Posted by [Private] Evelyn's CRB Tracker

Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 22:59:05
do not post.
do not use this template or format without crediting back to me or here (the original post).


Total CRBs since tracking: 2,330
Total cubs: 3,914
Total mutations born: 440
Total lethals: 7 (deaf, 4 conjoined, Two Heads, Lipomatosis)
Total hybrids: 2 (Tigon, Leopon)
Total failures: 3,474
Total females: 2,928
Total males: 989
1 Cub Litters: 1,170
2 Cub Litters: 952
3 Cub Litters: 181
4 Cub Litters: 73

•°•°CRBs Until•°•°

CRBs until first lethal: 109
CRBs until second lethal: 94
CRBs until third lethal: 6
CRBs until fourth lethal: 264
CRBs until fifth lethal: 724
CRBs until sixth lethal: 111
CRBs until seventh lethal: 324
CRBs until eighth lethal: ???
CRBs until first hybrid: 256
CRBs until second hybrid: 1,577
CRBs until third hybrid: ???


11.24% chance for mutation
75% Female
25% Male
1.59% Lethality Chance (per mutated cub)
0.17% Lethality Chance (per cub)
0.45% Hybrid Chance (per mutated cub)
0.05% Hybrid Chance (per cub)


AMP: 194 (0 DUs)
Achromia: 62
Blind: 7
Bobbed Tail: 53
Clawless: 11
Cleft Palate: 0
Conjoined Cubs: 4
Cyclopia: 0
Deaf: 1
Dwarfism: 0
Extra Limbs: 0
Eyeless: 0
Folded Ears: 55
Harlequin Ichtyosis: 0
Leopon: 1
Lipomatosis: 1
Melanism: 13
Overgrown Tongue: 16
Polycaudal: 10
Sirenomelia: 0
Tailless: 10
Tigon: 1
Toothless: 0
Two Heads: 1

For personal use:

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Edited on 17/08/24 @ 22:40:02 by Squonk (#54817)

Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2022-10-13 21:46:35
Baby batch

1 - 2 cubs (f,f) no mutation
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
3 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
4 - 1 cub (m), no mutation, GSR

2 - 2
2 - 1
4 - f
2 - m

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:06:55 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 21:20:18
Batch 13 🛌

46 - c
31 - f
15 - m
13 - 1
9 - 2
5 - 3
6 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:09:47 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-02 05:18:32
Batch 14 🤧

136 - c
103 - f
33 - m
42 - 1
36 - 2
6 - 3
5 - 4
17 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:13:41 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-15 02:42:20
(I have the data for the one above, I just need to update it)

Daily Day 1 🐌

1 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
2 - 1 cubs (m), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
4 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), Unsuccessful
5 - 1 cubs (f), Clawless x1
6 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
7 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
8 - 2 cubs (m,m), Unsuccessful
9 - 2 cubs (m,f), Unsuccessful
10 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful

17 - c
13 - f
4 - m
4 - 1
5 - 2
1 - 3
1 - s

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Edited on 10/03/23 @ 03:42:09 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-17 04:49:19
Daily Day 2 🎦

1 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), AMP x1, Bobbed Tail x1
2 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
3 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
4 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
5 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
6 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
7 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
8 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
9 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful

16 - c
12 - f
4 - m
1 - 4
4 - 2
4 - 1
2 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:17:44 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-17 04:50:08
Daily Day 3 ⛄️

1 - 2 cubs (f,m), Foldie x1
2 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
5 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
6 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
7 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
8 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
9 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
10 - 1 cubs (m), Unsuccessful

16 - c
12 - f
4 - m
6 - 2
4 - 1
2 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:18:48 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-17 04:57:41
Daily Day 4 ⏸️

1 - 4 cubs (f,m,f,m), Unsuccessful
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (m), Unsuccessful
5 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
6 - 2 cubs (f,m), Unsuccessful
7 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), Foldie x1
8 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
9 - 1 cubs (m), Unsuccessful
10 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful

19 - c
13 - f
6 - m
1 - 4
1 - 3
4 - 2
4 - 1
1 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:20:30 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2022-11-17 04:58:25
Daily Day 5 🎄

1 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
5 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
6 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
7 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
8 - 2 cubs (m,m), Unsuccessful
9 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
10 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful

16 - c
2 - m
14 - f
4 - 1
6 - 2
1 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:21:46 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-17 04:59:01
Daily Day 6 🖤

1 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (m,f), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
5 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful

2 - 1
3 - 2
7 - c
1 - m
6 - f

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:23:15 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-24 02:16:53
Daily Day 7 🏹

1 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
3 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
4 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
5 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation

7 - c
2 - 2
3 - 1
1 - m
6 - f
1 - s

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:25:07 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-25 15:42:39
Daily Day 8 🎽

1 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
2 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
3 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
5 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful

6 - c
6 - f
1 - 2
4 - 1

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:25:43 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2022-11-27 10:42:34
Daily Day 9 🫔

1 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
2 - 2 cubs (f,f), Unsuccessful
3 - 2 cubs (m,f), Unsuccessful
4 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
5 - 1 cubs (f), Unsuccessful
6 - 1 cub (f), Unsuccessful

