Posted by The albino sphinx decor NEEDS to be fixed

Hearteater. {side} (#60699)

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Posted on
2021-10-09 18:48:38
I want to start this thread off by stating right off the bat that I love and appreciate all of the hard work that the artists here on Lioden put forward. It is very obvious they care about this website and want to provide everyone with unique and fun content.

I also want to note that as an artist myself, I know that every one finds different struggles with art and this stuff ISN'T easy, especially on a deadline. I know what Lioden is capable of so I'm sometimes critical of the decor being added (as I would expect them to if I submitted a decor I'm). This is clearly an issue that I know I myself have with my art so I thought pointing it out in a nice and respectful way is important!

Here is the Albino Sphinx decor as it is right now in game:


Here is the Albino Sphinx decor with a few simple edits by me:


It is very clear what the issue is if you look at these two things. Of course, my edit isn't perfect! I just feel that the right eye is not in the correct position on this decor and it is an entirely fixable mistake that should have been caught before it was uploaded!

If there are any other decors with this issue that you'd like to see edited I can edit them and add them to this thread!

If you don't support, let me know why? Thanks!


Here they are DIRECTLY side by side

The eye on the original is too far down the face of the animal. Look at the eyebrows. This creature is intentionally humanoid, due to the fact that it is a sphinx. The brow ridge and nose ridge are distinctly humanoid. The brows should line up with each other. Perhaps they are too high up in my edit, but that's where the brow ridge is set. The ORIGINAL eye is extremely lopsided, and I would like to find someone that could show me an animal that has lopsided eyes like that. Or a person.

This suggestion has 44 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 19:24:50 by Hearteater. (#60699)

Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2021-10-09 19:53:03
Huge support!

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|G2 Harle RLC (#234397)

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Posted on
2021-10-09 19:54:57
i see that now!!

honestly i really get where you're coming from though. the OGS eye is down way too low

i sorta made my own version where i just moved your eye down a lil? (on the far left) i'm not sure if that explains myself better now that it's in a visual??

i completely understand if to you this also looks wrong, i've been looking at this piece of artwork for too long lmao

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Hearteater. {side} (#60699)

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Posted on
2021-10-09 20:00:34
yeah! i see that.

It fixes it. I was just trying to line up the eyebrows. ^^ It was a quick edit to demonstrate what the issue was exactly. Thank you for your contribution.

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|G2 Harle RLC (#234397)

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Posted on
2021-10-09 20:08:13
sorry for the inconvenience of not understanding / knowing how to explain again! i do that a lot haha

i do appreciate your OG edit though!! i'll change my thing to support since i understand now!!

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Ashy 🍑 (#56446)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-10-09 20:23:28
God looking at the original one compared to these edits is An Experience

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