Posted by Rainbow’s Heart Shell Reservation

🌈Rainbow (#66036)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-01-11 23:57:47

o8cnvPE.pngHeartShell.pngFebruary Heart Shell Reservations


Hello! Welcome to my little page for buying Heart shells! I have a ton to trade so hopefully I have something that catches your heart. (Haha get it?) All items are marked to their lowest branch prices. This means I just added a 0 to what it cost on the branches.


I do have some rules that must be followed when reserving any items or lions:
HeartShell.pngDo not back out of your reservation. (Unless you give me a heads up before T3 opens)
HeartShell.pngReserve what you know you can obtain. Don’t say you can get 1200 heart shells but only roll once or twice throughout February.
HeartShell.pngDo not waste my time. I will be ready to trade items by February 28, 2022. We can do trades earlier than that but the 28th is the last day.
HeartShell.pngPost the item you are interested in below and I will cross it off as a holder for you.
HeartShell.pngI can trade in bulk so just let me know!

Items Up for Trade

Items I want from the Shop's

modcharred.png 1100HeartShell.png

modspotted.png 1100HeartShell.png

modnatural.png 1800HeartShell.png

modsubtle.png(2) 1250HeartShell.png

app_incubus.png 200HeartShell.png

Full Use Backgrounds
FullMoonBG.png 500HeartShell.png

BF_JG.png 1300HeartShell.png

Full Use Decorations
cherryblossombranch.png 500HeartShell.png

cloudtree.png 600HeartShell.png

japserowadult.png(2) 80HeartShell.png

lilactree.png(3) 250HeartShell.png

(Images are clickable)
WKA8FIx.png?1Clean 2nd Gen Quad Rosette 1300HeartShell.png
MrMVVYG.png?13x Rosette 700HeartShell.png

BuffaloScrotum.png 60HeartShell.png

YohimbeBark.png 30HeartShell.png

My Ratio| 30HS=4GB

I also have Golden Beetles!

(will increase more in Feb)

Forum HTML by Pun (#139)

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Edited on 21/02/22 @ 09:29:01 by 🌈Rainbow|BLM (#66036)

Alphias (1.1k G1
Ticked 18m) (#212957)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-25 18:36:29
Sorry I should’ve specified. What’s the name of the item? (So I can try it out in wardrobe). My bad

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🌈Rainbow (#66036)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-25 18:57:33
Ohh cherry blossom branch

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