Posted by -LOCKED - Raffle Lioness Confirmation

jester ☘️ (#187561)

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Posted on
2020-11-20 13:22:35
So, this suggestion came to be after a discussion with my friends. A lot of raffle lionesses go onto inactive accounts, and as the general Lioden player base increases, as more accounts sign up, it'll likely happen more and more often. So, what do we do to combat this?

A confirmation system, of course!

The confirmation system would go as follows, and be relatively easy. If you win the raffle lioness, on the rollover screen, you'd have a banner saying that you won the special lioness raffle and to rollover to receive her. Once you rollover, she's sent to your account automatically and you can continue from there. You'd have 24 hours to rollover and receive her, if you didn't, she'd then be redrawn.

But Jester, what if you can't check Lioden that day? Well, then, it would work the same as the Raffle Lioness system already works. See, if a winner is chosen that doesn't have an open territory slot, they're simply redrawn and go to the next person. The winner without territory isn't made aware of the fact they won and then didn't receive her. The same thing would happen here. If the winner doesn't claim her within the 24 hours, the banner is removed from their rollover screen and they'd never know that they had won originally. There's no negative effects to this, as no one would know who the original winner was, and the original winner would never know. It's the same way the system currently works in regards to territory.

This system will help prevent raffle lionesses from going onto dead accounts, though it's not foolproof as someone can roll that day and then just never roll again, but it will be significantly better than what we currently have, which is just hoping they don't go onto a dead account.

The only other change required would be that instead of announcing the winner in the weekly news if they haven't rolled, they just say "The raffle lioness is still pending confirmation!" or something similar and then go into the details of the current week's raffle lioness. Same with the special lioness page, instead of providing a link to the winner's den, it would say pending confirmation and then be updated with a link once winner confirms.

The confirmation system is the only change made. No upped fees, no different requirements. Just a confirmation to prevent raffle lionesses from going on dead accounts.

If you have anything to add on/any additional suggestions, please reply! I want to have a discussion about this outside of my friends.

This suggestion has 163 supports and 30 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/11/20 @ 13:23:04 by jester [g2 bisected helle] (#187561)

123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-11-20 14:06:42
big agree!! seeing raffle lionesses go to inactive accounts hurts :^)

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Ninque (#106221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-21 01:05:04
Yes please. We wait for months to get a specific marking just to see the raffle lioness end up on inactive account.

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Flower24 -Nefertari-
G2 ICE* (#19137)

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Posted on
2021-01-16 01:11:21
I think that it should probably be a bit longer than 24 hours. We don't want to penalize people if for some reason the one day they don't rollover, they don't get it.

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G1 Ice Mottled
Rosette (#190053)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2021-01-17 22:00:22
Support! This is a great idea! Also I agree with Flower24 ^

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Uzo [ferus leonid] (#173196)

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Posted on
2021-01-19 13:58:09
Confirmation system! Yes! I wholly agree that too often raffle lionesses end up on inactive accounts. Which is sad and seems a bit unfair, as there are many active players. In addition to the fact that raffle lionesses often have newly released markings/bases/mutations, and markings in new or rare slots, which when put into game play adds new elements and breeding goals for many players.

Now... I have had conversations with some players who think this idea seems a bit unfair. From the other side it seems people also take hiatuses, or have to go on break or leave for sometimes very personal matters, for long or unknown periods of time. While I think this is a valid point, and it may seem like they are being punished by having their lioness taken away, I think it also takes away from the players who are active and participating, as the game relies on the constant activity of its players. I don't think this matter is about punishing or being unfair to those taking breaks, and so I like your idea of a "confirmation", wherein the player wouldn't even be aware that they had "won" the raffle lioness, and so no hard feelings should be had.

In terms of the length, even perhaps a week I think would be good, I know people felt that even 3 months was too short, but honestly I don't think so, why not just award her to the players who are currently active? I feel for those unable to participate for personal reasons but it also seems unfair to leave the raffle lioness in the empty void, when she could be used in gameplay, versus sitting on a potentially inactive account. I think a week is a solid amount of time for players who are active to accept her, and maybe by the next Friday raffle she could be re-raffled if not "confirmed" to the first account winner.

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Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

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Posted on
2021-01-21 17:54:41
Agree but only if its longer than 24 hrs as flowers said

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Snowcat14-G1 4.8.22
RLC Pie (#53580)

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Posted on
2021-01-24 16:16:08
Hmmm. That's a hard one. I know I get so excited when a gorgeous Raffle girl comes out with the first new marking or base, and then to see the player not log in for months after winning is so disappointing. But I also think people might have situation in life where they have to be away, and it would be so sad to miss winning one-even if you didn't know. I had no idea if you didn't have enough territory it went to someone else.
I will probably have to say no support, but maybe there is some other alternative? One thought is if the person who wins doesn't log on with a week, 2 weeks, whatever, a "backup" raffle girl is added in addition to the regular weekly one -maybe with a different base, or marks shuffled around a bit? That way the marks still are out there on an active account, but the person who won the original isn't penalized.
This summer here where I live we had major wildfires and many people lost their homes. My entire town was evacuated, and I thought my house was gone-I wasn't able to log in for a few weeks. I'd hate to think those 2 weeks would have meant I lost the only raffle girl I had ever won.
Anyway no support, but I do feel the pain. There are so many out there just going to waste.

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(they/them)❤︎ (#129481)

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Posted on
2021-02-21 23:14:25
i feel your pain ;w; one of my favorite raffle lionesses ever went to a dead account.. hasn't aged a day ;-;

I do however really sympathize with what snowcat has to say. maybe their idea of a "backup" raffle lioness after a certain amount of time (maybe even as long as a month/2 months, considering how long many players go on hiatuses for) *would* be a better way of solving this issue.

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ACCOUNT (#70165)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-02-26 01:48:42
I 100% agree! I'm still so sad that my favorite RL is on an inactive account and was never even bred or anything. I will never get a chance to get her or clones ever because of this and she was gorgeous

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Dante (#200112)

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Posted on
2021-02-26 02:05:22
100% support this. While losing out on a RL you technically won is sad, OP is right-we already have that feature, and that’s the territory space reroll (when a King has too many lionesses). A RL’s primary purpose isn’t to be a cool gift for a random player, it’s to spread new marks and old marks in new slots, which an inactive account can’t do (regardless of why it’s inactive). If the community isn’t too bent about that territory function we’ll probably be OK with a feature like this suggestion, which has greater potential for benefiting the game overall IMO.

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Eifiekat (G1 sunset
pie) (#127898)

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Posted on
2021-02-28 20:28:25
I'd personally support if there was a bit more leg room involved. 24 hours is not a long amount of time. I'd say at least 3 days. In that time any one can certainly come on Lioden for a few minutes to rollover etc

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-02-28 20:35:01
I like the idea, but def agree with the others on having it be 3 days at the minimum, or 3 ROs I guess. I'd support if there were more time, as I love the idea, but for now I guess I'm neutral, no support but not a "no support" if that makes sense?

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Posted on
2021-04-15 14:14:30
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic.  You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

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