Posted by 💰 Auctions 💰 Items

GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

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Posted on
2021-11-15 16:21:08

What Items Are Available If I Don't Have SB/GB For The Auctions?

The Auction Forum Is Here

Uses will matter but will look at all


Event Items

January Event - Great Hunger


hyenacubs.png - curiousawd.png - jackalbuzzard.png - kuduchewingbones.png - teenmalefirstkill.png - apdpups.png - deertushdeathlymask.png - bonejewelbody.png - bonejewelaccess.png - hyenafurcollarblack.png - hyenafurcollarwhite.png - brownyeen.png - excitedawd.png


app_hyenabase.png - appwhitepanth.png - app_hyenaunders.png - app_fissures.png


February Event - Aphrodisia


flehmentigon.png - thescarred.png - submissivefemale1.png - simpchainhalt.png - tintoflove.png - preeningflamingo.png - dancerchainsgold.png - treasurebodywear.png - flirtsubmalemar.png - tintofsolitude.png - heavymetalb.png - fuchsiabadboy.png - darkbadboy.png - theslapper.png - shaggylioness.png - catswhiskers.png - cupiddartfascinator.png - treasurebodywear.png - deertushlovebites.png - simpchainacc.png - simpchainhalt.png - mouthscar.png - simpchestharn.png - leathercollar.png - magichour.png - beehive.png - readyforadate.png - zaxromanticbeachBG.png - romantic_hotspring.png - romanticwaterfall.png - bondinggiraffes.png - charmingnight.png - febpond.png - febcave.png - finebymyself.png - Loneliness.png - solitarycave.png - thelonging.png - solitude.png




March Event - Anti-Poaching


muskdeer.png - westafricanlinsang.png - hartmountzeb.png - grevyszeb.png - deertushethwolfpup.png - antipoachdog.png - tuskexten.png - babymongoosepile.png - deertushoryxcalfinj.png - africangoldcat.png - atahr.png - somaliwildass.png - mountainbongo.png - amberseahorseamulet.png - anatolianshep.png - survivor.png - indochineseleopard.png - endanghipgorilla.png - endanghipwearblue.png - endanghipleopard.png - endanghipzebra.png - onagerherd.png - poaching_leopard.png - thelastofgiants.png - poaching_buffalo.png




April Event - Rabbit-Hunt


boschchick.png - eastereggchick.png - petrabbitsealpoint.png - nigeriandwarfgoat.png - sleepypied.png - deertushawdpups.png - pedilamb.png - somaliewe.png - bitsofkits.png - deertushcuddlingbuns.png - deertushbushbaby.png - darkgoathorns.png - boergoat.png - butteflyfacepaint.png - ostrichchicks1.png - deertushowlchick.png - ostrichchicks2.png - cameroonram.png - forestthicket.png - namibianmeadows.png - floweringfynbos.png - kwazulunatal.png - springpastures.png


May Event - Championship


sunwarriorwarpaint.png - excitedfan.png - hollow_bmask.png - warpaintseventh.png - unbeatenmatrose.png - wearenotvegetarians.png - beestinthesheets.png - elefun.png - wolfhype.png - dedicatedfollower.png - cowardlionblack.png - rivalluster.png - vashdude.png - clawextengold.png - rearclawextengol.png - clawextensilver.png - rearclawextensilv.png - warpaintbloodspill.png - warpaintbrute.png - warpaintmarked.png - deertushwarpaintravage.png - deertushwarpaintbone.png - impressadoreehibis.png - impressadoreedark.png - cheeringfan.png - ancestral_bmask.png - bodypaintredbone.png - bodypaintredribbed.png - bodypaintstealth.png - arena_corridors.png - ChampionshipsNight.png - ChampionshipArenaSunrise.png - thepassage.png - erodinggorge.png




