Posted by New mutie idea!

Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 04:38:26
Sorry for reposting this! I know i flagged it for deletion but i just had to give it another try!

So basically the idea is basically a non lethal-ish conjoined twin where one half is a different gender from the other, also each half doesn't have the same markings but will but not always have the same eye color, they both have different personalities and have a 1/30 cub chance of reaching to adult hood. Since they are both genders they can patrol and hunt. They can even impregnate themselfves (if the mods allow it) or just be infertile. Their life span is up to 4 years min since they might end up killing each other anyways.
 i forgot to add the part where most of their offspring died or something and they ARE rare , maybe rarer than a male tortie or something, so basically here's the summary:

One side is always a different gender than the other, both having traits for both female and male and uses the term They, she, him, etc. They are rarer than a male tortie and are usally infertile. Since they are both genders they can both patrol and hunt, When breeding them keep in mind that all their offspring has a 99% chance of dying. Their lifespan is 1-4 years due to their mut and they will most likely kill their sibling anyways. Also their birth is random and they cannot pass down their gene. So like two dwarf cats can have a conjoined cub. I also came up with a name idea for it, "Conjoined chimerias" 

But they should make them infertile, they cannot be nammed king sadly, just able to hunt and patrol, though you can only assign them to the hunting role OR the sub male patrol per "conjoined chimerias"



I am going to remove the double genders since it would be impossible to code n stuff, so they're going to be female OR male, NOT both. and yes, they might or will be infertile depending if the artists and coders agree.

This suggestion has 5 supports and 50 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/10/20 @ 06:01:48 by Honeynectar (#218234)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 04:49:01
No support for a few reasons. Primarily, site staff have mentioned coding chimeric lions would be difficult, and insofar don’t know how to do it as far as we are aware. Additionally, I believe this is more of a sub mutation than a true mutation, which is hardly priority for already-rare lethal mutations, especially before basic sub mutations with common mutes have been confirmed.

Lastly, all lethal mutations are fairly realistic (as are most mutations in general); while chimeras are formed from non-identical twins, conjoined twins do have to be identical due to how they are formed, so chimeric conjoined twins aren’t possible, at least not in the way you’re describing — they most definitely cannot have different biological sexes, and neither would their markings be “half-and-half”.

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:04:39
i mean if green lions can exist why not?

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🐈💙 Ra | PR +
MR 🐈💙 (#151431)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:22:12
Green base was a joke. ^^" Still this mutie is too hard and not realistic at all. It's look already like some fantasy lion. Fantasy happens only in event storyline, so meet this one as encounter - yes. But as mutation? No.

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:29:15
oh, well it's like a cat chimeria when two cells fuses during pregancy, so when it's generated at con, it'll still be a chimeria but when you use the bat to scan your pregnant female, it appears as two cubs. I'm going to remove the two gender part thingy and make them the same gender since that wouldn't make any sense and would be impossible. So they can ethier be female or male to not make it overpowered. And maybe it SHOULD be an event thingy, like an encounter

here's an example:

"You wander into the [landscape] and find a [gender] lion! You tilt your head in confusion as one side is [color] and the other side is [color]!"

You have the options to: chase it off! Ask it to join your pride? Talk?

Chase it off: "You give a warning growl, enough to scare the poor lion away" -[insert amount of karma]

Ask it to join your pride? "You come to the strange lion and ask [harshly\kindly depending on personality] the lion isn't interested and leaves"

Talk: "You chatter with the young lion before it tells you that it has a quest for you" {accept?} {decline} when you accept you get a new quest for the snake, i'm going to edit this later

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:36:52
I’m not sure what you mean.

If you’re thinking of calico or tortie cats, that’s not what happens — as far as I’m aware there’s no cat that’s been officially confirmed as a chimera.
Female calicos are just a result of red and black being sex linked colours, I.e. related to the X chromosome. As female cats are XX they can express red and black in patches depending on the ‘active’ chromosome, assuming they have the genetics for it. Male calico cats generally have Klinefelter Syndrome, causing them to have two X chromosomes, and, as such, aren’t chimeras either.

