Posted by LF: JB | Special Rates for Pure GB

Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2021-09-05 13:03:44

Buying Jewel Beetles
[September Event Currency]


Hi there! I'm mighty interested in this month's event currency! If you're looking for a little something, be it Geebs, Apps, MT or even breeding items, you've come to the right place!

Only interested in bulks of 150 JB
150 JB= 15 GB

- Reservations OF 1000+ JB will need to show proof of 1/3 of the total amount -

- Please try to refrain from cancelling your reservation. You will not be blacklisted if you do. However, I would appreciate if you would be able to let me know as soon as possible -


What I have to Offer


[740GB / 800GB]

[Special rate if trading in pure GB]

Ochre Gnawrocks - 20GB
[70GB for 3]


Breeding Items

Buffalo Scrotum [30/30] - 200 JB each
Crunchy Worm [3/3] - 300 JB each
Grain of Paradise [5/5] - 80 JB each
Nesting Materials [500/500] - 1 JB each
Lion Scrotum [0/10] - 200 JB each
Shadow of Death [84/84] - 80 JB each
Yohimbe Bark [20/20] 150 JB each [Negotiable if bought in bulk]


Monkey Teeth

600MT- 380 JB for 300MT


Base Apps

Ammonite Body (3/3) - 30 JB each
Ancestral Body (0/3) - 30 JB each
Angelic Core (1/1) - 60 JB each
Astral Fire (4/5) - 80 JB each
Blazing Corpse (2/2) - 100 JB each
Blood Moon Body (2/2) - 100 JB each
Bloodbourne Infection (0/1) - 100 JB each
Brimstone Core (12/12) - 60 JB each
Chatoyant Enamel (10/10) - 30 JB each
Cherry Lips (1/1) - 180 JB each
Cretaceous Body (4/4) - 40 JB each
Curse of Divine (10/10) - 80 JB each
Date with Manakbir (2/2) - 120 JB each
Dust: Hematite (3/3) - 60 JB each
Dust: Labradorite (2/2) - 80 JB each
Dust: Meteorite (3/3) - 60 JB each
Dust: Moonstone (4/4) - 50 JB each
Dust: Nuummite (3/3) - 100 JB each
Dust: Rhodonite (0/1) - 80 JB each
Dust: Rough Ruby (4/5) - 70 JB each
Ethereal Body (1/2) - 40 JB each
Favour of Anubis (1/1) - 180 JB each
Favour of Bast (1/2) - 120 JB each
Favour of Seth (2/2) - 250 JB each
Feast of (April's) Fools (4/4) - 40 JB each
Fossil Body (2/2) - 30 JB each
Frostbitten Skin (2/2) - 150 JB each
Glass Dust (2/2) - 150 JB each
Gregarious Form (1/1) - 40 JB each
Gregarious Phase (1/1) - 30 JB each
Haunted Body (3/3) - 80 JB each
Heavenly Serenity (5/5) - 60 JB each
Infernal Blood (1/1) - 150 JB each
Interstellar Remnant (1/1) - 300 JB each
Kiss from a Rose (1/1) - 100 JB each
Nacre Lining (10/10) - 30 JB each
Nautilus Body (4/4) - 50 JB each
One with the Giants (10/10) - 60 JB each
Parhelion Body (2/2) - 40 JB each
Penumbra Body (5/5) - 50 JB each
Reindeer Base(3/3) - 60 JB each
Relic of Anubis (3/3) - 150 JB each
Relic of Bast (1/3) - 60 JB each
Relic of Seth (2/3) - 80 JB each
Rosy Cheeks (4/4) - 120 JB each
Royal Coat of Anubis (3/3) - 300 JB each
Royal Coat of Bast (4/4) - 150 JB each
Royal Coat of Seth (3/3) - 180 JB each
Sacred Body (2/2) - 20 JB each
Scent of Hibiscus (2/2) - 150 JB each
Scent of Water Hyacinth (1/1) - 300 JB each
Seer Divination (3/3) - 40 JB each
Spectre Body (0/2) - 90 JB each
Spicy Ice (4/4) - 150 JB each
Supernal Body (3/3) - 50 JB each
Taste of Merlot (0/1) - 150 JB each
The Aardwolf (5/5) - 50 JB each
The Guardian (9/9) - 50 JB each
Touch of Demiurge (10/10) - 150 JB each
True Titan (10/10) - 50 JB each
Unholy Body (3/3) - 150 JB each
Vestige of Bast (0/2) - 150 JB each
Vestige of Seth (3/3) - 200 JB each
Victor's Secret (1/2) - 40 JB each
Windfall Body (2/2) - 70 JB each