June Event - Rise of the Serpent


aani.png - presenceofmati.png - duatsagi.png - duatsailors.png - serpopard.png - jackalchicken.png - ammitmask.png - deertushanubismask.png - earsofanubis.png - presenceofanpt.png - maskfaceofanubis.png - vesselofanubis.png - vesselofbast.png - serpentfangs.png - serpenttongue_.png - coiledsnake2.png - slitheringcarnage.png - slitheringdeath.png - slitheringdoom.png - slitheringhorror.png - slitheringobliteration.png - slitheringvoid.png - hier_brace2.png - simplelegjewelrygold.png - simplelegjewelrysilver.png - egyptianjewelrygg.png - tailwrapsilver.png - legwrapgold.png - portablechaos.png - wingbandisis.png - sobekre.png - tutu.png - lapisdecor.png - tutuapparel_dyn_.png - LapisHgemheadpiece.png - apisheadgold.png - egyptianwrap.png - fauxleatherroyal.png - royalgemjewelryanubis.png - scarabnecklaceanubis.png - wingbandsdeath.png - nightvapour.png - wingsofnightbottom.png - wingsofnighttop.png - scarabnecklacebast.png - wingbandslight.png - royalgemjewelrybast.png - maskfaceofbast.png - wingedsandals.png - bastclaws.png - wingsoflightbottom.png - wingsoflighttop.png - scarabnecklaceseth.png - wingbandswar.png - royalgemjewelryseth.png - veilofisfet.png - wingsofdesertbottom.png - wingsofdeserttop.png - fauxleatherchaos.png - pangchaosrecolorhead.png - psyhostasis.png - palaceoasis.png - SwirlingDust.png - aaru.png - akhet.png



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Edited on 21/02/22 @ 16:10:35 by GummyBearGabe [Ice Felis King] (#4695)

GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-11-15 16:21:16


July Event - Meteor Showers

divinesparkles.png - brokenritual.png - whisperoftefnut.png - thedemiurge.png - stardust2.png - stellarstream.png - celestialbetelg.png - celestialleo.png - celestiallibra.png - celestialspisces.png - cherubdragon.png - titiandragon.png - protectingstars.png - whisperingtrinkets.png - Menhit.png - wingbandssunset.png - wingbandscelestial.png - veilofsunset.png - FrivolousApedemak.png - celestialhorns.png - nebulahorns.png - shardgrowth.png - drakeveilandro.png - drakeveilmidnight.png - drakeveilsolar.png - drakeveilsunrise.png - wingbandsinterstellar.png - Sussurus.png - AbaddonSkiesBG.png - brokenkingdom.png - burningblightBG.png - conjunction.png - empyrean.png - puremorning.png - SunsetBG.png - stellarwind.png - stellarstream.png - BG-DracoConstellation.png - EarthGrazer.png - LeonidsBG.png - meteor_shower.png - zaxreflectionpool.png - taurids.png




August Event - Droughts and Fires

egyptweasel.png - deertushwildcat.png - deertushsandgerbil.png - spotsandboa.png - deertushwolfcub1.png - deertushcutecheetahcub.png - deserttawnyowl.png - arabianscopsowl.png - deertushcamelcalf.png - blackbelliedbustard.png - manedelbowsonyx.png - cheekfluffonyx.png - deertushkewel.png - eartuftsonyx.png - egyptsawscalevip.png - falsecobra.png - deertushpallidharrier.png - maneatermanedark.png - deertushdeathlymask.png - scar_outcast.png - burningsahel.png - burningveld.png - CharredLandsth.png - aug_nyiragongovolcano.png - siberiafire.png - SmokeOnTheWater.png - endlessheatwave.png - redlakenatron.png - SudanDroughtth.png




September Event - Locust

arabianfoal.png - scaredleopard_icon.png - sleepyfoal.png - abyssdonkey.png - vlaamperdfoal.png - confusedlioncub.png - playfulblackpanthercub.png - kafa.png - namibdeserthorse.png - tawleed.png - vlaamperdhorse.png - westernsudanpony.png - deertushfennecs.png - omencervid.png - omensoothsayer.png - APOdeath.png - APOwar.png - harbinger.png - APOpesti.png - deertushjewelbodywear.png - deertushjewelheadwear.png - harbingerteeth.png - waressence.png - famineessence.png - deathessence.png - horsehairornament.png - horsehairfront.png - soothsayeroutfit.png - augurhoodblack.png - augurhoodwhite.png - faminemask.png - horsedeathmask.png - tornadoes.png - sandstorm2.png - equinefields.png


app_gregariousform.png - app_locustmarks.png - applicatorlocustbase.png - app_gregariousmarks.png - app_swarm_marks.png - app_swarm_base.png - app_augurbase.png - app_seer.png


