Posted by Chance Companions [Random Adopts]

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-07 21:03:28


Take a chance? What do you mean!?Well, by taking a chance, you roll the dice. By this I mean, you will get a randomly rolled animal.This animal, or more commonly known as companion, will usually be feline or canine but will occasionally be different... perhaps you'll just have to wait to see.. These companions will fully be yours to own, explore, and breed! [AKA, these are random interactive adopts with many different features including genetics!]

What is going to be randomized?Every companion has a list of genetic code and when the dice is rolled, every line in this code is randomized. This includes but is not limited to eye color, fur length, patterns, fur color, color palette, ear type, tail type, & so much more! There are also extremely rare traits such as mutations. Mutations are extremely valuable as they occur 3 in 100 (3%). Some mutations are piebald, dwarfism, aerialism, blindness, albinism, & melanism. There are also hybrids which are incredibly more rare than hybrids at 5 in 1000 (.5%). Each trait that will be randomized has a rarity aspect to it. The current rare values are: 50% Common, 35% Uncommon, 10% Rare, 4% Epic, & 1% Legendary.

What are the prices?The pricing varies for these randomized companions. For a companion on a premade base, it will be 10 GB. For a customized pose, the price will become 15 GB. Keep in mind that I only take certain items and my conversion rate is for every 1200 equals 1 . There will be only 5 slots available at a time. Creating these companions takes a lot of work and brainstorming so I apologize if there is a wait or delay. These companions will have every aspect of them randomized, so do keep that in mind. As the creator, I have no say in the color palette or even the number of markings. You must either send the entire payment beforehand OR send half when you order and half when you receive the companion. As of right now, there is no way in increase your chance of rarer traits, although maybe through exploring you could find items to help. If you somehow managed to roll all common traits (highly unlikely), I will give your companion a special something. You'll have to wait and see what that is...

Helpful LinksThe Records of Randomization
Exploration Zones
Tempestatibus Event

-✨Orion✨ (#228485) [Not Started; Paid]
-aukki (#259296) [Not Started; Half Paid]

(Event Only Traits/Markings & 7% Increase in Mutations!) 18
-Kitsune [Not Started;Paid]
-Bonepepper [Not Started; Paid]
-Yuna (#246912) [Not Started; Paid]


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Edited on 06/06/22 @ 11:25:50 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

Archway (#229931)

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Posted on
2022-01-20 19:23:01

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-01-21 08:57:55
Hello! Wondering if there are any slots left, if so, can I snag one?

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-21 09:10:51
Absolutely! I’ll put you down. Base or custom pose?

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-01-21 09:12:09
Premade is fine :D

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Edited on 21/01/22 @ 16:29:52 by Euphoria [G1 scoundrel/leonid] (#185150)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-21 09:25:33
@🍊Clem, A canine eagerly runs up to you, almost knocking you down. He seems to have a lot of energy! Will you give him a name?
Here is what the dice got you.
You've rolled... 9 common traits.
You've rolled... 1 uncommon trait.
You've rolled... 2 rare traits.
You've rolled... 0 epic traits.
You've rolled... 1 legendary trait.
His genetic code is... XYCCssOoEEAattttTtRRPPXXCPACBATtBBTTNN
I will DM you with a more detailed list of traits once you pay! Here is your companion!


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🍊 Clem | Project (#200438)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-01-21 09:40:11
Woah! :0 just sent payment! I’d like to name him Fynn

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Edited on 27/01/22 @ 20:19:41 by 🍊Clem | G2 Inpu Echo 3x Ros (#200438)

LudicrousDino🦖 |
G2 NeferFelis (#247030)

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Posted on
2022-01-22 23:55:50
Gonna sub until I get the money : D

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-27 20:17:48
@Euphoria, A curious feline pads up to you and tilts her head. Behind her, you see her tail swooshing back and forth. Will you give her a name?
Here is what the dice got you.
You've rolled... 8 common traits.
You've rolled... 2 uncommon traits.
You've rolled... 3 rare traits.
You've rolled... 0 epic traits.
You've rolled... 0 legendary traits.
I will DM you with a more detailed list of traits. Here is your companion!


I do not believe you have paid. Apologies if you have, I loose track of things easily. Please send the payment and I will send her traits and etc. asap! :)

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-01-27 21:34:05
Sent payment! Can I name her Paradox?

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-27 22:05:55
Absolutely! I’ll send the Traits in the morning as it’s late for me. Thank you!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-29 21:13:48
Companion breeding is officially open! You can check it out in the helpful links tab or through here! I have so much more planned for this and I hope you all stick with me :)

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2022-01-29 21:25:34
aaa your art style n designs r so fun -- if there are any open slots left, could I snag a custom pose roll? :D

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-29 21:36:59
Absolutely! That will be 15GB! I will mark you down.

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-01-29 22:06:23
May I snag the last slot? If so, can I get premade again? :3

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-29 23:40:40
Absolutely! Ill add you to it :)

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