Posted by -LOCKED - Studs & Buffalo Scrotums Warning

Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2021-03-20 10:44:16
Not sure what I should call it, but yeah.

If you've got a buffalo scrotum active on your king, and you click to accept a stud request, I think there should be a warning like, "Warning: Accepting this stud request will use your Buffalo Scrotum effect, and will be given to the stud's lioness." Or something along those lines. You can either cancel, or continue and breed the lioness anyways.

Why: I've been told by certain people that they applied a buffie scrotum to their king and didn't know it worked on studs, and basically it just got taken by the person who studded. This could be taken advantage of, and YOUR buffalo scrotum is just given to the lioness outside of your pride, and after that nothing can be done about it. If there's a warning, it can show that the effect will expire if you accept the request. Another example is forgetting it's active and if you accept the request, it's gone.

Please explain why if you don't support!
Edit: This would also apply to grains of paradise

This suggestion has 64 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/03/21 @ 10:56:19 by Dusk (G2 2x Ros Ice Pie) (#158229)

Ninque (#106221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-20 11:10:21
I feel like this should apply to any item to be honest. I'm also guilty of forgetting I have an item used on my queen and accepting random stud requests.

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Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2021-03-20 11:11:39
What items would you want it to be applied to? All I thought of were the items guaranteeing a certain amount of cubs since they are used by kings. But yeah, this has happened to me before but luckily it was only a grain of paradise instead of a buffalo scrotum

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Ninque (#106221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-20 11:15:39
There are a few stat boosting items, Rock Salt, Opal Saltlick, Ochre Gnawrock, Ochre Saltlick and Pennyroyal. I have a feeling I missed something, but I cannot remember what.

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Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2021-03-20 11:17:37
Definitely would be a good idea aswell!

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Posted on
2021-09-26 13:56:13


This has been suggested here already: Link.
If you'd like to, please pledge your support on the thread linked above!
To avoid having duplicate suggestions within the Development Boards, we'll lock your thread.

We hope that you'll understand!

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