Posted by Unpopular Opinions On Event NPCs

Guardian Of All
Vultures (#222893)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-01-05 12:42:52
So like the title said, this will be about unpopular opinions on event NPCs like Nirah and Wenet. (An example of unpopular opinion would be "I don't like Nirah", and you can also say why you have that opinion for example "I don't like Wenet because she too crazy.")

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HeraldofHares (#111045)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 01:13:37
I'll be honest...these space creatures have me hyped, dragons in space? Reminds me of Ghidorah, enough said to get MY excitement up HAH! The designs are pretty neat to me, and it's almost fun to see a lot of new designs and new event all fresh and out there even without context or story. If anything we might get to know more about Demiurge, which is the one NPC I've never truly been ecstatic about due to him being too mysterious for my liking.

Probably my most unpopular is that...I don't really like Anubis? I don't know, I don't like how he's characterized, kinda just sad and mopey and I really don't like it for a deity entity, especially one so important. Do I think he should be super cheery and pumped up? No, but I don't think he should be sad and basically beats himself up all the time, dunno never sat right with me. No judgement if you like him tho, just my opinion :]c

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Avery (#229786)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-07-08 06:20:08
I'll have to say I do think Wenet's a bit wrong in the head but her crazy personality cracks me up. She's a chaotic, beautiful creature who eats fluffbunnies for breakfast.

V'Kai and Vash are a bit eh to me, but V'Kai's personality stands out to me more. Vash isn't bad or evil but his face paitn thing creeps me out.

As for the June event...I had all Seth, Bast and Anubis- I was Seth, then changed to Bast. For my side, I had Anubis. All of them are nice but I do love Bast the most <3 I don't like Seth, though. He creeps me out.

Dragons in space, huh...? I've used up almost 2 bars of energy and have only gotten 8 cores. Kill me now.

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Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-07-08 07:05:28
Anubis is best boy
He just needs a little encouragament that's all.

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A panicked, burning
lion (#113568)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 08:30:07
Not a fan of the Demiurge, partly because I’m not a fan of the dwarfism mutation, partly because the interaction with him was very one-sided. I like the designs of all the dragon aliens to fight (they should be decors for purchase like the June snakes) except the one leading the axiom core shop which looks more like an dragon/lion hybrid than an actual dragon.

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 08:31:11 by A panicked, burning lion (#113568)

Deixis🐁 (#184153)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 13:01:27
Not huge on Nirah. Nearly everything he says and does comes across as suggestive and I always have to wearily slog through the text every time we have to interact, skipping quickly through all the eye-rolling almost-sexual PUA junk. If someone kept talking to me like that I'd tell them to stop or forcibly remove them from my space. There's a few characters/interactions like that and I always wonder what's going on in the writer's head.

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Jay:Starry dense
colorbomb (#194641)

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Posted on
2021-07-09 19:37:59
I actually really liked Apedemak (sry if I didn’t spell it right). I don’t agree with him or like the things he did, I just thought he was a good looking and multidimensional character rather than tough guy Mc big chin

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ɑʑʀɑɘʟ🎐 (#232556)

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Posted on
2021-07-09 19:52:32
@Jay have to agree, i don't particularly like apollyon that much, he just doesn't appeal to me, i guess menhits ok but her design is kinda yuck so

Vash is hot and Vkai is adorable, i stan the family drama between these two

Anubis is best boy, i had him on my main, Bast is pretty nice although sometimes she talks like she's superior and looks down on you a lot(?) it might not be that way but i get that kinda vibes from her (gonna get attacked by a bunch of Bast stans lmao) but Bast sits fine with me so i had heron my side. Seth is I like his theme and aesthetic, but i don't like him in general, his decors are also pretty lame imo so

??? The demiurge must be my fav so far, he's just SO ADORABLE -squishes cheeks- when i look at him i just think of a child who's grown up too fast, also he's so pretty i cannot 🥺

