Posted by 🔥🔥Tisha's HQT BO Special Base Rosettes

Tisha|G1 6x Rosette
Leonid| (#161397)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-10-01 06:30:29

Sales/Info Thread

Lions available are shown with opacities tweaked and posed with a suitable background.

Some lions will be frozen to preserve their age.

[ Lions can be on my main/side or a trusted player's frozen account]
[ Prices are negotiable | Offers welcomed ]
[ Thread has both flat sales and auctions]
[ First Come First Served ]
[ Links take you to their page | Trades will be made upon agreement ]

While I am amendable to bartering, outright lowballs will result in a block.

BO Special Base Multi-Rosettes

NOT Selling the Lions, only Modified Clones. Will note below the lion the sales thread if I'm selling a clone.

If one of the Rosette BO Special Base Lions interest you but I am not attempting to clone it, mention it and I will see if I have the means to attempt to clone.

Currently trying to clone:
TR Kimanjano
Penta Ros Leonid

Soul Double Rosette - MR|NHR

Base: Soul (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Black Light Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 1: White Underfelt (15%)
Slot 4: Onyx Siamese (33%)
Slot 5: Feline 8 Onyx (64%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (96%)
Slot 9: Feralis Noctis (14%)
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)

Eyes: Maroon
Mane: Royal| Ebony

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Umber MR|SSR Faux RLC

Base: Umber (Greige Skin)
Genetics: Red Medium Solid Rare (Rare Base)

Slot 1: Feline 7 Noctis (50%) Tier 2
Slot 2: Feline 8 Lilac (80%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Feline 9 Noctis (55%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Noctis Rogue (80%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Lilac Freckles 1 (100%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Clay Indri (80%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Feline 4 Lilac (70%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Seal Shaded Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 10: Noctis Panther (100%) Tier 2
Slot 11: Vitiligo 4 (100%) Tier 2
Slot 12: Cimmerian Panther (40%) Tier 2
Slot 13: White Rims (100%) Tier 2
Slot 14: Lilac Freckles 3 (55%) Tier 2

Slot 15: White Frosty Roan (70%) Tier 3

Eyes: Clay
Mane: Savage| Clay

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Kimanjano - MR|NSR|ASR

(Shown with Under White 4)

Base: Kimanjano (Dudley Skin)
Genetics: Golden Dark Countershaded Special (Special Hybrid Exclusive Base)

Slot 1: White Underfelt (94%)
Slot 2: Auburn Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 3: Feline 2 Noctis (88%)
Slot 4: Feline 7 Silver (84%)
Slot 5: Feline 2 Noctis (39%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 7: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Feline 6 Noctis (53%)
Slot 9: Bone Lace (46%)
Slot 10: Noctis Margay (76%)
Slot 11: Cream Inverted Zebra (76%)

Slot 16: Bone Mottled Vents (Hidden)

Eyes: Dawn
Mane: Incubus| Flint

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!


Base: Leonid (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Special (July Raffle Base)

(Markings subject to change due to RMAs)
Slot 1: Noctis Soft Rosette (1%) Tier 4
Slot 2: Feline 3 Lilac (100%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Inverted Soft Rosette Silky (10%) Tier 4
Slot 4: Feline 3 Fiery (20%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Red Heavy Rosette (15%) Tier 4
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (1%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Stratosphere Lycaon (50%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Feline 2 Noctis (80%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Inverted Heavy Rosette Silky (50%) Tier 4
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 11: Vitiligo 3 (100%) Tier 2
Slot 12: Feline 3 Silver (14%) Tier 2

Eyes: Galaxy
Mane: Royal| Elysian

Clone Sales Thread: Not Selling Clones now! (Will consider selling modified clones with two or more rosettes removed)

Gilded - MR|NHR

(Shown with White Marbled Unders)

Base: Gilded (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Golden Medium Solid Special (Combo Base)

Slot 3: Celestial Shine (49%)
Slot 4: Noctis Crackle (35%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 7: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (49%)
Slot 10: Leonid Coat (16%)

Eyes: Mire
Mane: Incubus| Ebony

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Lilac - MR|ESR

(Shown with White Marbled Undercoat)

Base: Lilac (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Black Medium Solid Special (Raffle Base)

Slot 1: Lilac Points (58%)
Slot 2: Dim Silver (28%)
Slot 5: Cream Margay (68%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 7: Feline 9 Onyx (69%)
Slot 8: Ebony Soft Rosette (75%)
Slot 10: Lilac Points (31%)

Eyes: Maroon
Mane: Savage| Orchid

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Basalt - MR|SSR Full BO Traits

Base: Basalt (Greige Skin)
Genetics: Black Medium Solid Special (Combo Base)

Slot 1: Stratosphere Feline (50%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Royal Inverted Zebra (1%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Feline 8 Lilac (90%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Feline 8 Gold (1%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Leonid Feline (25%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (10%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Dawn Shine (50%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Seal Shaded Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 10: Briar Freckles 2 (45%) Tier 2
Slot 11: Vitiligo 4 (100%) Tier 2
Slot 12: Quartz Soft Unders (80%) Tier 2