9 - c
1 - m
8 - f
3 - 2
3 - 1

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:26:30 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Squonk (#54817)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-27 21:05:13
Batch 15 🍄

1 - 3 cubs (f,f,m), 1 Piebald
2 - 3 cubs (m,f,f), no mutation
3 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), no mutation
4 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
5 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
6 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
7 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
8 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
9 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
10 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
11 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
12 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
13 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
14 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
15 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
16 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
17 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
18 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
19 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
20 - 2 cubs (f,m), AMP x1
21 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
22 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
23 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
24 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
25 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
26 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
27 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
28 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
29 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
30 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), no mutation
31 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
32 - 2 cubs (m,m), no mutation
33 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
34 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
35 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), no mutation
36 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
37 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
38 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
39 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
40 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
41 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
42 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
43 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
44 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), no mutation
45 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
46 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
47 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
48 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
49 - 2 cubs (m,m, no mutation
50 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation

-- 84c
-- 61f
-- 23m
-- 7s
-- 1p

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:24:05 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Squonk (#54817)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-13 03:02:20

Batch 16 🍾

1 - 4 cubs (f,f,m,m), no mutation
2 - 3 cubs (f,f,f,m), no mutation
3 - 3 cubs (m,f,m), no mutation
4 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), no mutation
5 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
6 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
7 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
8 - 2 cubs (f,f), Achromia x1
9 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
10 - 2 cubs (m,f), Overgrown Tongue x1
11 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
12 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
13 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
14 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
15 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
16 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
17 - 2 cubs (m,f), Piebald x2
18 - 1 cubs (f), Bobbed Tail x1
19 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
20 - 2 cubs (f,m) no mutation
21 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
22 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
23 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
24 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
25 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
26 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
27 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
28 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
29 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
30 - 3 cubs (m,f,f), Piebald x1, Polycaudal x1
31 - 1 cubs (f), Bobbed Tail x1
32 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
33 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
34 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
35 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
36 - 2 cubs (f,f), Piebald x1
37 - 3 cubs (m,m,f), Clawless x1
38 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
39 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
40 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
41 - 3 cubs (m,f,f), no mutation
42 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
43 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
44 - 2 cubs (m,f), Piebald x2
45 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
46 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
47 - 1 cubs (f), Bobbed Tail x1
48 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
49 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
50 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
51 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation

81 - c
61 - f
20 - m
29 - 1
15 - 2
6 - 3
1 - 4
8 - s
6 - p

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:31:40 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

Astrid (#77238)

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Posted on
2023-01-15 14:19:52
wee woo wee woo

Batch 17 but actually 18 cause I did one of about 70-100 and I got really bad results and was upset and just killed everything before I could think to record it so. yeah. 17 recorded, but actually 18. 🤸‍♀️

125 - c
32 - m
93 - f
41 - 1
26 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 4
22 - s
3 - p

1 - 4 cubs (f,f,f,f), no mutation
2 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), no mutation
3 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
4 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
5 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
6 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
7 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), Ferus x1
8 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
9 - 1 cubs (f), Primal x1
10 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
11 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
12 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
13 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
14 - 2 cubs (f,f), Dawn Achromia x1
15 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
16 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
17 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
18 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
19 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
20 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
21 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
22 - 2 cubs (m,m), no mutation
23 - 1 cubs (f),
24 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
25 - 2 cubs (f,f), Polycaudal x1
26 - 3 cubs (f,f,f), AMP x1
27 -1 cubs (m), no mutation
28 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), Clawless x1
29 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
30 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
31 - 1 cubs (f), Bobbed Tail x1
32 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
33 - 2 cubs (f,f), Bobbed Tail x1
34 - 2 cubs (m,f), no mutation
35 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
36 - 3 cubs (m,f,f), Clawless x1
37 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
38 - 2 cubs (m,m), no mutation
39 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
40 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
41 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
42 - 3 cubs (m,f,f), no mutation
43 - 1 cubs (f), Dawn AMP x1 (Overgrown claws)
44 - 1 cubs (m), Ferus x1
45 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
46 - 2 cubs (m,f), Bobbed Tail x1
47 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
48 - 1 cubs (m), Polycaudal x1
49 - 2 cubs (f,m), no mutation
50 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
51 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
52 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
53 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
54 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
55 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
56 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), Achromia x1
57 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
58 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
59 - 4 cubs (m,f,f,f), no mutation
60 - 2 cubs (m,f), Bobbed Tali x1
61 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
62 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
63 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x2
64 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
65 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
66 - 2 cubs (m,f), Bobbed Tali x1
67 - 1 cubs (m), Achromia x1
68 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1
69 - 2 cubs (f,f), Achromia x1
70 - 1 cubs (m), no mutation
71 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
72 - 1 cubs (f), AMP x1
73 - 2 cubs (f,f), Melanism x1
74 - 2 cubs (f,f), no mutation
75 - 1 cubs (f), no mutation
76 - 2 cubs (f,f), AMP x1

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 11:39:08 by Evelyn 🥀 (#54817)

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