Marking Apps

Applicator: Brawl (1/1) - 2 JB each
Applicator: Feline 7 White (3/3) - 60 JB each
Applicator: Grunge (1/1) - 10 JB each
Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce (1/1) - 5 JB each
Applicator: Lilac Lace (1/1) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy (4/4) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted (4/4) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Onyx Lace (3/3) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Onyx Vitiligo (1/2) - 40 JB each
Applicator: Red Inverted Zebra (0/1) - 40 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Back (3/3) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Face (3/3) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Rump (2/2) - 30 JB each
Applicator: Rugged Unders (4/4) - 50 JB each
Applicator: Rumble (9/9) - 2 JB each
Applicator: Scrapped (2/2) - 10 JB each
Applicator: Squabble (2/2) - 2 JB each
Applicator: White Panther (3/3) - 50 JB each
Brimstone Imprints (8/8) - 50 JB each
Burning Embers (8/8) - 40 JB each
Chatoyant Carvings (17/17) - 100 JB each
Cloudburst Stains (2/3) - 50 JB each
Diceros (17/17) - 50 JB each
Dicey Ice (2/2) - 150 JB each
Fiery Unders (4/4) - 50 JB each
Fuchsia Nectar (1/1) - 250 JB each
Gregarious Mark (4/4) - 60 JB each
Hirola Markings (10/10) - 30 JB each
Hot Cocoa (5/5) - 50 JB each
Ivory Carvings (16/16) - 50 JB each
Maroon Four (4/4) - 150 JB each
Murk Marks (1/1) - 50 JB each
Nacre Carvings (17/17) - 60 JB each
Prune Skin (6/6) - 50 JB each
Rime Markings (2/2) - 80 JB each
Reindeer Markings (2/3) - 40 JB each
Sparkly Gilded App (4/6) - 150 JB each
Sunrise Markings (4/4) - 200 JB each
Sunset Markings (4/4) - 200 JB each
The Bodyguard (1/1) - 20 JB each

Mane Apps
[Shape & Colour]

Astral Blessing (3/3) - 30 JB each
Celestial Blessing (3/3) - 30 JB each
Cresent Moon (1/1) - 60 JB each
Divine Blessing (2/3) -20 JB each
Ethereal Fur (5/5) - 3 JB each
Feast of Saint Patricks (4/4) - 3 JB each
Fossil Fur (6/6) - 3 JB each
Heavenly Blessing (3/3) - 10 JB each
Hirola Mane (5/5) - 20 JB each
Penumbra Fur (1/1) - 5 JB each
Reindeer Mane (1/1) - 60 JB each
Skyward Blessing (3/3) - 10 JB each
Spectre Fur (3/3) - 20 JB each
Styx Fur (1/1) - 10 JB each
Supernal Fur (4/4) - 1 JB each
The Safeguard (5/5) - 5 JB each
Titanic Fluff (5/5) - 20 JB each

Eye Apps

Dust: Amethyst (2/2) - 30 JB each
Dust: Carnelian (5/5) - 10 JB each
Dust: Celestite (3/3) - 30 JB each
Dust: Dioptase (2/2) - 30 JB each
Dust: Garnet (3/3) - 20 JB each
Dust: Jasper (1/2) - 50 JB each
Dust: Opal (3/3) - 30 JB each
Dust: Peridot (4/4) - 20 JB each
Dust: Tanzanite (2/2) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Confetti (1/1) - 40 JB each
Eye Applicator: Demon (3/3) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Fierce Red (2/2) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Fog (1/1) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Intense Blood (2/2) - 20 JB each
Eye Applicator: Mist (2/2) - 30 JB each
Eye Applicator: Snake (4/4) - 10 JB each


Mutie on Demand: Spotted (1/1) - 1500 JB [Negotiable]
Mutie on Demand: Dappled (1/1) - 1700 JB each [Negotiable]
Mutie on Demand: Primal (7/7) - 150 JB each






I live in the eastern part of the world | Time zones may differ
I log in sporadically throughout the day | The green button lies
I may have not replied | Give me 24 for me to respond

LF: JB | O: Apps / Breeding Items / MT & More! | Special Rates for Pure GB

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 22:04:26 by Zeiirle (#13254)

Necro (#329230)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-22 10:20:23
Are you doing these trades/buys with this months currency? (BB, Demonic Scales, and/or Nepheline feathers)

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