Posted by Eye Update. Please.

C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-02-24 14:32:06
I wasn't really sure where to put this since I'm not really suggesting any new eye colors or anything.
Rather, I'm asking for an eye update JUST for the default female pose.
The default female pose has really aged and the biggest contributor to that is their eyes. I think the current eyes look really dull and cartoony compared to the rest of the lions in this game.
What i'm asking for is just making the default female pose match the same eyes as.. Literally any other female lion.
I think most people dislike non-poseable lions because they just look.. Dull. I think a lot of it stems from the eyes being so boring (I mean, some of the most popular custom decor for the default female pose touches up the eyes)

This is a rough sort of mock up of "before and after" of the lionesses with and without "updated" eyes.

Rose Eyes Before
Rose Eyes After

Arid Eyes Before
Arid Eyes After

Mist Eyes Before
Mist Eyes After

Now, I know that lioden needs to make money and people buying female poses is part of that and having these new eyes might decrease the amount of female poses bought but.. What about the muties that can't be posed? Mane muts, bobbies, foldies, etc (at the time of writing this) are unable to be posed.
Not only that, but players still think the default pose is bland or hides markings, still giving them an incentive to give their lionesses a pose.

I don't think this would be too hard to do either, since it just requires either a minor lineart fix or the team could alternatively just make a new layer on top of the lineart for the eyes.

This suggestion has 46 supports and 52 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/02/21 @ 14:33:10 by 🌺Lee🌺 (#102610)

jasper (she/they) (#225844)

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Posted on
2021-02-24 14:36:50
personally i think if the default pose were to get updated itd have 2 be the whole shabam. the eyes just dont do it for me??^^; they look out of place on the old pose, too cartoony compared to the rest of her. thats just me though!! i like the idea of an update like this

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-02-24 14:39:39
yeah, that's fair! I'd expect the team to be able to do a much better job than I could lol if we got this update
i just think that the eyes rn just.. Don't really fit in either and really age the art.
I do agree that I hope for an updated female pose, but until that happens (since they're already so busy with male poses as it is) i'd want something just to at least tide us over until we can get it fully updated.

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the one who praises
Orange (#198713)

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Posted on
2021-02-25 10:46:04
I actually pretty much like how eyes are now? sure, default gets boring, but to me that is because it is default and you see it all the time. I posed some lionesses, and found that POSED ONES (kind and good for me) actually lack something in eyes, I never felt that for default (probably because kind and good have wide opened eyes, and if eye is missing details like shadow, or certain markings... can just give it different look. I have some good posed and they are fine, but some desperately needed expression).
if there happens to be change, I would preffer there is some item or toggle for it, as of now I do not want any of my ladies changed like that. I like them how they are and would be pretty pissed to see them changed

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G1 Ice Primal (#193467)

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Posted on
2021-02-27 06:39:15
There is much to criticize about the default pose but the eyes are not it.
They're relaxed and calm looking as they are. Your fix just makes them look...uncanny tbh especially with that harsh, black pupil. Also it makes the lioness look as if she's looking up which makes me think she's either eyerolling or her brain is shutting off. Kinda silly either way.

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a|Quad Ros (#299126)

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Posted on
2023-12-28 06:09:30
I agree with G1 Ice Primal. And I also like the eyes we have now. No support.

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