Posted by LF: JB | Special Rates for Pure GB

Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 13:03:44

Buying Jewel Beetles
[September Event Currency]


Hi there! I'm mighty interested in this month's event currency! If you're looking for a little something, be it Geebs, Apps, MT or even breeding items, you've come to the right place!

Only interested in bulks of 150 JB
150 JB= 15 GB

- Reservations OF 1000+ JB will need to show proof of 1/3 of the total amount -

- Please try to refrain from cancelling your reservation. You will not be blacklisted if you do. However, I would appreciate if you would be able to let me know as soon as possible -


What I have to Offer


[740GB / 800GB]

[Special rate if trading in pure GB]

Ochre Gnawrocks - 20GB
[70GB for 3]


Breeding Items

Buffalo Scrotum [30/30] - 200 JB each
Crunchy Worm [3/3] - 300 JB each
Grain of Paradise [5/5] - 80 JB each
Nesting Materials [500/500] - 1 JB each
Lion Scrotum [0/10] - 200 JB each
Shadow of Death [84/84] - 80 JB each
Yohimbe Bark [20/20] 150 JB each [Negotiable if bought in bulk]


Monkey Teeth

600MT- 380 JB for 300MT


Base Apps

Ammonite Body (3/3) - 30 JB each
Ancestral Body (0/3) - 30 JB each
Angelic Core (1/1) - 60 JB each
Astral Fire (4/5) - 80 JB each
Blazing Corpse (2/2) - 100 JB each
Blood Moon Body (2/2) - 100 JB each
Bloodbourne Infection (0/1) - 100 JB each
Brimstone Core (12/12) - 60 JB each
Chatoyant Enamel (10/10) - 30 JB each
Cherry Lips (1/1) - 180 JB each
Cretaceous Body (4/4) - 40 JB each
Curse of Divine (10/10) - 80 JB each
Date with Manakbir (2/2) - 120 JB each
Dust: Hematite (3/3) - 60 JB each
Dust: Labradorite (2/2) - 80 JB each
Dust: Meteorite (3/3) - 60 JB each
Dust: Moonstone (4/4) - 50 JB each
Dust: Nuummite (3/3) - 100 JB each
Dust: Rhodonite (0/1) - 80 JB each
Dust: Rough Ruby (4/5) - 70 JB each
Ethereal Body (1/2) - 40 JB each
Favour of Anubis (1/1) - 180 JB each
Favour of Bast (1/2) - 120 JB each
Favour of Seth (2/2) - 250 JB each
Feast of (April's) Fools (4/4) - 40 JB each
Fossil Body (2/2) - 30 JB each
Frostbitten Skin (2/2) - 150 JB each
Glass Dust (2/2) - 150 JB each
Gregarious Form (1/1) - 40 JB each
Gregarious Phase (1/1) - 30 JB each
Haunted Body (3/3) - 80 JB each
Heavenly Serenity (5/5) - 60 JB each
Infernal Blood (1/1) - 150 JB each
Interstellar Remnant (1/1) - 300 JB each
Kiss from a Rose (1/1) - 100 JB each
Nacre Lining (10/10) - 30 JB each
Nautilus Body (4/4) - 50 JB each
One with the Giants (10/10) - 60 JB each
Parhelion Body (2/2) - 40 JB each
Penumbra Body (5/5) - 50 JB each
Reindeer Base(3/3) - 60 JB each
Relic of Anubis (3/3) - 150 JB each
Relic of Bast (1/3) - 60 JB each
Relic of Seth (2/3) - 80 JB each
Rosy Cheeks (4/4) - 120 JB each
Royal Coat of Anubis (3/3) - 300 JB each
Royal Coat of Bast (4/4) - 150 JB each
Royal Coat of Seth (3/3) - 180 JB each
Sacred Body (2/2) - 20 JB each
Scent of Hibiscus (2/2) - 150 JB each
Scent of Water Hyacinth (1/1) - 300 JB each
Seer Divination (3/3) - 40 JB each
Spectre Body (0/2) - 90 JB each
Spicy Ice (4/4) - 150 JB each
Supernal Body (3/3) - 50 JB each
Taste of Merlot (0/1) - 150 JB each
The Aardwolf (5/5) - 50 JB each
The Guardian (9/9) - 50 JB each
Touch of Demiurge (10/10) - 150 JB each
True Titan (10/10) - 50 JB each
Unholy Body (3/3) - 150 JB each
Vestige of Bast (0/2) - 150 JB each
Vestige of Seth (3/3) - 200 JB each
Victor's Secret (1/2) - 40 JB each
Windfall Body (2/2) - 70 JB each