October Event - To Hell with Rabies

blackcatfamiliar.png - lichcub.png - mefistofelis.png - horseskeleton.png - furfur.png - sitri.png - zagan.png - marbas.png - manticorecub.png - vilefangs.png - angelicblessing.png - seraphimveil.png - creepyteeth.png - demonwhip.png - hellhound.png - nirah.png - willowisps.png - rakshateeth.png - nav_hellfireeyes.png - undeadlionskeleton.png - deertushbonepaint.png - vualshood.png - lichgrace.png - spiritofnav.png - hellfire.png - lichfire.png - navfire.png - nightmareembers.png - soulfire.png - shadowveles.png - thenav.png - spookygraveyard.png - haloween_01.png - LairoftheLichBG.png - angelicsparkles.png - holyeclipse.png - eyeofoprov.png - blindfoldofpenance.png - swordhalo.png - hornsofvalor.png - unbrokenoath.png - spiritlion.png - deertushangelicgrowthback.png - angelicgrowthbody.png - deertushangelicgrowthf.png - angelicgrowthtail.png - seraphimwatcher.png - pathofsalvation.png - haloween_03.png - hazeofhell.png - unholyeclipse.png - viledrool.png - amokhorns.png - ordogtail.png - demonmask.png - deertushdemonicscalesfl.png - 7thdemonicdepths.png - pathofsinners.png - portaltooblivion.png




November Event - Whispering Ancestors

tarotchariot.png - empressbodypaint.png - empressbodywear.png - ahihiastatic.png - buffaloskullheadwear.png - tarotshamantheempress.png - tarotshamanpriestess.png - tarottower.png - dinofelis.png - hipparion.png - homotherium.png - megantereon.png - honeybush.png - trancesmoke.png - whisperingechoes.png - whisperingsparkles.png - limbadornments_shaman.png - shamanshawl.png - bonecrown.png - herbgrove.png




December Event - Season of Gifting

axanthicbp.png - fluffysnowball.png - whitebunnies.png - jonsnuh.png - deertushalbinogiraffecalf.png - krampustongue.png - whitetigoncub.png - jackfrost.png - deertushalbinowolf.png - albinohyena.png - xmaslights.png - zvoncarimask.png - glaciercave.png - jollypose.png - reindeerantlers.png - giantyulecat.png - iciclefangs.png - hangingicicles.png - frostedwhiskers.png - jinglebellsearwrap.png - christmasrosegarland.png - playfulragdoll.png - ragdollkittens.png - ragdollqueen.png - whiteflowerornaments.png - blackflowerornaments.png - deertushflowerpower.png - georgianredfox.png - leucisticfox.png - pseudozebra.png - iceramicicle.png - albinobarbary.png - snowymountaintop.png - zaxfrozenwaterfall.png



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Edited on 21/02/22 @ 16:57:15 by GummyBearGabe [Ice Felis King] (#4695)

GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-11-15 16:21:20


Game Items

Flood Pits

impalacalf.png - redforestduiker.png - suni.png - whitebackedduck.png - nitschebushviper.png - ScavengingOtter.png - sitatungafemale.png - whitebackedduck.png - dwarfbittern.png - earedvernonia.png - fog.png - groundfog.png - mossystones.png - botswanaflood.png - lakechivero.png - LakeKivu.png - microburstflood.png - okavangodelta.png - RagingStorm.png - RainShelter.png - lightningBG.png - VictoriaFallsBG.png - rainyswamp.png


eyeapp_cloudy.png - cloudburststains.png



criosphinxidol.png - royalsphinx.png - blackrammask.png - sphinx_morph_paws_black.png


