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Posted by | Hide Bookmark Button AND a Notification |
♥Amour (#29190) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-15 11:33:06 |
I’m sure I’m not the only one who accidentally bookmarks pages? I’m a mobile user most of the time and pages/certain aspects on a page can load slowly. So sometimes (all the time) I find myself hitting the danged bookmark button instead of the action I was wanting. My suggestion, add an option to the Account Ootions tab in our dens to Hide/Unhide Bookmark Button. Two ways this could work: 1) Hide/Unhide ONLY the Bookmark Button and keep your list of bookmarked pages available OR 2) Hide/Unhide BOTH the Bookmark Button AND the pages, but make it in a way that, when they are Hid, the pages will still be marked when you Unhide them. EDIT: Another suggestion by a user, perhaps add a “Confirm Bookmark” notification if this suggestion isn’t accepted. Or have both options available for use! Having both options available would be a perfect balance for everyone. Those who prefer this confirmation notification won’t even have to worry about the Hide/Unhide Account Option. And similarly, those who would find the confirmation notification a nuisance could completely bypass it by using the Hide/Unhide Option ——————————————— Any and ALL critique is welcome! Whether you agree or disagree, I will not be offended and I’ll be the first to defend you should you get grief for a differing opinion. |
Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101) View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-15 11:36:11 |
I feel like a "Confirm bookmark" notification would be similarly helpful 0 players like this post! Like? |
♥Amour (#29190)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-15 11:37:34 |
I can definitely see that as being helpful too! I’ll add that to the suggestion. Though I can definitely see getting that confirmation notification all the time as a nuisance too 0 players like this post! Like? |
Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101) View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-15 11:53:41 |
True lol, gotta be less of a nuisance than having to keep deleting all the bookmarks my fat fingers keep making though 0 players like this post! Like? |
♥Amour (#29190)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-15 11:54:13 |
TetraTwinkle (#124618)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-16 08:52:41 |
I think the additional confirm bookmark popup would be simpler, so as to not have to turn anything on/off all the time by going to account options when you want to bookmark something new. I do agree it gets annoying though aha so support :) 0 players like this post! Like? |
♥Amour (#29190)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2021-06-16 09:00:43 |
I can definitely see lots of users preferring that function, though I’ve been doing some thinking. Having both these options available might actually be in everyone’s best interest. For those who prefer the confirmation notification, they don’t even have to use the Hide/Unhide option. But for users like me, I have a few useful pages bookmarked, but I really don’t use the bookmark function 90% of the time. Having the button constantly there is quite useless for me and it just gets in the way. Users is similar positions as I may find the random confirmation notification pop-ups quite the nuisance XD So both would fix everyone’s problems! 0 players like this post! Like? |
♥Amour (#29190)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-10-09 11:17:51 |
For the love of pete, I’m gonna end up having every page on Lioden bookmarked! 0 players like this post! Like? |
🗡️ LunarKnight (G1 Ennedi) (#151072) View Forum Posts Posted on 2023-12-28 16:31:47 |
As a mobile user you have my full support! I was thinking about making a similar suggestion so I'm glad I searched for anything similar first. ^_^ 0 players like this post! Like? |
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