Posted by Patrol 2 submale

Sammie G2 6k NSR/NHR
Ember (#174744)

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Posted on
2020-10-27 19:35:40
Hello there my lion friends I am making a suggestion to be able to patrol two submales at one time for those of us who have multiple males we wish to patrol aka for myself as an example I have a clean smilus male and two statty harlequin pie boys and I’m stuck on who to patrol
I feel like it could benefit a lot of people to have this option to patrol more than one submale if you agree please support thank you very much!!!

If you reject I’d love to know why :3

This suggestion has 34 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/10/20 @ 19:47:57 by SammieMag 9k fiery slender (#174744)

Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2020-10-27 21:28:07
The stat market is already crap, this would just make it worse.
And I'm pretty sure ive seen this suggested many times.

No support.

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Sammie G2 6k NSR/NHR
Ember (#174744)

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Posted on
2020-10-27 21:35:04
I’m not sure what you mean by “the stat market is already crap”? Could you explain what you mean?
It would be totally optional for any player to use it or not I’d mostly be interested in it for my own kings and heirs etc there are also others who patrol for other people as well so it could help with that too

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 00:50:53
Stats are already worth next to nothing, especially if they’re on inbred lions, or lions related to the old statters like Keyser. Allowing people to patrol 4 lions across 2 accounts would only make things worse.

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Edited on 28/10/20 @ 01:19:46 by Maurey | G3 Bast 3x Crackle (#32469)

Sammie G2 6k NSR/NHR
Ember (#174744)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:26:03
I’ve never gotten anything less that 50GB for Indra kids but everything goes up and down in prices constantly it would be insane if prices for stuff stayed exactly the same that’s just the way the market works regardless whether it be items apps lions etc I still think it could benefit people and as said before it’s completely optional people’s who don’t want to use it don’t have to

Plus with wolvden coming out lioden is bound to slow down a tad bit especially when it comes to lions etc but that’s just how things are I still think this is a great idea thanks to those for the support ❤️

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:39:50
I still don't know if i am on board with this idea or not. I use to be really into stats but i since got out of it because of the stud fee price. I was thinking of doing a clean stat heir but again that is kinda hard to do. Since the most you may be able to get is probably a couple thousand stats and that is only if you patrol around the clock and feed stat items. I would love to be able to freeze my side account and just use my main but i don't think that would be wise because lots of people may abuse this.

Think of it this way:
Lets say some one decided to purchase four 6k cubs, they do the cub training (or use the fruit that increases the training) and then ages them up. Once they are 2 years old they could start doing 4 patrols (2 patrols per an account) and by the time everything is said an done, they have 4 high stat lions to use for quite some time. Since they can freeze three of them on their side and just use each one as the one before passes.

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:43:27
I was into stat breeding, even on leader boards at the time.
But everyone lowballs stud fees and unless your king has special breed only marks that are actually desired, no ones gonna pay it.

You also arent gonna sell 1-2k stat cubs nearly as high as they used to be.

We already have stat monsters, and stat subs.
And lioden has taken steps to control stats, make stat items food, limit fove feast per day, ect

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:47:10
Pretty much what Angel said. I also used to be a leaderboard breeder before the second inheritance nerf, and we don’t need more market saturation of stats. Clean stats are harder to breed now, and can be worth something, but if that’s made easier to achieve in bulk, we’re back to square one.

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Sammie G2 6k NSR/NHR
Ember (#174744)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:54:13
I completely understand that but it’s a fake game its not all about the money you make/could make etc I’m mostly making this suggestion for my own kids and heirs and it could be beneficial for anyone who has the same idea or wants to help others patrol who don’t have time

It does seem clean has been more popular but there are clean stat lions out there I’ve got a few myself most are nearly 3k stats

That would be there choice of patrolling four lions I’m sure each thing can be taken advantage of etc it happens no matter what and it’s not like there really breaking any rules if they freeze an account with said lions on it personally I’d king the first two than continue to patrol the second two but that’s my opinion etc

Thanks for all the input

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:58:52
For Lioden, it is about money, they need to pay for staff, servers, maintenance,and everything inbwteen

People buy GB, people buy stat cubs/subs with those GB, they buy honeycomb and other stat items with those GB.
*edit: users also pay GB for others to payroll their submales/heirs

Also, Games are meant to be challenging, and give you something to focus on/work for.
For a lot that is patrolling oir heirs.

If you want to patroll 2 subs, use a side account. Which lioden allows, lioden already let users have a second account, that lets users do everything twice. For free

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Edited on 28/10/20 @ 09:05:10 by Fading Angel (Clean Pearl) (#81854)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 08:59:45
It makes it faster to produce lions with the same amount of patrols. So instead of patrolling two lions to good stats you’d use yourself as heirs, you can patrol four, and sell two off. The issue is that there’s going to be twice the amount of lions with the same amount of patrols in the same amount of time, which will saturate the market, one way or another. Sure, items are the main pathway to crazy levels of stats, since over time, your average stat gain per patrol will tend to average out to 1.9 stats per, but it still has the potential to add to the amount of fairly statty gen1 studs, which, as it is, is a slim pool that has pretty good value.

If you want to be able to patrol two males at once per account because of time constraints in terms of how often you can log on, the caveat should be that the cooldown per patrol of two males at once is at least two hours, if not a bit more as a convenience fee, in my opinion. That way, it wouldn’t be straight up beneficial to patrol four males across two accounts.

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Edited on 28/10/20 @ 09:00:32 by Maurey | G3 Bast 3x Crackle (#32469)

🦜 Jenday 🦜
[Folklore] (#175593)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 09:28:56
I'm no stat breeder, but I No supported purely to the damage this would do to the groupie market, sorry! Right now the choice is put all resources into a single groupie's training for the option of a statty heir or big sale, or split attention between two males for a mid-tier heir and a small profit. Training two males at once would make high stat g1's too common and devalue the market :(

I agree with Maurey's edit though, if this was implimented as 2 males over 2+ hours for the convenience it could be implimented without damaging the challenge of the game and the market too much

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Sammie G2 6k NSR/NHR
Ember (#174744)

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Posted on
2020-10-28 09:58:11
Yes I agree with that since it’s two males patrolling it would be 2 hours rather than just one and what 10SB for the auto pick if two males are chosen I would hope something like that would be done if this were a thing thanks for all the input

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