Marking Apps

Applicator: Brawl (1/1) - 2 JB each
Applicator: Feline 7 White (3/3) - 60 JB each
Applicator: Grunge (1/1) - 10 JB each
Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce (1/1) - 5 JB each
Applicator: Lilac Lace (1/1) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy (4/4) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted (4/4) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Onyx Lace (3/3) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Onyx Vitiligo (1/2) - 40 JB each
Applicator: Red Inverted Zebra (0/1) - 40 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Back (3/3) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Face (3/3) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Rump (2/2) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Unders (4/4) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Rumble (9/9) - 2 JB each
Applicator: Scrapped (2/2) - 10 JB each
Applicator: Squabble (2/2) - 2 JB each
Applicator: White Panther (3/3) - 50 JB each
Brimstone Imprints (8/8) - 50 JB each
Burning Embers (8/8) - 40 JB each
Chatoyant Carvings (17/17) - 100 JB each
Cloudburst Stains (2/3) - 50 JB each
Diceros (17/17) - 50 JB each
Dicey Ice (2/2) - 150 JB each
Fiery Unders (4/4) - 50 JB each
Fuchsia Nectar (1/1) - 250 JB each
Gregarious Mark (4/4) - 60 JB each
Hirola Markings (10/10) - 30 JB each
Hot Cocoa (5/5) - 50 JB each
Ivory Carvings (16/16) - 50 JB each
Maroon Four (4/4) - 150 JB each
Murk Marks (1/1) - 50 JB each
Nacre Carvings (17/17) - 60 JB each
Prune Skin (6/6) - 50 JB each
Rime Markings (2/2) - 80 JB each
Reindeer Markings (2/3) - 40 JB each
Sparkly Gilded App (4/6) - 150 JB each
Sunrise Markings (4/4) - 200 JB each
Sunset Markings (4/4) - 200 JB each
The Bodyguard (1/1) - 20 JB each

Mane Apps
[Shape & Colour]

Astral Blessing (3/3) - 30 JB each
Celestial Blessing (3/3) - 30 JB each
Cresent Moon (1/1) - 60 JB each
Divine Blessing (2/3) -20 JB each
Ethereal Fur (5/5) - 3 JB each
Feast of Saint Patricks (4/4) - 3 JB each
Fossil Fur (6/6) - 3 JB each
Heavenly Blessing (3/3) - 10 JB each
Hirola Mane (5/5) - 20 JB each
Penumbra Fur (1/1) - 5 JB each
Reindeer Mane (1/1) - 60 JB each
Skyward Blessing (3/3) - 10 JB each
Spectre Fur (3/3) - 20 JB each
Styx Fur (1/1) - 10 JB each
Supernal Fur (4/4) - 1 JB each
The Safeguard (5/5) - 5 JB each
Titanic Fluff (5/5) - 20 JB each

Eye Apps

Dust: Amethyst (2/2) - 30 JB each
Dust: Carnelian (5/5) - 10 JB each
Dust: Celestite (3/3) - 30 JB each
Dust: Dioptase (2/2) - 30 JB each
Dust: Garnet (3/3) - 20 JB each
Dust: Jasper (1/2) - 50 JB each
Dust: Opal (3/3) - 30 JB each
Dust: Peridot (4/4) - 20 JB each
Dust: Tanzanite (2/2) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Confetti (1/1) - 40 JB each
Eye Applicator: Demon (3/3) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Fierce Red (2/2) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Fog (1/1) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Intense Blood (2/2) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Mist (2/2) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Snake (4/4) - 10 JB each


Mutie on Demand: Spotted (1/1) - 1500 JB [Negotiable]
Mutie on Demand: Dappled (1/1) - 1700 JB each [Negotiable]
Mutie on Demand: Primal (7/7) - 150 JB each






I live in the eastern part of the world | Time zones may differ
I log in sporadically throughout the day | The green button lies
I may have not replied | Give me 24 for me to respond

