Posted by Congenital Anosmia

Mercutio|G1 Ennedi (#253677)

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Posted on
2022-03-09 21:42:55
if this has already been suggested before please let me know!
Congenital Anosmia is the inability to smell from birth!
I’m kinda throwing this idea to the wall bc I have anosmia but it would be a non-visible mutation; and based on personal experience alone, my anosmia has put me in danger, but from a lion point of view it wouldn’t change much so I don’t think it would be lethal.
I don’t know how much it would really change, other than fun little messages when you check in on the lion.

“you see Cub with a look of disgust over a horrible smelling piece of food. it seems to have learned to let its pride mates check the food before it eats.”

y’know little stuff like that?
possibly genetic, though I don’t know how much research has been done on whether anosmia is genetic or not.
again I understand this wouldn’t have many in-game effects, just an idea from someone who has it.

This suggestion has 23 supports and 21 NO supports.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2022-03-19 22:00:12
Unfortunately, no support. Personally, I don't see a reason for a Mutation that doesn't have a special Lines or look id it doesn't have an in game effect. And I think it would affect a lion, since they can't smell for prey. If they can't snell, then they can't follow the scent of a taken down prey yhat the pride caught. Lions don't really bring food back to their cubs. They usually travel with their cubs. And once the cub becomes an adult, then the lions still aren't gonna bring back food to an incapable lion. And, as a cub, they need to be able to smell for danger. In the wild animals really need to use all senses. The only reason eyeless and blind get away in the game is because they are lethal and have a changed visual from the regular bade in lioden. Most people also don't care about the deaf Mutation (atleast that I have seen).

It is for this reason I have no support. If this was a heavily text role play site instead of a mostly art based role play site, then I think it would be a great Mutation!

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Stringworm, Roach
the Gary <3 (#233091)

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Posted on
2022-04-21 18:49:19
My grandma actually has this, i'd love to see it in game!

Perhaps, like other mutations, it could prevent the lioness from hunting? How is she supposed to know where the prey is if she can't track it down with her nose? It also might lower cubs survival rate, as they wont be able to smell predators around them, the scents of rival males, or even if food is safe to eat!

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Mercutio|G1 Ennedi (#253677)

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Posted on
2022-04-29 12:41:50
I like those ideas!! the hunting one if they’re not banned from it, maybe they just have a lower gain from hunting? and the cub idea is perfect!! especially the food part, accidentally eating spoiled/rotten stuff happens way more often than people would think

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