabby paw everyone in a while, or let out a little mewl as she dreamed. However, upon hearing Robinkits distressed mew, Duskkit soon found herself wide awake, blue eyes wide with fear. She couldn't see any threat, so what had scared her sister?
She noticed Robinkits dark figure laying close by her, and she followed her blue gaze to the nursery entrance. It didn't take her long to notice Darkcreek. She'd never seen this she-cat before, and she now understood why her sister had been alarmed.
Quickly wiggling closer to her mother and sister, she borrowed between their two bodies, shyly peering out from behind the mass of dark fur.
She listened to her mothers words, relaxing a bit, knowing that this new cat, Darkcreek, was not a threat. She also heard her fathers name, and she began to wiggle around in excitement. "Is papa coming?"

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:45:05
Robinkit | 2 Weeks | Female | Kit | Location: Nursery | Mentions: Shadowspade, Duskkit, Darkcreek, Ashtail

Robinkit's ears perked up as she heard Ashtail's name called, as well. She crawled out from under Shadowspade's tail and smiled brightly. "Papa! Papa papa papa!" she grinned to Duskkit, completely forgetting about Darkcreek's presence as she was now focused on Ashtail's possible appearance. "Where is he? Where's Papa?" she glanced around as if he might pop out of anywhere. The confused kit stared up at her mother, eyes wide.

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Lexie (The Mutie
Dumpster) (#206054)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:49:05
Shadowspade | 30 moons | She-cat | Queen | Location: Nursery| Mentions: Robinkit, Duskkit, Darkcreek

She nuzzled Duskkit, "No my darling kits, Papa's hunting right now. I was just asking Darkcreek here if she would send him in here when he gets back." She explained to her daughters, then had an idea, "How about a game of catch the tail?" She suggested, flicking her tail around. She nuzzled Robinkit and Duskkit, then remembered the still-born tom that would have been their bother. A dark haze hung over Shadowspade, but she shook off the gloom, smiling at her surviving kits

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:52:45

Baywish | 18 Moons | Tom | Warrior | Location: Forest | Mentions: Minkleap

Baywish splashed around in the water, paws thrashing around as he toppled over. He was submerged in water for moment, but resurfaced quickly. Water streaming down his face, covering his eyes, he whipped his head back in forth, shaking water droplets everywhere. Hesitantly he opened his eyes, making sure no water would get in them, before looking around for Minkleap. He noticed her already heading back towards shore. Reluctant to leave the water, Baywish began to follow after he slowly, he froze however, as she mentioned two-leg place. Is she serious?
Picking up the speed, he bounded out of the stream, soaking the ground as he padded to a grassy spot. His whole body was soaked, and he felt a thousand pounds heavier with his thick coat full of water.
"Are you sure we should go there just on our own? I mean, shouldn't we bring someone else with us, just in case?" He had no idea what to expect in two-leg place, and although he would hate to admit it, he was scared. Excited, but scared. "What if we're not even suppose to go there? I mean, no ones ever really talked about it, but still."

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:55:26
Hollowstep| 67 Moons | Female | former ShadowClan medicine cat| Location: Outside Camp | Mentions: Cinderpaw, Meadowstar, Hawkstone

She turned to the cat the leader had spoken was injured- they looked fine to her, bad but not as bad as other injuries she had seen. Enough for her to do some work and try to heal them- not the kind of thing she would tell a cat to just walk off. The others...

“I can take care of this. You think you’ll be strong enough to make your way back?” She asked the injured warrior, tilting her head a bit as she spoke. “As for the rest of you- anybody who wants your wounds treated, you go to my den. Wait there until the more urgent injuries are taken care of.” Maybe she would be able to try out her new herbs on some of them.

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:59:12
Minkleap | 17 moons | Female | Warrior | Location: Camp | Mentions: Baywish

Minkleap scoffed. "You're right, no one talks about it! So all the more reason to go explore it! Can you imagine what we might find? Twolegs? Rouges? Kittypets? Loners? The possibilities are endless! We might even see a monster! I heard that they stay outside of twoleg nests and sleep! What if we got to see a sleeping monster, that'd be SO cool! And twoleg nests- I've wanted to explore one since Lanternpaw came back from one alive! He told me all this awesome stuff-" she trailed off as she noticed Baywish didn't seem as excited. "Baywish? Helloo? Doesn't it sound fun? We may make history, some of the only cats to return from a twoleg nest unharmed! Wouldn't that be so cool?"

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 12:59:14

Duskkit | 2 Weeks | She-kit | Kit | Location: Nursery | Mentions: Shadowspade, Robinkit, Ashtail

"Awwww, I want Papa." Duskkit whined, voice full of disappointment. However, the sour mood didn't last long. At her mothers mention of catch the tail, all thoughts of disappointment were gone. She did not have a huge attention span.
"Yay!" Watching Shadowspades tail with wide, round eyes, she stayed still for a moment, before pouncing. She felt fur beneath her paws, and began to chew and scratch at what she believed to be her mothers tail. Instead, she had caught Robinkit. Completely oblivious to the fact that she was gnawing on her sisters ear and not her mothers tail, she smiled triumphantly. "Gotcha!"