LF: JB | O: Apps / Breeding Items / MT & More! | Special Rates for Pure GB

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 22:04:26 by Zeiirle (#13254)

Zeiirle (#13254)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 13:35:21


✮Popsta✮ [#216488] | 150 JB | 1 Sparkly Gilded App | Trade Sent

Potato [#152201] | 300 JB | 1 Vestige of Bast + 1 Ancestral Body + 1 Ethereal Body + 1 Astral Fire | Trade Sent - Done

Riptide [#236441] | 300 JB | 30GB | PM Sent

Maple [#154639] | 450 JB | 1 Lion Scrotum + 1 Vestige of Bast + 1 Dust: Jasper + 1 Cloudburst Stains | Trade Sent

Kasai [#227663] | 300 JB | 30GB | PM Sent

Zera | [#211151] | 600 JB | 3 Lion Scrotums | Paying 10th Sept | Trade Sent

Indigo [#336414] | 300 JB | 1 Dust: Rhodonite + 1 Applicator: Onyx Vitiligo + 1 Applicator: Red Inverted Zebra + 1 Relic of Bast + 1 Spectre Body | Mid Sept

Mayo [#236799] | 300 JB | 1 Ancestral Body + 1 Rough Ruby + 1 Taste of Merlot + 1 Victor's Secret | Mid Sept

Monstera [#335998] | 300 JB | 1 Relic of Bast + 1 Sparkly Gilded App + Spectre Body | Mid Sept

Necro [#329230] | 100 JB | 1 Bloodbourne Infection

Pear [318793] | 200 JB | Lion Scrotum

Kinney [#310812] | 1650 + 150 JB | 11 Barks + 1 Dust: Labradorite + 1 Lycoan Heavy App + 20 NM

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 21:58:55 by Zeiirle (#13254)

DinoBones (#238528)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 14:43:40
May I please reserve a Parhelion and Demiurge base please for 120 GB please?

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Zeiirle (#13254)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 14:59:05
Hi Dino!

Im not sure I get you. The Demiurge base is 150 JB as is and the Parhelion Body is worth 40 JB.

I'm buying in bulks of 150 JB so the total would cost 190 JB. Would you like to add anything else to round it up to 300 JB?

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DinoBones (#238528)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 15:31:44
Hello Zeiirle,

I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding! Would it be possible to convert the remaining 110 JB to GB instead of adding more apps? It would be 11 GB I believe.

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Zeiirle (#13254)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 15:34:51
No worries Dino!

So correct me if I'm wrong - you'd like to trade 300 JB for 1 Demiurge App + 1 Parhelion Body + 11GB?

If so, that would totally work with me. Ill note you down once I get confirmation :)

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DinoBones (#238528)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 15:52:53
That's correct, thank you very much!

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Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 15:54:22
Sure! I'll note you down then. Thank you too! I'll contact you when the respective Tier is out :)

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Espenfalls - Project
King (#128113)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 16:56:53
Can I reserve 2 rough ruby base apps and 1 styx mane app?

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Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 17:12:10
Sure can @Espenfalls! I'll note you down and contact you when Tier 2 opens :)

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Edited on 05/09/21 @ 17:12:28 by Zeiirle (#13254)

Misty || Velvet||
Jelly (#130181)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 20:34:00
Can I please get one of each of the following?
Rugged Back
Rugged Face
Rugged Rump

Also gonna want a base app-not sure which yet!!

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Edited on 05/09/21 @ 20:34:17 by Misty [3x Ros. Divine Lycaon] (#130181)

Misty || Velvet||
Jelly (#130181)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 20:57:33
Let me also get Glass Dust and Applicator: Lilac Lace

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Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 21:04:06
Sure @Misty!

The total adds up to 310 JB. I'm buying in bulks of 150 JB but I can note you down for 300 JB if you'd like :)

Just let me know if this works for you

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Misty || Velvet||
Jelly (#130181)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 21:04:57
This works! I could give you 1gb to make up for the 10 if youd like!!

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Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 21:05:42
That works for me too! I'll note you down then :)

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Misty || Velvet||
Jelly (#130181)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 21:07:19
Ahhh I cant wait! This'll complete my heir <3

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