Here is a resource that explains it in a bit more detail without being overly complicated, in case you were curious.

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🐝 Ginger_Bee 🐝 (#167127)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:58:14
Going to post what I did on your last post that you deleted:
No support, there currently aren’t any mechanics to support double gendered lions, nor double personalities either. I highly doubt they’d implement such a mechanic for one mutation anyways. Also, I really don’t like the implications of self-impregnating. So no support from me.

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 05:59:58
like i said, i'm going to remove the "double genders" since it would be impossible, it would be two cells murged into one like a chimeria

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🐝 Ginger_Bee 🐝 (#167127)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 06:02:06
So it would basically just be a piebald/patches lion except they can either hunt or patrol regardless of their gender? So it wouldn’t be a mutation

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 06:03:27
pies aren't chimerias, you aren't getting what i mean... one side is one color and the other is another

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 06:08:35
Chimeras have already been suggested many times, and they’re on the official sticky thread, found here. As I mentioned earlier, Xylax says that staff don’t know how to code chimeras at the moment, so it’s very much not a priority for staff to even consider right now, with both Wolvden and the upcoming site rehaul o:

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 06:10:45
oh, thanks for clearing that up

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Emerald (#15750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-10-30 06:22:42
Chimera cats have actually been confirmed a lot, they aren't talking about calicos/torties at all. There's a site called Messybeast that documents cat genetics and one of their pages goes in to legitimate chimera cats.
Do check out the link, there's a lot of photos with legitimate chimera felines there. The majority of legit male calicos that aren't infertile XXYs tend to be chimeras/mosaics. *AlsojustsayingbutI'maddictedtothesite)
There's even been chimeric dogs, rodents, and even humans. So it's not something that doesn't exist. But I do agree it's better to make a chimera marked lion an encounter (whether it be a general explore one or an event one) so that it's its own thing that doesn't need a whole bunch of coding to do.

However, such a chimera doesn't mean that the chimera is duel-gendered in appearance. That's not what chimerism is OP. The word you are looking for with that is "bilateral gynandromorph" and even then it's not something seen in lions (that we know so far) nor does it mean that the animal is both male and female in gender, only that they have aspects of both genders regarding sexual dimorphism, with some cases being that "straight down the middle" thing you mentioned which is known as "bilateral symmetry".
Chimerism is two babies cells merging into one within the womb on development and thus they can get some unnatural markings from it ex: cats with dense/dilute colors mixing on one pelt when they are not born with that mix naturally or animals just straight up looking unusual in fur and needing DNA tests to confirm why the frick they look like the way they do to confirm their chimerism. A chimera cat is not duel-gendered, it is male or female, not both. A chimera dog is not duel-gendered, it's male or female. A chimera calico tomcat that acts like a tomcat is still male in sex and gender, not duel-gendered. I would recommend actually changing the OP post to explain that you want what's akin to actual irl chimeric animals instead of keeping the Duel-Gendered conjoined twin thing in the original post.

I'm down with an odd chimeric "weird fur color" lion encounter, but nothing more than that. So the general idea here I'm gonna give a "No Support" to, as it speaks of Chimerism completely wrong in the general OP and as someone who is kinda obsessed with legitimate chimeric animals I would die inside if Lioden did such a cool rare genetic mutation wrong.

Plus Lioden has conjoined twins as a lethal, would be kinda redundant to do the conjoined twins thing again don't you think?

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Edited on 30/10/20 @ 06:38:24 by Emerald (#15750)

Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-30 06:52:05

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Emerald (#15750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-10-30 07:00:48
@OP Don't be too disheartened. I wasn't trying to be harsh. Just ah, consider me very passionate about animal chimeras so when I see people talking about it yet aren't being accurate I'm like *Simon Cowell Laser Eyes GIF* and start yabbering. I'm not an expert tho, I just read a lot about this stuff so I'm spewing only what I've read. ^^'

But there's nothing saying you can't revise the idea and just make the chimera lion into an explore encounter instead right? We don't have proper chimera lions even as NPCs I believe. it'd be cool to see an interpretation of one in-game.

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Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-30 13:44:02
yes, i'd like to see it as an event or an encounter ^^

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