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:04:01
Wolfbreeze | 26 moons | Female | Warrior | Location: Moor | Mentions: Cinderpaw, Meadowstar, Hawkstone, Hollowstep

Wolfbreeze gave a hesitant nod, setting off to return to camp. Something was odd about Hollowstep, she just couldn't quite put her claw on it. The young warrior sighed, deciding the thought could wait for later. There were more serious things to attend to right now, namely getting her injuries healed. Her back was burning like crazy and every step hurt. She still padded home at a quick pace nonetheless, walking right through the entrance and heading straight for the medicine cats' den. She sat down just inside, pausing to lick her wounds. It stung and ached, but she knew she'd done if for the clan. She'd helped Meadowstar and the others, and that was worth any injury.

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:06:57
Robinkit | 2 Weeks | Female | Kit | Location: Nursery | Mentions: Shadowspade, Duskkit

Robinkit was ready to pounce at Shadowspade's tail when she felt a gummy mouth snatch her ear. "Owww! Duskkit, that's my ear!" she wailed, battering at Duskkit with her soft forepaws. "Go chew your own ear!" she giggled, sticking her tongue out at her sister before returning her attention to the wavering tail before her. "...and the great hunter stalks her prey!" she mewed, stalking forward in a clumsy crouch, waving her butt in the air.

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:10:05

Baywish | 18 Moons | Tom | Warrior | Location: Forest | Mentions: Minkleap

Baywish listened in silence, not totally convinced it was a good idea. It sounded fun, and the adventurous side of him said 'do it", but he worried about what the others might say when they returned. We've never been told not to...
Puffing out his fur and giving it a good shake, he made up his mind. "Alright, I can't say it doesn't sound fun! Buuuuut, if we get into trouble over this, I'm totally blaming it all on you." Smiling jokingly at Minkleap, he turned to groom his wet fur. He knew he'd never let her take all the fall, even if it was her idea.
After giving himself a thorough grooming, he figure his fur was as dry as it was gonna get. It was tolerable at least. He rose to his paws, giving his pelt another shake. It was getting late in the day, and if they were to be back before nightfall, he figured they should head out as soon as possible. "You ready?"

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Lexie (The Mutie
Dumpster) (#206054)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:10:21
Shadowspade | 30 moons | She-cat | Queen | Location: Nursery| Mentions: Robinkit, Duskkit, Darkcreek

Shadowspade busted out laughing, "Duskkit, that is your sister's ear!" She said, still giggling. Though it hurt when they gnawed on her tail, she enjoyed watching them play. Shadowspade flicked her tail again, waiting for the kits to pounce again. She giggled at Robinkit wagging her butt in the air, *Oh well, at least they are still cute.* She thought as she slowly moved her tail away from Duskkit and closer to Robinkit,

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:21:59

Drizzleface | 32 Moons | She-cat | Medicine Cat | Location: Outside Camp, Camp, Med Den | Mentions: Novasong, Wolfpaw, Wolfbreeze

Drizzleface leaped off the boulder, landing gracefully on the leaf covered ground. She waved her tail at Novasong and Wolfpaw, thanking them for the company. I really should get to my duties now though. She padded the short distance to the camp entrance, slipping inside. It was mostly empty, save for a few warriors lazily grooming themselves in the afternoon sun. It looks so peaceful. She ducked into the small entrance of her den, stepping inside to immediately be stung in the nose by the strong metallic scent of blood. Great Starclan, what happened?
As her eyes adjusted to the dark light in the den, she noticed Wolfbreeze, a previous Riverclan warrior, sitting inside licking her wounds. "Wolfbreeze? I'll help you in just a moment!" She didn't bother to ask what happened. Right now, she need to focus on stopping the wounds from bleeding.
The white furred molly ran past the injured warrior to her herb store, quickly grabbing a wad of cobwebs wrapped around a stick.
"Where are you hurt?" She returned to the grey she-cats side quickly, already noticing multiple bites and scratches along her sides. Oh my, those look like they came from foxes!

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Edited on 12/09/20 @ 13:22:16 by Lousyfern (#95107)

✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:22:39
Minkleap | 17 moons | Female | Warrior | Location: Forest, Twoleg Place | Mentions: Baywish

"Heck yeah! There's my Baywish!" Minkleap grinned. "I've never been readier. Let's go!" without further warning, she shot off in the direction of the Twoleg Place, following the stream as she went. Her fur was still sopping wet but she didn't mind or care very much. She was much too excited to be heading off on an adventure with Baywish. She slowed down a bit as the large fences guarding the border of the Twoleg nests came into view. She paused once she was a few tail-lengths away. "Here it is!" Minkleap gazed on in awe. "It looks just like the ones that were near the Carrionplace!" she smiled fondly, wondering once again about Jack. Had he realized the clans had left? Nah, probably not. She shrugged it off, bunching down and leaping up on a fencepost. "Oh wow! The view from here is amazing! Look, I can see a monster path just beyond these twoleg nests!" her eyes practically lit up from excitement as she surveyed the surroundings. "There's a dog over there in that twoleg nest, but it looks small. As long as we avoid it we should be fine." she noted, glancing around to see if she could spot anything else of concern.

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✧Kassi✧ G3 Penta
Dawn Ferus (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-09-12 13:25:42
Wolfbreeze | 26 moons | Female | Warrior | Location: Camp | Mentions: Cinderpaw, Meadowstar, Hawkstone, Drizzleface

"Uh...well it hurts everywhere..." Wolfbreeze admitted to Drizzleface, wincing. "Though my back hurts the worst." Her back was throbbing. "The others are right behind me, Hollowstep stopped to help them I think and I returned home. There was a fox invasion not too far from here, near the moor. There were four of them but we sent their sorry tails high-tailing it home!" she grunted.

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