Posted by Guide to Blocking Images

Katze (#3)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-03-17 03:08:17
Disclaimer: This is nearly word-for-word the same guide that I have posted on the Lioden Wiki—I figured it may be helpful for players that might be unable to utilise the Wiki for any reason.

This is a quick little how-to on blocking images that you may be uncomfortable with, whether they are explore encounters, decors, backgrounds, etc. This guide utilises an unofficial method for image-blocking, as there is no official way to block images on Lioden other than lion markings. All official site images blocked should also be blocked on the Lioden Wiki, as we mostly use the same image URLs on the Wiki as we do on Lioden.

Keep in mind that this guide will only work if you are on a computer or laptop. Mobile devices, including phones and tablets, as well as miscellaneous devices such as gaming consoles, are not yet compatible with extensions, which include image blockers.

AdBlock Extensions

There are many AdBlock extensions that can be found on the internet. The one that I highly recommend using (and will be using for the purpose of this guide) is uBlock Origin. If you don't have uBlock Origin, don't worry! It is a free extension that is available for many modern browsers.

uBlock Origin's Website
uBlock Origin for Google Chrome
uBlock Origin for Microsoft Edge
uBlock Origin for Mozilla Firefox
uBlock Origin for Opera

For any browsers that are Chromium-based and support extensions, you are able to use any extensions that are released on the Google Chrome Web Store. These browsers include, but are not limited to: Brave, Epic, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, etc.

Once you have your extension installed, proceed through with the rest of the guide, where I will explain how you can find image URLs you wish to block, as well as where you should paste these URLs in order for them to no longer appear within your browser. If you are unsure of how to install an extension, please check out these guides for Brave, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

Blocking Images

Now that you have uBlock Origin installed, let's show how you can actually block images on Lioden.

  1. First, click on the uBlock Origin icon next to your address bar.


  2. Then, click on the set of three gears at the bottom of the uBlock tab entitled "Open the dashboard". This will take you to your "My filters" list within uBlock Origin.


  3. Within the "My filters" page, click any line, then paste the direct URL for the image that you wish to block. Once you have pasted all relevant images, hit "✔ Apply Changes". You can also press  Ctrl  +  S  or  Command ⌘  +  S  to quickly save your changes.


  4. You're done! Go check out Explore—you'll now see (or.. won't see?) that the images are now successfully blocked. Some browsers may display a broken image icon, while other browsers will display no image at all. Blocking Lioden images will also block them on this wiki, as mentioned at the very beginning of this guide.



Super easy! If at any point in time, you no longer wish to block an image, simply follow the above steps and remove any image URLs that you do not want blocked.

Helpful Tip: If you do not wish to take the time to block every individual image, you can use what is called a "wildcard" to mass-block images. From the above example, you can see that there are quite a few March event images that you may wish to block. Instead of taking all of these URLs, you can simply block all March event images as a whole by using this one neat trick!*.png

By replacing a singular image's name with an asterisk (*), you are telling uBlock Origin to block every single image within a specific directory—in this case, every image within the "antipoach" (March event) directory is blocked.

As with the above, if you no longer wish to have every image blocked, remove the wildcard from your "My filters" list.

Blocking Images with Brave

If your browser of choice is Brave, it comes with a built-in AdBlock. Brave's AdBlock has a slightly different process than uBlock Origin does, though it all functions nearly the same. You are also able to use the wildcard method mentioned above with Brave.

  1. First, to access this AdBlock, click on the menu bar in the upper right corner, then click on "Brave Ad Block". This will take you to a basic-looking page with many checkbox options. Ignore those for now.


  2. Scroll down to "Custom Filters". Just like uBlock Origin's "My filters" list, this is where you will paste the image URLs you wish to block. There is no save button here—just input the image URLs and they are automatically blocked.


  3. Woohoo, you're done! Blocked images on Brave display as broken image files, so don't worry if you see a broken image in Explore. It just means the filter is doing its job to hide the image for you.


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Edited on 17/03/21 @ 03:09:01 by Katze (#3)

Katze (#3)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-03-17 03:08:33

Image Repository

Below, I have provided a list of images that some players express discomfort towards. Using the above guide, you can copy and paste these image URLs directly into your filter list in order to block them on both Lioden and the Lioden Wiki. If any images are missing, broken, or you'd like to suggest images, feel free to PM me or post here. :)

Lists have been spoilered in order to save visual space. Please click on the spoilers to expand them and copy down their URLs.

Explore Encounters

Battle Portraits



Depending on the decor, you will need to block between 16 to 38 unique URLs per decor—this is dependent upon whether the decor has a unique file per adult male mane shape.


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