Posted by Lioness Moods/Personalities

OneHitWonder (#220403)

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Posted on
2020-12-17 08:54:39
I think the options of Playing, Grooming, and Tussling with lionesses should have better or worse results depending on the personality, and I also think lionesses should have some sort of mood, and have a few new interactions, and new types of interactions.

Interaction examples:
Converse. Your lion converses with one of your lionesses, depending on their mood/personality is how it will affect them. (Positive - Neutral - Negative)

Argue. Your lion argues with one of your lionesses, and this absolutely raises mood, if you want to let lionesses leave your pride, or need it for some sort of roleplay reason, this could be useful.

Spend Time. Your lion spends time with a lioness, this is usually positive but some lionesses may just want to be left alone.

Take Care. Your lion takes some time to bring some water/other essentials to a lioness, this should be mainly positive to balance out Argue.

-These are just some ideas, more are able to be added.

Moods, and how they can affect a lion's interactions:

Different types of moods could be added, for example if a Grumpy Lioness is Annoyed, Conversing may lower her mood, and Taking Care may help her. If an Emotional lioness is Lonely, Spending Time may increase her mood more than others, and Arguing may more drastically affect her. A Warm personalities lioness in a happy mood may appreciate more things, including a good tussle. There also may be different interaction message based on how the lioness feels/reacted.


Cubs may also get new interactions and more interaction messages.

New Interactions:

Scold. You scold a cub, this may affect survival chance more positively if they had an accident that day, and it may be less effective/negative on Rebellious personality types, this will be less mood based and more personality and situation based. Scolding a cub when they've done nothing wrong will lower mood, and depending on their personality may affect personality chance negatively or not at all.

Teach. You teach a cub about some life skills, this almost always is positive and boosts survival chance, but based on the mood/personality may lower or boost mood.

Take Out. You take your cub out into the territory, this often makes the mood higher depending on the mood/personality, but may lower survival chance to different amounts, maybe lower it by 5-10% for a minor injury, or maybe hyenas attack and lowers it from 10-20% or more. A cub cannot die when being taken out of camp, but can end up with a very lower survival chance.

Broodmothers affecting cubs:
Broodmothers can affect cubs, having two clashing personalities may end up with worse moods and a lower mood percentage, mainly for the cub but also for the broodmother. For example a Brutal or Cold broodmother protecting an Emotional cub may end up hurting the cubs' feelings, while a Warm or Cuddly broodmother with an Emotional cub may have better mood, and maybe even a small increase to their mood percentage, and a Patient broodmother may be good with a rebellious cub or a curious cub. Some personalities maybe better overall for cubsitting than others, making the personalities more essential to the game (Much like hunting with Wolvden).

Ignoring lionesses and just giving them amusement items may end up lowering mood a bit more over time, but this is more of a risky add because people with larger territories may suffer unless they use the Feed All/Play All.
If this is considered: Emotional lionesses may end up being affected worse than someone like a Loner lioness. This also may affect cubs more, because their father isn't coming to see them.
-This is a rough sketch of the idea, and I can expand on it if requested.-

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you have any ideas to add on, I'll consider them and add them here (With full credit to you for your addons!)

This suggestion has 11 supports and 13 NO supports.

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LadyLahey(Cloe) (#213507)

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Posted on
2020-12-17 10:20:35
I loveeeee this idea

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Lunar Lords (#86479)

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Posted on
2020-12-27 05:51:24
I have zero desire to have to personality check all broodmother and cub assignments, so no support.

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123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-12-27 06:11:03
i... don't know whether this is a good idea or not. as much as i love the idea of more interaction stuff being added, too many people have feed all play all, thus making this useless. i feel like some of these suggestions are a bit worthless to add because most people just. use amusement items instead of using tussle/groom/etc. this just makes the game more complicated than needed ^^; therefore, no support, sorry!

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Viradechtis (#217315)

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Posted on
2021-01-01 21:01:41
No support, because this makes it overly complicated to raise mood, especially in a large pride.

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Kate (she/her,
fae/faer) (#178966)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-06-21 07:53:39
A potential way to prevent need to check specific ones, yet still have that may be to have a lowered effect on some, but still have a positive affect, for certain personalities, and a greater affect for other personalities. This would allow it to be less necessary to check if you don't want to...

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Auris (#229394)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 06:21:50
This is a great idea in theory but having a larger pride and playing with every single lion is already tedious enough so I've got to give this a no support I do like the idea of playing/grooming/tussling having different effects for each personality type, but only if it's a minimal increase for certain personality types and no decreases- I'm honestly kind of shocked it wasn't already in the game, somehow.

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