Posted by Expanding Roles and inspiration from Wolvden
Katetara (#54614)

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Posted on
2020-11-02 15:14:16
So this will be a long one yall.
So with Wolvden out I’ve been thinking about what my favorite mechanics of both games are and what I would like implemented. I would like to note that I’m aware that the Dev’s have stated that they plan on implementing some changes, such as expanding seasons and weather, but these are the additions and changes that I think would be very enjoyable for the game. Also there are a few ideas here that are mine personally, just expanded from what we currently have.

Different roles in the pride
So I’ve played Lioden on and off for a while, and I remember I was really excited about the option to set my lionesses as a Broodmother. And with wolvden there are even more options for new roles and expansions on the roles we currently have. (I would like to personally note that I think it would be interesting to allow male lions to participate in some of these activities, such as herbalist or scouting)

1a. Hunting.
I’d like to add the proficiency system and party synergy system that exists in Wolvden.
(for non-wolvden players, essentially the more a wolf hunts, the better that wolf gets at hunting and is more likely to do better in the future. Party synergy is the same, the longer a group of wolfs hunt together, the better they hunt together. Swapping out a wolf will hit the party synergy, but with enough hunts the synergy will be back to where it was.)

1b. Broodmothering
This is my own idea that would work with adding in Wolvden’s proficiency system. I’d like to combine Broodmothering and Cub Training. My idea is that once a day, you can send your brood mother, and all of her cubs, to do an activity. There would multiple activities that would have a chance to raise all of those cubs training experience and their stats. The range of improvement for the cubs would depend on the brood mother’s proficiency at her job.

1c. Herbalist
So there are two new roles in Wolvden, herbalist and scouts. I absolutely adore the Herbalist. This would involve adding in occasional illnesses that effect our lions. The Herbalist would be able to scavenge for herbs, learn recipes for medicine, and use those herbs to craft those medicines. We could also expand this further, making expensive medicines that affect fertility or what is likely to be passed down. Or medicines that give small buffs, like a medicine that makes it so that a lion gains extra proficiency while doing their roles. This role really makes Wolvden feel very alive and it’s another option for lions that don’t feel like either hunters or broodmothers.

1d. Scouting
So this would involve large changes to the map and exploring. I’m not sure if people would be in favor of this or not, and it would be a lot of work. But it would be interesting.

1e. Alternative rolls
So we already have decor crafting but this would change it so that you need a lion set as a crafter to do so, or perhaps there would be crafter only decors. It would work very similar to the Herbalist, where the would be able to scavenge for crafting materials, learn how to craft decors, and then do so. If the proficiency mechanic is added then scavenging could become more valuable over time, finding more items, or perhaps once the lion reached a certain proficiency threshold, you could set them to scavenge a specific category of item, such as feathers, insects, skulls, stones, etc. Perhaps they could craft more than just decors, also adding small buffs to other lions. Options like “ clean up the herbalists hut” and the herbalists would scavenge better themselves for the rest of the day, or “set up the cub wrestling ring” and brood mothers who take their cubs to the wrestling activity do better that day.
-Dynasty Keepers.
Lions die but the pride moves on, but the pride does not forget their most important ancestors. A dynasty keeper would be a lion whos job is to set up funerals for any lion that passes away, improving every other pride members mood a little, and then they tell tales of that deceased lion. This lion would tell a tale about a deceased pride member, either about their previous role, or about their personality, benefiting other pride members. The dynasty keeper could say ‘Oh this lioness was such a great hunter’ and all hunters gain a small amount of exp. Or they would talk about how wonderful the gentle lion was, and all other gentle lions in the pride would gain some exp. This would also be a very good spot for more flavor text, which I adore.

2 Elders and apprentices.
So we currently have a system where adolescence lions can tag along on hunts or territory patrols, but I would like to expand this system. I would like there to be an option to have an adolescence help a brood mother with her kittensitting and gain experience that way. And if any of the above suggested roles were implemented I would like for adolescence to help out as well for those.
We also have lions that age, and can no longer breed or contribute as much to the pride, but I think we can add a special roll for these lions, elder. A lioness too old to hunt becomes the prides “elder huntress” and instructs the younger lions, making their hunts more successful. Same can be said for a brood mother or any other role, where every pride has room for one elder in any role.

3 Events and roles intersecting. Perks
I think it would be very interesting if the rest of the pride could be a part of these events. Maybe during a more combat heavy event like the October one, the lionesses could hunt in a different area, with a chance to get more unique drops, event currency, or something else. Or perhaps a new area would be unlocked for the brood mothers do take their cubs for that month.
I would like to propose that all (not main male) lions have a “perk slot” and these perks affect their role. All lions would be born without these perks. And during an event you could nominate 1 lion to get that months perk. And that lion would have to do their own event quests to gain that perk. For an example for Mays event, the perk would be “opportunistic hunter” and the perk makes it so that for every hunt this lioness goes on they gain 1 extra kill. This lioness would have to do her own quests such as “hunt 5 times today” or “slay 1 X creature in a hunt” and that only after this lioness does a certain amount of quests does she gain this perk.

Anyway thank you all to listening to me ramble, I focused a lot on the roles since they are one of my favorite parts of the game and adds a lot of options for role players. Any other role ideas or expansions on these ideas go ahead and write em up, I wonder how other people think. Also I’d like to note to any Devs, I know that this would be a lot of work, but these ideas have been rattling around in my head for a while and if in 2 years down the road one or two of my ideas gets implemented then I would be extremely happy.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 11 NO supports.

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Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2020-11-02 15:15:44
hmm. i dont really like the herbalist, but the other suggestions are good ones, especially the broodmother apprentice one. support!

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Gravity | G3 Rift
OSR (#170941)

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Posted on
2020-11-02 16:23:43
It's been said that HP won't be added to this game, so the herbalist is definitely out, but I am in favor of adding new roles! Especially things that might be male-exclusive, as submales are... useless.

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-11-02 17:49:50
I'll refrain from voting for now they mentioned in the news they're planning to update lioden and include several features inspired from lioden like a slightly different hunt system, also the herbalist is a no, they already mentioned they wont be adding illnesses.

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