Posted by Double Uterus help..

Skyia (#24371)

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Posted on
2021-05-13 16:48:46
So I’ve been trying to understand all the different breeding items to get a successful breeding for things.
What happens if I use a cbr with a lion mean or lion scrotum?
What about a lion meat and lion scrotum?
Is there less luck to get one if she’s never birthed one vs one that’s already had one?
Wasn’t sure if there was a certain way that you feel works better with experience... did you fail a few times before you actually got one? Let me get your opinions!

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2022-11-30 22:18:30
@Lionheart1222 - technically yes, but it wouldn't make any difference whether the lions were descended from DUs or not in your example. There's just a chance for a random DU to pop up in any litter. But it's a small chance in general, and extremely small for DUs which are one of the rarer muties.

The only way the parents make any difference and help increase the odds of a DU cub is if the mother herself is a DU. The grandparents and any generations beyond don't have any effect. Only the lioness you're actually breeding. If she is a DU and you use a lion scrotum on her, that increases the chance in her next litter to 5% per (female) cub of them inheriting the DU mutation from her. Most people therefore use a great tit to guarantee all females, and a buffalo scrotum to maximise number of cubs, as well as the lion scrotum itself.

As an aside, this is a really old post! You're always a lot more likely to get your questions seen - and answered faster - if you make your own new post (the 'Post New Topic' text link at the top of Chatter), instead of replying to old dead ones ;)

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KᖇᗩᗰᗰIE (#220377)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-12-29 13:14:59
My DU only gave me 4 cubs? I thought they automatically gave you 8

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Aura/Starfall (#209015)

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Posted on
2022-12-29 15:20:18
They don't automatically give you 8 they just never give an odd number it's always even so no 1 or 3 cub litters

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