Posted by Double Uterus/lion scrote

Jai|Elyx2Ros|5.4K| (#153320)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2020-09-23 10:42:32
Usually, when it comes to things like this i let RNG gods bless or curse me.

However since the drop passing rate when using a Lion scrotum was lowered to 5% and not specified [In the item description], I find it odd that it was dropped as low as Hybrid passing rates. Hybrids do not require items to pass, and in all honesty, was cheaper for me to breed.

If DU's could naturally pass at 5% I would not mind, however as a player who recently got into breeding mutations and not knowing the 5% deal for lion scrotes specifically for DU's, was a bit upsetting when paying a 25% worth of scrote [har har].

When breeding a hybrid, i use a single Buffy scrote, because nothing else raises my chances. so that will be around 20/30GB depending on the time.

When breeding a DU-I use, again, a buffy scrote, but also REQUIRED to use a lion scrote to pass, even though the passing rate for the hybrid is the same. Keep in mind that this mutation also, obviously requires cubs to be female to pass, so unless you spend even more GB on a great tit, you may have an all male litter [Yes, that's happened to me] Which is fine, however it stresses even more that DU breeding for me, is more stressful and disappointing than a Pon or Gon. [Not to say hybrids are less stressful, but for me personally they are for the GB reason]

I also understand, that not all breeders, breed their hybrids or DUs the way i may, but i breed them in the cheapest way possible, in max amount of chances that i have.

I guess-technically this is me suggesting to not require Lion scrotums for DU's IF the passing rate stays at 5% and allow it to pass naturally, OR to somewhat raise the % of the effective passing rate on the Lion scrotum for DU's, Especially when buying a scrote that says its 25%.

This suggestion has 57 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2020-09-27 11:37:43
I completely agree! I've spent hundreds, HUNDREDS of dollars to get nothing mut mane mut girls. I wasn't aware at all of the nerf! Lion scrotes costs $15 for an item that I thought gave me a 1/4 chance to get a DU.. what a scam.

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