Posted by Mass hunting

Sereia -👑🌌 (#229178)

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Posted on
2021-05-14 00:00:05
I am not sure if someone already made this or not but I love to hunt a lot, but it gets difficult when I have to wait or then I don't get enough uses of food they bring back, so I thought of a way to make it easier for people who like to hunt a lot
mass hunting will be a feature that will allow you to mass hunt, by a click of a button all your lionesses hunting moves will be used, of course, you will have to wait as a regular hunting action would require but when the time is up and you click results it will show you a list of food items your females caught and how many uses its has in total

this would be a great asset for big prides and a way to earn lots of money if u have some leftover

I also think it should be a feature that can be turned on and off

I saw the feed back and what I think would be good is to add a subscription-like feed all play all, where u can buy this feature either permanently or for 30 days(admins can decide)

This suggestion has 108 supports and 86 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/03/22 @ 11:11:18 by Avabxlla-(2116/5070HS) (#229178)

Angel🌺(Semi-Here) (#243290)

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Posted on
2022-03-28 10:18:59
Sadly no support what might be a good option is paying a small GB fee per month to auto hunt first 5 hunters go hunt when lioness come back from hunting food would be added to inventory and they go back to hunting randomly chosen spots or some sort of check list for spots wanted to hunt at

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