Posted by Opah Base

🥝poppinkiwi (#226522)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 20:27:16
If you do not support please tell me why so I can learn and improve on this idea!

I would love suggestions on if it were a craft-able base what items would you collect, and if it was an event applicator base, what event would make the most sense!

This is based on an Opah! A very colorful fish!

1st Rendition With Line Art
Opah Base Lineart

1st Rendition Without Line Art
Opah Base

Improved Rendition With Line Art
Opah Base 2 Lineart

Improved Rendition Without Line Art
Opah Base 2

I appreciate the feedback!

This suggestion has 19 supports and 18 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/03/22 @ 21:36:11 by 🥝 poppinkiwi (#226522)

🐊 mawzxlla (#226479)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 20:56:03
I love the colors on it!
Maybe, though, to better represent the fish, have the orange be a bit lighter? It could also be a little pinker. :0
You could also add more colored speckles. In some images of the Opah, they seem to be really colorful. Overall, this would be good to have in a potential color bomb combo. >:3c

As for items and events, orange and blue stones would probably be good. Event wise, maybe the December event? Considering on the wiki the lion is carrying a shark, I think the fish theme would be good haha.

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🥝poppinkiwi (#226522)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 20:57:19
Thank you for the feedback! I'll play around with that info!

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Side Bowl of
Noodlers 🍜 (#196549)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 21:00:54
Is there any way to blend between the colors a bit more? It’s a lovely idea, just a bit too harsh of a line right now…

Edit: I meant to say I do support, I just think it needs a bit more!

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Edited on 09/03/22 @ 21:01:39 by Noodlers’ Side (#196549)

🥝poppinkiwi (#226522)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 21:01:36
Absolutly! Thank you for pointing it out! Tottaly missed it lol!

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Mosscat (He/Him) (#177119)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 21:49:07
I support, but I believe that it may need a better transition/blending between the two colors, also it could be a kingfisher feather base? If you make It a little less orange and more pink it'd match that well.

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