Posted by Herbs - Vredefort

Craion (#96081)

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Posted on
2022-03-17 08:53:44
So... Long story short, I'm very much f*ed. I started the Jorney to Vredefort (to get the Interstellar base changer) in my two accounts.... and then I stopped playing for a while. I also very much hate the quests... So even when I came back this month, I've been doing them sparingly.

That said... I've come to a halt today and I'm considering if I should even keep going or not. It's asking for 500 herbs in each account and now I'm pulling my hairs out.

I'm not here to ask for advice, I'm here to ask for anybody that wants to sell some herbs... at reasonable prices, please. If it's not reasonable, I'd rather give up on the quest, I'm not that into that base anyway.

I'm not fixing any price, because I'm not sure what I should be charging. And if 'the price that would be reasonble for the market' is not somthing I'm up for paying, I'll close this thread and give up on the quest. So... thanks for anybody that took the time to read this, we'll see where this will go.

- Buchu
- Dream root
- Honey bush
- Iboga root
- Imphego
- Marula Fruit
- Nut Grass
- Ubhubhubhu
- Umganu
- Uqume
- Uvuma-Omhlope
- Uzara

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Edited on 17/03/22 @ 08:58:43 by Craion (#96081)

🐒 Lily Rose πŸ‡ (#133491)

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Posted on
2022-03-25 21:52:33
Not sure the cost on herbs. But you can buy them in the crossroads, battle ground. They are 20sb each.

I have a bunch if the marula fruits.

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🐒 Lily Rose πŸ‡ (#133491)

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Posted on
2022-04-17 17:26:08
Do you still need herbs?

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