Posted by Personality Suggestion: Fastidious

Dante (#200112)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-12-15 05:12:07
I thought of this personality after spending another stressful five minutes staring at a chased and wondering if she had a rosette or if I was just being tricked by a goddamned panther marking again.

This will be a king-only personality. The Fastidious personality allows a user to see what base/marks/etc an ncl has without needing to claim them first. I feel this can be useful since for people that enjoy chased-hunting like myself, it lets you know whether or not a lioness is valuable enough to use a leopard orchid/autoclaim for. It could also be useful for when naturally colored but otherwise valuable lionesses are chased because they sometimes look like normal ncls, and you don’t really notice it until you’ve skipped past her.

I don’t see how this could be overpowered in terms of gameplay, but a possible limit to Fastidious could be that the ability can only be used a certain amount of times a day-maybe three? I feel one is too little. This personality also would work on both chaseds and normal ncls, so if you waste a “use” of the personality on an ncl, tough shit. Fastidious also wouldn’t offer any boosts to claiming an ncl or anything like Confident/its ilk offers; it would only be used to view a lioness before she’s claimed.

Please tell me what you think^^

This suggestion has 4 supports and 12 NO supports.

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LastGuardian (#32978)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-12-15 07:35:22
This personality would likely end up being far too powerful, given that it would make the owner of it capable of defeating one of the more complicated parts of lioden without effort. To that effect, I don't feel that such a personality would be viable, especially without a significant balancing factor.

To clarify: usage amounts do not, to me, count as a balancing factor in this. Other personalities have limited use effects, but this one would essentially make it possible to discern what you're getting with a claim attempt. I consider that effect in and of itself to be unbalanced, and simply having to pick and choose usage times is not sufficient to mitigate it.

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Edited on 15/12/21 @ 07:37:44 by LastGuardian (#32978)

Duckie (#100740)

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Posted on
2021-12-15 07:45:26
I have to agree with Last Guardian that this is a bit too powerful of a personality, In theory is sounds really nice, but it really would take some of the fun away from getting surprise chased lionesses.

Sorry but no support, a nice idea though!

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Edited on 15/12/21 @ 07:46:25 by 🌸Bunny🌸 (#100740)

123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-12-15 09:45:18
no support, you can already see what markings/base/etc a chased lioness has by using inspect element.

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Dante (#200112)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-12-15 14:39:59
There is no inspect element equivalent for mobile, though.

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di (#126735)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-12-19 09:46:08
No support.

It's easy enough to just claim the lioness and release her after an hour if she doesn't have the markings you want.

GB are also easy enough to get without spending real money. And I know there's an event or two that you can stock up on Leopard Orchids for a reasonable price.

For the inspect element thing not being on mobile, maybe wait until you have access to a PC before bothering to hunt for NCLs?

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