Posted by πŸ”Έ lion containment site 16-cπŸ”Έ

» clean x8 BO
rift (#55192)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-08-04 09:47:57

site 16-c

[[[ This Site is organized by the Lion Containment Foundation ]]]

some things to know

all lions on this page are going to be chased at weekly reset.

the lions on this page are all shown as adults, for simplicity's sake, and you can click on their images to be taken to their page

lions will not have the poses they are shown with unless otherwise specified.

name your price on these lions, and if it's okay, you get them right away. i need them gone, so i'll take pretty much anything [this is NOT an auction house]

clean and dirty lineages have no impact on the game itself, it is simply preference.

what i WILL take
[EXCEPT brawl/squabble/thrashed]
breeding items (not including nesting materials)

what i will NOT take
in most cases, lions
brawl, squabble, or thrashed applicators
eye color contact applicators
amusement items
nesting materials

site containment level β–ˆβ–ˆ


lineage : Dirty

stats : 287
base : Dusty (Black Light Countershaded Common)
eyes : Green
mane : Sideward / Hematite

Slot 1: Arctic Feline Unders (41%)
Slot 3: Brimstone Inverted Brindle (56%)
Slot 5: Feline 6 Orchid (94%)
Slot 7: Haliotis Cheetah (100%)
Slot 8: Sunrise Valiant (41%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (83%)

hidden markings
Slot 12: Shard Hyena Blots Heavy
Slot 13: Wicked Underbelly


lineage : Clean

stats : 231
base : Jet (Black Dark Solid Common)
eyes : Green
mane : Scarce / Dark Vanilla

Slot 2: Shard Glaze (51%)
Slot 3: Brimstone Inverted Brindle (45%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (43%)
Slot 8: Sunrise Valiant (42%)

hidden markings
Slot 11: Shard Feline
Slot 12: Shard Hyena Blots Heavy
Slot 13: Wicked Underbelly


lineage : Clean

stats : 249
base : Sunflower (Golden Medium Countershaded Common)
eyes : Smalti
mane : Thick / Elysian

Slot 2: Shard Glaze (53%)
Slot 3: Water Hyacinth Points (40%)
Slot 5: Hoarfrost Vitiligo (44%)
Slot 7: Haliotis Cheetah (46%)
Slot 8: Hoarfrost Hyena Unders (42%)

hidden markings
Slot 12: Shard Hyena Blots Heavy
Slot 14: Blood Moon Feline


lineage : Clean

stats : 301
base : Cedar (Red Light Solid Common)
eyes : Yellow
mane : Barbary / White

Slot 1: Haliotis Reverse Vitiligo Mash (39%)
Slot 2: Feline 2 Orchid (86%)
Slot 3: Feline 3 Orchid (79%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Orchid (18%)
Slot 8: Ardor Inverted Brindle (25%)
Slot 9: Pulsar Dim (43%)


lineage : Clean

stats : 267
base : Vandal (Black Dark Countershaded Common)
eyes : Green
mane : Hellraiser / Infernal

Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (66%)
Slot 2: Shard Glaze (52%)
Slot 5: Gilded Speckles (100%)
Slot 6: Merlot Feline (88%)
Slot 8: Sunrise Valiant (76%)
Slot 9: Gilded Hyena Unders (81%)
Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (79%)

hidden markings
Slot 11: Shard Feline
Slot 12: Shard Hyena Blots Heavy
Slot 13: Wicked Underbelly
Slot 15: Angelic Feline Unders

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Edited on 19/11/22 @ 23:35:25 by πŸ‘» six πŸ‘» [x3 ros ferus] (#55192)

]🍬 (#365757)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-18 12:30:24
750-800 on Icu-118 could you reveal their fertility if that's not a problem?

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PissGamer (#288770)

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Posted on
2022-11-20 12:05:30
Would 200 SB work for LCU-122?

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