Posted by -LOCKED - Chat Deletion
Breezy_Wxlf (#223661)

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Posted on
2021-11-14 21:11:29
I, personally, think we should be able to delete our messages. I do recognize this may come with some problems, such as chats that bypass the Code of Conduct, but there could be a log for mods, that specifically spots out bad chats (optional), so they could warn members. Often times, I use the wrong chat, and it would be really useful if I could delete it so nobody has to see it. Thanks !

This suggestion has 4 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Posted on
2021-11-15 14:27:08
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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