Reptile Roundup

fenneckits.png - provokedcapecobra.png - blackmongoose.png - kinggenet.png - waterchevrotain.png - topicalf.png - capecoralsnake.png - springbok.png - capefurseal.png - zebraspittingcobra1.png - desertelephant.png - capebushbuck.png - peacefullamb.png - veilofsnowfall.png - reindeercalf.png - desertmonitorlizard.png - darksnakeskin.png - blackmamba.png - knobbilledduck.png- deertush3meerkats.png - gangofmeerkats.png - redchestedowlet.png - spookymask.png - spotbushsnake.png - capecoastlily_.png - heath.png - wildflowers.png - namaquabg.png - forestunderbrush.png - congorainforest.png - FloweringFields.png - barbaryredfox_.png - shrubformation.png - zaxveld.png - robustmarshorchid.png - niletrumpet.png


Serengeti Shuffle

bluecoua.png - lovebirdgreyheaded.png - deertushcuckooroller.png - crestedcoua.png - fanalokac.png - deertushfossa.png - franchawkmale.png - greyvasaparrot.png - malagasyscopsowl.png - fanalokap.png - ringtailmongoose.png - satanicleafgecko.png - sittingfossa.png - Brachycorythiscongoensis.png - devilsbackbone.png - polkadotplant.png - violettree.png - Vernoniakaraguensis.png - elephantear.png - zaxcrashingwave.png


Whack a Snake

fallingwater.png - leucisticballsnake.png - RainforestShrubsR.png - RainforestShrubsL.png - mossyarch.png - treemushrooms.png - tenrec.png - waterfallmist.png - lionstail.png - whitecrestedhornbill.png - Vinesthumb.png - tropicalundergrowth.png - tropicalnightlife.png


Store Items

Monkey Business

liowolf.png - greatercanerat.png - zimbabwe-atnight.png - bamboo.png- FireflyForest.png - zaxdeserttwlight.png - mutarazifalls.png - 7thsnighttimelightning.png - papyrusBG.png - sunsetoverlake.png - SunriseSlope.png



Gorilla Enclave

blackstallion.png - Honeycomb.png - app_felineelysian.png - appebonyf.png - app_feline_orchid.png - YohimbeBark.png - RaffleNightVegetationBG.png - sunsetoverentabeni.png - sunsetoverserengeti.png - knysnalagoon.png - mayombe.png - himalayanmountain.png - herbgrovenight.png


evilpose.png - snarkypose.png - kindpose.png



jollydwarf.png - lovingleoponess.png - primalpatootie.png - protectivepiebaldpal.png - smittenkitten.png - strechingferus.png - yawningdwarf.png



beebedlah.png - beetle_chitin_ornaments_goldnosechain.png - beetle_chitin_ornaments_goldneck.png - curiocheetah.png - micenestpatchy.png + more but too many to add-


app_kimanvents.png - app_fuchsia_marks.png - app_hibiscus_marks.png - app_mesh.png




markingsremove.png - labtestfrog.png - markingopacity.png - adultsexchanger.png - cottonbark.png - cubchanger.png - pennyroyal.png - GreenSavannahBG.png - Nebula.png - powehi.png - 7thlionlands.png - dynTropicalforest.png - RiverineForest.png - TefnutNebula.png


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Edited on 21/02/22 @ 17:21:54 by GummyBearGabe [Ice Felis King] (#4695)

Raven976 (#251127)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:44:56
hello how much for just the poses if i can do that

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GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:48:04
Which poses? Are you offering to buy auction lioness 9 for the poses?

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Raven976 (#251127)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:49:09
yea how much well it or i can go for the evil pose

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GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:50:21
I would be willing to accept the anvil pose for the lioness c:

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Raven976 (#251127)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:51:26
i'm sorry what lioness the one i'm buying or the ones i own sorry

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GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:52:48
That you are buying. This post as it states is for people who would like to split payment for my lion auctions or purchase a lion using items or decor. These decors are not for sale, they are to showcase items I will accept for my lions.

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Raven976 (#251127)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-08 11:53:34
ok i'll do that

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GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-21 17:22:44
This forum is now fully updated as of 2/21 and some errors were fixed!

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