Posted by Selling My Whole Pride

Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2022-03-03 12:01:28
You followed down a path as you come down to an active pride. All flourished full of different coloured and marked lionesses. You feel a smile come across your muzzle

It was a regular sunny day, you were happily on your way, marking your territory until you came across a crooked sign, saying "lions for sale", it peaked your interest. So you followed down the path, it was a long journey, not so long but long enough for your paws to ache a little. You shortly came across a large clearing, full of dens, submales, lionesses and cubs wandering around. You could clearly see broodmothers gossiping and watching over cubs. Over to the left you see a group of adols and in a large cave you see a large, bulky lioness. That must be the queen, you head down and pushed past all the pride members to approach the luxurious queen. Pride members gave you awkward looks. The queen then gave you a look and a smile came across her muzzle as she stood and pads up to you. "Hello there, traveller, I see you have come here because you saw my sign?" She asked with a deep and soft voice. You nod in eager as she let out a soft laugh. "I am Ayla, who may you be?"

You tell her your name as she nodded and sat down, her tail wrapping around her paws. "Nice to meet you, ___. Feel free to look around the pride and once your done deciding come back to me with the lioness, submale or cub you would like and we will discuss prices. Happy searching traveller!" She roared out as you walk off to wonder around the pride. You wonder what sort of lions you could find here....

Hello! I will be selling most of my pride, I will not be listing who's for trade and who's not. I will just mention it when you link the lions. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ROLEPLAY I JUST LIKE TO DO IT FOR FUN :D.

Royal Pride
Mass Breeding Project

Advertisement: selling my pride! :))

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KidDivine (#262472)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 08:13:01
U originally said that Yae would sell for 400, is that still on the table??

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 08:16:37
Yae was sold to the other person who asked for her unless you mean the tigon then no i said Yae Miko was 150-200GB

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{Techy} (#259245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-14 02:58:14
A young lioness walked towards Ayla, "Hello Alya! I seem to have found these cubs.. what would you want for them?" She sat down shuffling her paws before a few lionesses walked over, carrying their cubs and looking at Alya. "I figured these beautiful cubs would be adored by my younger sibling Basilia.. She came from an adoption center you know, so I'm sure she'll be happy to take care of the cubs.. Even if she's a little lazy." Her tail would swish on the floor, "Name's Beetle if you've forgotten." She sat still as the nursing mothers placed down the cubs, her green eyes would look at all three of them before pulling out some money and special things..
I also have a RB app I wouldn't want for them!

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2022-03-14 03:04:11
Ayla was sat next to a lion who seemed to be just sniffling away, she sighed just before she was interrupted by the upcoming queen. "Hello!" She stood and bowed a tad, stars showing on her back just before she got up and sat. Angel Dust, one of the mothers of 2 cubs sat down next to her tiny beings, her tail swishing a little anxiously, feeling a bit upset to let them go but she knew Ayla wouldnt have any room for them.

The ferus queen looked to the cub. "Hm.. 1GB? In meaning a marking removal." Ayla's ear flicked as she seemed to give a comforting look to the DU lioness.

ohh? what app? if not ill take a marking removal for them for when they wean

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{Techy} (#259245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-14 03:09:21
Her eyes would gleam hearing the pricing, "I have one of those special Chatoyant Carvings to give if you would like. Since I am a collector of those rhino beetles the viper seems to love.. I could always buy something else for 120 rhino beetles.." Her legs wrapped with herbs and the satchel placed on her side, she swiftly pulled out all of her current rhino beetles including the special markings. "I suppose if you wish to not take these I may be able to pay for a gb.." Her voice saddened knowing she may not have enough.

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2022-03-14 03:11:32
"Unfortunately we do not need anything else from the poachers market, we have gotten everything we need. If you would like, we can reserve them for you since they still need to wean off just until you get the GB for it." Ayla spoke out, willing to negotiate on reserving terms

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{Techy} (#259245)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-14 03:14:30
"I'd be willing to reserve the cubs." Her tail would wrap softly around the rhino beetles attempting to escape, placing them back into her bag. "I will be back whenever I have enough for the cubs, which will be around 2 days." She got up to leave happy they might have new cubs joining their pride.

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2022-03-14 03:17:12
Ayla nodded, helping the queens pick up their cubs, holding two tiny cubs in her mouth she dipped her head respectfully to the lioness before padding off with the queens to put the cubs back into their nursery

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-03-20 12:01:02
Tau flicked his long silky tail, taking long elegant strides down the clearing. He cocked his silver head, his delicate features shining in the dappled sunlight. He carefully read the sign in front of him. It read, 'lions for sale'. Tau knew he didn't need any more lionesses, but his desire to find someone exotic and exiting washed over him once more. He had many beautiful lionesses already, of course, none as beautiful as him, but he was missing something. He tentatively stepped a shining black paw onto the leaves, wary of enemy lions. This could always be a trap, after all.

After searching the glade full of lions, a striking green heavy piebald female caught his eye. He confidently strutted up to her, traced his tail under her chin, and down around her body. He gestured with his ears for her to follow. He Spotted a Lioness who appeared to be the Queen and headed in her direction. He barged through the other Lions, causing growls and hisses around him. He didn't care though. This lioness would be his. He sat down delicately by the Ferus Queen, waving his tail for the Green lioness to do the same. As she sat, he leaned in close to her and wrapped his tail around herback. He gently placed a paw on one of hers, asserting his protection over this gorgeous female. He titled his head, adjusting the crown of daisies. 'Let's skip to the point. I like your lioness. How much for her, Queen?'

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WillowDragonet (#255219)

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Posted on
2022-03-20 12:52:44

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Edited on 21/03/22 @ 15:59:59 by WillowDragonet (#255219)

Ryder (#266739)

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Posted on
2022-08-15 15:00:08
Hi how much for Cinnamon, I have been looking everywhere for a cinnabar

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