Posted by Buying HS / Heart Shells 2024 [OPEN!]

✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2022-02-03 18:16:19

Buying Heartshells

Hi I'm looking foward to buy your heartshells at the rate:
60HS = 8

These are the items that I want to buy from you:

Buffalo Scrotum = 8 worth

Yohimbe Barks - 4 worth

PS: If you want to sell me some Grain of Paradise or Lion Scrotums I can buy them but not in big quantities and I don't promise I'll want them if I already have a bunch on my hoard

What I can give you for your items/heart shells

GB available :
4000 /4000
150MT - 90 HS
NEW!: I have some trades already set up just offer on them and I'll accept the offer.
Click here to see the pre-set trades
Note: You don't have to write on the comments that you want to sell me any of these, only set up a private trade to me and I'll buy them OR offer on these pre-set trades!
NEW!: G3 Quad Rosette Leopon | Double Rosette Kimanjano | Clean baby Orchid available for offers!
check it out!

html layout by honey (#32043). do not remove credit.
crow pixels by I-crows-I on deviantart.

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Edited on 04/02/24 @ 16:22:35 by SugarMix [2x Ros Kimanjano] (#57837)

{Techy} (#259245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-02-28 09:12:29
I have 1 buffy, would you like it?

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 09:13:16
yes please! Set up a private trade for me pls

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Satab (#246398)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 09:16:11
Hi, since this is the last day of the event. I’ve seen prices bumped to 15
Just wondering if you’re going to go along with these?

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{Techy} (#259245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-02-28 09:21:24
Done! It's all set up

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 09:33:53
Hi, I've been buying almost every trade I've seen and offering on some of the other trades around I have 213 Buffalo Scrotums and my goal was just 200 so I already achieve it. I'm still using the GB I have left to buy some more I see and maximum I'd pay 11 GB for each and the more GB I add to the payment, the less I'll buy.

I've seen prices Bump to 15 GB but that doesnt mean people are buying them at that price, also you don't see trades of 8-11 be around that much time so the only available are 15 which makes people waiting and checking the TC for the cheaper options that disapear quickly.

This year the prices were crazy, I remember last year I was paying 60 HS = 8 GB the majority of time, but this year even after I was advertising a lot I couldn't get that much at 8 and a lot of people who reserved with me cancelled their reserve so I decided to buy them at 10 each which was more than some other posts were buying them.

I'm also bidding rn on some HS and those HS I wouldn't mind paying 15 each ball just because it's like 46 Balls worth and even if they would be expensive, it really pays off later the months so.... not ideal but still nice I guess

Also just bidding there because I think there wouldn't be enough trades around here to spend the I'm bidding.

Not sure if I'll win the auction but if not then I wouldn't be mad because I'm planning on also starting breeding for a G1 pon (a lot of barks and money put into that)

So I don't mind paying 15 only for really LARGE amounts of Buffalo Scrotums like 30, 40, etc.
I just went and did the maths and my bid is 690 GB (only 468 pure) for 2800 HS which is 46,6 Balls (its a bit more than 2800 but you get it)
So 47 balls for 690 which is 14,6 per ball.

But like I'm not paying all pure and the items I'm using to pay are Items I have no longer interest in having and would take time selling so not bad at all if you think about it.

But it's basically this, people are putting them for 15 but doesn't mean people are buying them at that rate, yet

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Edited on 28/02/22 @ 09:36:30 by SugarMix [2x Ros Clean Clone] (#57837)

Mizu|G1 Goridhe|
Splash|1.3K (#230265)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-03-01 14:08:52
hello so I would like to sell you 2 buffies, what should the private trade buyout be on these?

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2022-03-01 14:14:24
Hi, I don't really know because as always (every single year) after the event ends people just put absurd prices for the buffies that no one buys but they think people are dumb enough so they put it for +15 GB

I'd still pay 11-12 GB each right now, but if you don't want to sell me its ok

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★Katherine (#249840)

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Posted on
2022-03-13 16:30:56
Would you buy the fluffiness of flamingo applicator? If so, how much GB will you pay?

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Satab (#246398)

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Posted on
2023-02-01 10:23:02
Hey! Can you let us know when you update everything? <3

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 09:10:30
Hi! Updated ^^

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Satab (#246398)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 09:13:15
Can I reserve at minimum 1K Worth? Thank you! ^^

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!Hiycrus![Main] (#410667)

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Posted on
2023-02-07 12:42:35
200HS to sell, will buy things when teir three opens :)

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🎑Gonvoyage | G1
Haze MRLC (#92029)

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Posted on
2023-02-09 17:39:50
Hello, would you be interested in purchasing some GOPs? I have about 25 on hand right now :)

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 07:18:53
Hiii sorry I've been afk!!

I'm back though!

Amecka (#246398) - Sure!

!Hiycrus![Main] (#410667) - Still selling?

🌊Gonvoyage (#92029) -Sure! set up a private trade pls

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✦ SugarMix ✦ (#57837)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 07:52:09
Hi Just letting you know I'm setting up some trades on trading center so you can quickly offer there or you can always just set up a private trade if you prefer

Click here to see the pre set trades

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