hello I'm extremely obsessed with cat genetics at the moment; and since I have the worst learning style of having to work out and experience the thing myself, I thought, "Why not make adopts to practice?" so yk, here we are.
• You are welcome to pay before, after or half-half when your image is done, however I do have a week limit. I will not provide the image until you have paid.
• You can mix payments! You can play like half in GB and half in USD- I do not care!
• There will be two buyable kits per pairing, you may only claim one kit per pairing.
You can expect to wait a while to receive your adopt, there's a lot to get through as well as other art I need to do. This is something I'll do if I have free-er time so I recommend paying after you receive it. You are permitted to use the adopt you receive anywhere with credit back to me. Please credit either my toyhouse or lioden.