Posted by -LOCKED - Mod Review
Draconis (#232211)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-10 09:59:08
Due to some recent issues in main chat I’ve had several people agree with me that the current mods are mostly power mad and have let their new power get to their head. They do not take down the important posts that break code of conduct but warn us for having to do their job for them because they won’t. And when we do call them out they simply delete our messages and act as if nothing happened. They care more about someone posting sales in main chat than someone having a whole group therapy session. The current mods should be heavily reviewed and replaced if seen unfit.

Also if this post is taken down I will repost it until my point is gotten across

This suggestion has 4 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/05/21 @ 10:10:00 by Delta (Mosaic Pie) (#232211)

[Side]✨ (#4627)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-10 10:01:09
If you have an issue with the current mods, it would be best to contact Katze instead of making a suggestion post for it.

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Draconis (#232211)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-10 10:02:20
I have told my issues to Abbey and as mods delete so many messages there was nothing they did so in order to shed some light on just how many people are upset with mod behavior

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Posted on
2021-05-10 10:19:28
This thread will be locked as it is best to contact Abbey (#1) in order to bring up issues you may have with moderator decisions. Additionally, if you feel that there is a rule break in chat, please flag the message or report it to modbox, as staff cannot always handle every single message that comes up immediately. Flagging it or reporting it allows us to review and discuss it as a team.

Thank you!

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