Posted by New mutie idea!

Honeynectar (#218234)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 04:38:26
Sorry for reposting this! I know i flagged it for deletion but i just had to give it another try!

So basically the idea is basically a non lethal-ish conjoined twin where one half is a different gender from the other, also each half doesn't have the same markings but will but not always have the same eye color, they both have different personalities and have a 1/30 cub chance of reaching to adult hood. Since they are both genders they can patrol and hunt. They can even impregnate themselfves (if the mods allow it) or just be infertile. Their life span is up to 4 years min since they might end up killing each other anyways.
 i forgot to add the part where most of their offspring died or something and they ARE rare , maybe rarer than a male tortie or something, so basically here's the summary:

One side is always a different gender than the other, both having traits for both female and male and uses the term They, she, him, etc. They are rarer than a male tortie and are usally infertile. Since they are both genders they can both patrol and hunt, When breeding them keep in mind that all their offspring has a 99% chance of dying. Their lifespan is 1-4 years due to their mut and they will most likely kill their sibling anyways. Also their birth is random and they cannot pass down their gene. So like two dwarf cats can have a conjoined cub. I also came up with a name idea for it, "Conjoined chimerias" 

But they should make them infertile, they cannot be nammed king sadly, just able to hunt and patrol, though you can only assign them to the hunting role OR the sub male patrol per "conjoined chimerias"



I am going to remove the double genders since it would be impossible to code n stuff, so they're going to be female OR male, NOT both. and yes, they might or will be infertile depending if the artists and coders agree.

This suggestion has 5 supports and 50 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/10/20 @ 06:01:48 by Honeynectar (#218234)

Certified Afton
hater (#241782)

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Posted on
2021-10-20 12:35:05
That would be impossible to code, as others have said. And im pretty sure alot of the community wouldnt be down with self-impregnating.

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