Kinda meh on the new dragons, until they get an actual storyline they're just gonna be meh to me, but I have to admit the art is pretty

Nirah is okay, but he makes me cringe the way he talks-

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Emeraldz {Sha Ferus} (#128784)

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Posted on
2021-07-29 21:38:24
Am I the only one who finds some of the new dragons a bit creepy? Honestly, after I saw one of those big dragons, the black/flaming one holding a fiery ball or something, I had a nightmare it was chasing me around the city. And I'm not usually sensitive to scary content

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LaikaFlash (#144635)

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Posted on
2021-07-29 21:46:26
@Emeraldz - That seems to be the point of their design, though? I might just be numbed to creepy imagery (even though the October event is one of my favorites).

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Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-07-30 10:47:19
I don’t mind Apdemak too much, and him being problematic falls a little deaf on me.
He’s supposed to be the bad guy so he does awful shit, he's pretty obviously the villian. I understand it was not the first way he was introdouced though.

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Poachedegg (#208546)

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Posted on
2021-08-05 12:03:02
The Harbinger is one of my favorite NPCs and severely underrated in my opinion. His design is so unique and satisfying to look at (sorry July draconids but Harbinger is the coolest-looking dragon on Lioden), and he’s got really intriguing lore and personality. I hope we will see more of him once the October event update happens… I just want to give the goth cinnamon roll a hug.

And I agree that the high number of “flirty” NPCs can be annoying. We got Nirah, all the February stuff, and a number of year-round encounters with suggestive undertone. I understand that romancing/claiming is a big part of the gameplay but come on I just want to gain currency without someone trying to get into my king’s pants every other turn XD

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InTheEnd (#229422)

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Posted on
2021-10-02 07:15:17
I'm sure it's unpopular but Aiatar has to be one of my favourite NPCs?? Idk, his design looks so calming to me and I love energetic characters, I never seen anyone talking about him and it makes me sad. Kinda wish if we could see more of his story, what is it feels like to be a Nepheline, or giving an extra chapter for him and this Heaven/Hell storyline in general.
Also, I would love if we could have a character with a name in Hell? Like a half-demon lion instead of a random dude, I think it would be awesome! But it might be because I love October event and always up to see more of it as a whole.
I like how neutral Nirah is and truly has some cool lines, but I'm not really fan of "flirty" NPCs, he just gives me Wenet vibes and it's a bit tiring imo.
Bast is my fav from out of the three, her items are gorgeous just like the bases! She is a bit sassy and mysterious, but still caring in the end, I love characters liker her. Anubis loosely follows her, he is a sad boy and it makes me wanna hug him. Seth is just creeps me out tbh XD.

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Edited on 02/10/21 @ 07:16:28 by InTheEnd (#229422)

Auris (#102788)

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Posted on
2021-10-03 08:50:38
In my own personal opinion, I feel like the Harbinger is what Anubis should've been. Don't get me wrong I understand why people like the way he is and I know it's the devs own twist, I get that, and I'm not saying I hate the character either, but I feel like there was a missed opportunity. When I think about a god of death I picture a sombre character shrouded in mystery and intrigue. A strong sense of wisdom that many probably wouldn't expect. However, instead we got a really sad boy with a puppy dog gaze with a personality that makes him feel more like a timid and lost child, and not a literal god. Again I think the current character is fine and I get why people like him, but I feel like in terms of personality and intrigue we really missed out on a truly wonderful character.

That being said the harbinger is my favorite npc hands down.

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Trollsy[side] G3
SplashCinbomb (#126953)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2021-10-11 04:22:44
Ukuveza (the mutated Leaderboards lion from Demiurge's quest) is so cool and I wish we will see him more in upcoming July revamp.

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🔥 Hyd (#236925)

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Posted on
2021-11-15 09:28:21
am i the only one who likes seth..? i just think he's neat, but i'm not fond of his bases

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