Posted by HOW TO GET A MUTIE FAST~Simple Steps

Corpse of King Minos (#223900)

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Posted on
2021-02-17 07:01:16
An easy guide yo get a mutie fast

1. Choose a king

This is obvious. You can choose your own king or other from another player. I reccomend to bookmark the king or note on journal.

2. Buy a cotton rook bark

This item is easily buyed on Oasis for only 1GB, is very useful! Ive used two times. The first i got a entire LITTER of muties! A melanistic and a bobbed. In the second i got a 1 bobbed from 3 cubs. This is skippable, but i reccomend a LOT to use!ñ

3. Use a Buffalo Scrotum or Grain of Paradise

This is useful. The búfalo scrotum or the Grain Of Paradise to provide a minimun of cubs. Both can be purchased on flirt shop, so hurry up!

4. Breed to the Male

Breed to the male. If you are the studding male, provide the items to your king. If another king is the studding male, provide the items to the studding male.

Good luck!

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Corpse of King Minos (#223900)

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Posted on
2021-03-25 11:49:02

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