Slot 13: White Frosty Roan (50%) Tier 3

Eyes: Clay
Mane: Savage| Soul

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Temporal - MR|SSR

Base: Temporal (Greige Skin)
Genetics: Red Dark Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 3: Steele Margay (49%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Dim Cimmerian (99%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Seal Shaded Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 13: White Rims (48%) Tier 2
Slot 14: Lilac Freckles 3 (53%) Tier 2

Eyes: Clay
Mane: Savage| Soul

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Squall - MR|ISRW

Base: Squall (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Red Medium Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 1: Fiery Margay (21%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Stratosphere Feline (21%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 8: Stratosphere Vitiligo (33%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Inverted Soft Rosette White (100%) Tier 4

Eyes: Mire
Mane: Royal| Chartreux

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Temporal - MR|IHRW

Base: Temporal (Clouded Skin)
Genetics: Red Dark Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 2: Marigold Inverted Zebra (15%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Feline 9 Noctis (41%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Inverted Heavy Rosette White (100%) Tier 4
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 8: White Soft Unders (78%) Tier 2

Eyes: Celadon
Mane: Royal| Orchid

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Jellyfish - MR|CISR

(Shown with White Marbled Unders)

Base: Jellyfish (Eggshell Blue Skin)
Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special (Celestial Raffle Base)

Slot 1: Prismatic Splendor (54%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 9: Cream Inverted Shaded Rosette (38%) Tier 4

Eyes: Dove
Mane: Savage| Orchid

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!

Soul - MR|SSR

Base: Soul (Eggshell Blue Skin)
Genetics: Black Light Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 3: Noctis Panther (40%) Tier 2
Slot 5: White Mottled Vents (64%) Tier 6
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Feline 9 Lilac (11%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Feline 3 Onyx (21%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Seal Shaded Rosette (100%) Tier 4
Slot 11: Vitiligo 3 (47%) Tier 2

Eyes: Pearl
Mane: Royal| Soul

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Hopefully coming soon!


BO Special Base Single Rosettes

Elysian MR

(Shown with White Marbled Unders)

Base: Elysian (Matte Skin)
Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special (Combo Base)

Slot 1: Coral Soft Unders (41%)
Slot 2: Vitiligo 2 (81%)
Slot 3: Onyx Pelage (13%)

Slot 4: Fiery Undershine (32%)
Slot 5: Vitiligo 5 (54%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Chert Margay (62%)

Eyes: Glass
Mane: Barbary| Elysian

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Ask if interested!

Cloudburst MR

(Shown with White Marbled Underglaze)

Base: Cloudburst (Greige Skin)
Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Common (Combo Base)

Slot 3: Feline 4 Noctis (46%)
Slot 5: Vitiligo 5 (44%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 9: Celestial Speckles (44%)

Eyes: Galaxy
Mane: Diabolic| Celestial

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Ask if interested!

Sunspot MR

Base: Sunspot (Fallow Skin)
Genetics: Golden Medium Countershaded Special (May Special Groupie Base)

Slot 1: Bone Underfelt (31%)
Slot 5: Marigold Soft Unders (32%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Marigold Underfelt (37%)
Slot 9: White Soft Unders (56%)
Slot 10: Royal Underfelt (52%)

Eyes: Dawn
Mane: Scarce | Savannah

Clone Sales Thread: NA - Ask if interested!


G1/G2 Statters


Credit goes to Zeiirle [Clean Ice Pie] (#13254) for the html!
Officially Open | Quality Goods | Come take a look - you won't be disappointed! HQT BO Special Bases - Penta Ros Leonid & More! Lots of BO! Come take a look!

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Edited on 10/07/24 @ 09:54:14 by Tisha|G1 6x Rosette Leonid| (#161397)

🍊 Orange Juice
🍊 (#138976)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-10 13:08:15
Do you have any prices for this gal/ a Clone of her, or would you be willing to sell her heat?

If not i totally understand!

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Tisha|G1 6x Rosette
Leonid| (#161397)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 07:56:41
The Basalt will definitely be much pricier given how many BO traits she has - practically an RL herself! Not sure about the temporals - will have to price check!

@Orange Juice
I don't usually sell heats! Will let you know once I've price checked :)

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Miwah G4 double ros (#444989)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 08:20:10
What is the Soul price?

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Tisha|G1 6x Rosette
Leonid| (#161397)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 08:43:53

Which Soul are you referring to? The MR|NHR one has sold for around 400 GB worth previously.

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Miwah G4 double ros (#444989)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 08:47:03
the Soul - MR|SSR [I'm sorry if they're the same, Google Translate changes all the letters

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Tisha|G1 6x Rosette
Leonid| (#161397)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 08:50:04
No worries! I'll be looking at around 500 GB worth for her (a clone of her).

That's provided if she clones though. Now I only have the Basalt available for sale as a kingable heir.

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Miwah G4 double ros (#444989)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-11 09:03:14
how much is the price? I think I'll need to save a little more of money

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