Posted by Rid of RNG Battles.
Grrawesomeness (#222970)

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Posted on
2021-01-10 14:20:25
I'm no good at explaining things good, but, my idea is two visual changes, and one game change.

1. Display HP.

After talking with some players who've played longer than me, I notice they think of Wolvden when I bring this up. I want to be clear. When I say Display, I mean Display. Only. Do not make a change on how Hp effects the game because clearly people do not like it. There IS numbers behind the scenes, and they should be displayed, just as they are in all modern games.

2. An informational page.

Like on the Hunting page, about: What actions do, how successful the actions are based on the level groups (referring to the level groups for the explore area), critical damage possible.

3. This is the one that will require more work than just revealing hidden information.

Lions with higher stats should do more damage. It doesn't make sense that the stats only account for a noticeably slight boost at the beginning of the battle, or perhaps a slightly higher chance to land a hit. They should, 1. Have that slightly higher chance to land the hit, but also 2!! Do. More. Damage.

RNG based battles are a thing of the past. It makes this game feel like it comes from the 60's. Or rather, a more DND type feel. While the visual layout is more akin to pokemon. It should behave more like pokemon, higher number = higher number, and we should be able to SEE what our HP is and what the opponent HP is.

As much as I personally would say to completely do away with the RNG in it, or at least make attacks land far more than they do, I also know the devs do a ton. Of. Work. This would at the very least be a step in the right direction. I'm not asking for a re-do, I just want the information that the devs have hidden away.

I'll do a mock-up later of what I think this could look like. HP display, but right now I need to take care of some IRL things. Post will be edited later.

This suggestion has 18 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2021-01-10 15:01:38
Yeah, the noticeable lack of any major difference is what makes higher stats kind of useless to me. I'd definitely breed for them if it felt like they did anything.

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Lunar Lords (#86479)

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Posted on
2021-01-12 05:15:15
I have to not support this because I Do not want stats to be anything but eye candy.

There is a huge, huge variance in stats and I don't t think there is a fair way to make them mean something now. I played for stat breeding when I first joined and eventually burned out on lioden entirely because of the huge time and money sink, and having to wait my rolls for other players with higher stat kings to breed my best lionesses. I quit playing for almost two years and came back because of the massive let down I received when wolvden launched after watching it from before I stopped lioden. I'm very much enjoying just playing my own game for lions I like in color and mutation. I don't want to feel pressured to chase stats again.

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Grrawesomeness (#222970)

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Posted on
2021-01-12 10:29:01
I understand that, personally I would love a complete overhaul of how the system works, like ridding stats like agility, smarts and skill, just because those really shouldn't have an effect in gameplay. Along with changing a whole list of other things, but I wouldn't suggest that just because I know the devs have a lot on their hands, and so this post, for me personally, would just be a step in the right direction if they heeded this.

Perhaps I ought to elaborate further on how the stat effecting battles might work on a more nitty gritty. Due to the worry that they might Wolvden it up, and clearly people do not want that.

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the one who praises
Orange (#198713)

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Posted on
2021-01-12 19:34:49
uhh leaning towards no support?
esp if you mean that higher stat king should basicly immidiately win. yes, it is funny when I went to zone 1 and my 48 level 4k stat king loses against honey badger. makes no sense and I love it lol
it would make battling too easy for high stat kings to basicly just win every battle. and we really don't need it? for me, I get 8-9/10 battles won (tho, I offten avoid larger enemies, such as elephant and rhino). idk how it is for others - I surely remember how hard it is at beggining with lowass stat lion when you don't even use stat food - but for me, I don't see need for change? tho ye that just might be me and my experience

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Grrawesomeness (#222970)

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Posted on
2021-01-13 10:00:08
I understand the confusion, I don't mean a higher stat king should immediately win, that would defeat the point of battling at all. I'm rather referring to the idea of, Zone 1 creatures maybe falling into an HP pool of 1-10, right, 2, 11-20, 3, etc, you know? And so with each higher zone, the creators are harder to fight, making it so a king with higher stats would make those fights easier,

I'm sure, even, the devs could make it so the whole exploration map levels out based on your king, and that perhaps certain zones only carry certain enemies, and that'd be a swell idea as well, regardless. I think the higher level your king, the higher difficulty the opponents become, of which would naturally favor higher stat kings.

Or on the flip-side having opponents balance out based on stats, there is a few ways to do it, and I'm not completely sure which would keep the game the most balanced. Because the way it is now, it just doesn't make sense.

Gosh sorry for the novel.

(Edited because I spelled creatures wrong somehow)

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Edited on 13/01/21 @ 10:06:53 by Grrawesomeness (#222970)

the one who praises
Orange (#198713)

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Posted on
2021-01-13 10:03:51
ah hm. atm how it is all makes sense to me, but could be just me

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Grrawesomeness (#222970)

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Posted on
2021-01-13 10:05:57
It'll be different for everyone, so that's understandable. I've heard older players say that the devs want to do a complete overhaul of the fighting system eventually. I can't recall when they said it was planned to happen. At the very least, I'd like to see HP information and know a bit better how the actions work so I can better navigate the battle system.

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