Posted by Impression Level + Lioness Claiming Guide

Euphoria [G3
leo/scound] (#185150)

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Posted on
2021-10-10 10:40:49

All Impression Levels and What They Do

Barely Noticeable
Not Very Impressive
Not Impressive
• These have a 100% chance of attracting Basic NCLs
Slightly Impressive
Somewhat Impressive
• These can attract both Basic NCLs and Chased NCLs
Very Impressive
Extremely Impressive
• These can attract Basic, Chased, and Exclusive NCLs
• Slight chance of finding a lioness in heat
• Rare chance of claiming a lioness who will keep her pose
• These can attract Basic, Chased, and Exclusive NCLs
• All lioness found will be in heat
• Rare chance of claiming a lioness who will keep her pose
• Very rare chance of finding a lioness who lost a litter to Cotton Root Bark

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How To Claim A Lioness
~ Disclaimer: these steps will not work every time. ~


If your king’s personality type matches up with a lioness, you get a small claiming boost! This means that it might be easier to claim a lioness with the same personality type as your king!


Personality: Good

Steps In This Order:
1. Purr
2. Puff out chest
3. Shake mane
4. Rub head


Personality: Kind

Steps In This Order:
1. Purr
2. Puff out chest
3. Shake mane
4. Rub head


Personality: Neutral

Steps In This Order:
1. Manly Roar
2. Puff out chest
3. Shake mane
4. Rub head


1. Manly Roar
2. Purr
3. Shake mane
4. Rub Head or Bite Neck paw.png

Personality: Snarky

Steps In This Order:
1. Growl paw.png
2. Snarl paw.png
3. Bite neck paw.png


Personality: Evil

Steps In This Order:
1. Growl paw.png
2. Snarl paw.png
3. Bite neck paw.png


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Edited on 28/07/23 @ 13:18:56 by Euphoria [G3 leo/scound] (#185150)

{She/Her} (#437299)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 13:48:04
no problem!!

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Jessica (2 Miles
Away) (#485193)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-09-24 18:31:14
I guide I use for neutrals because they’re really finicky

Spray scent first

Positive reaction to Spray Scent?
Bite Neck

Negative Reaction to Spray Scent?
Puff Chest
Rub Head

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