Posted by Updates on Beetles

𝐧𝐚 (#244516)

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Posted on
2022-03-18 18:23:56
So, as (I think) everyone knows, LioDen has Beetles that you can collect, breed, and battle. I have a few suggestions to make beetles more worth-it, because at the moment they're really not. They die too soon and produce too little offspring to be of much value, and in some perspectives could be viewed as worthless. So with that said, here's some ideas/suggestions to make battle beetles better

1) Battle Beetle Rewards.

Male beetles can be battled for small prizes such as +10 sb, +10 experience towards your king, and herbs. Most of the time you don't get anything when you win or lose a battle. I think when your beetle wins a fight, there should be better prizes. These could include +1-2 impression, 50-100sb, herbs of course, 100-200 experience for you king, and, on very rare occasion, beetle decors. If a battle is lost, +1 impression, or +50 experience with a message like '[BEETLE NAME] lost the battle against [OPPONENT BEETLE NAME]. Still, the judges were so impressed by how well [BEETLE NAME] fought. You got [+1 imp, +50 exp, or a random herb.]

2) Beetle Breeding.

Female beetles only live long enough to produce 2 clutches. Most of the time you get 1-2 larvae. For serious beetle breeders like myself, it's pretty difficult to keep a steady stream of beetles. It would be nice if females only had a 5 day breeding cooldown, or if more (3-5) larvae were produced.

3) Beetle Larvae

While on the topic of beetle larvae, I should mention how difficult it is to keep beetle larvae alive. While I understand that in real life, beetles eat a lot of whatever they eat, then have a short adult life (Just long enough to breed), they die if you miss feeding them for a day. I think that the hunger mechanics should stay the same, as its pretty realistic, but the period that they are a larva is shortened to like 7-8 days instead of the regular 10 days that is in the game now.

Recommendations by other nice people :)

- May I also suggest a possible ‘You have female beetles that will die in two rollovers!’ in our rollover summary for breeding (or have them leave clutches behind)? - Master Kat (#78212)

- Personally, my biggest want for reward adjustments is more beetle slots awarded because the price of beetle slots is ridiculous. I think a potential fix for that though would just be making beetle slots cost something like 500 SB instead of 1 GB. - Drakine (#65247)

This suggestion has 37 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/09/22 @ 13:10:06 by Peach [2x ros Scattered] (#244516)

Master Kat (#78212)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-03-20 21:31:59
Yes! I have had such a hard time getting into beetles because of a few things (the very long breeding times and the ‘1/3 of their life they do nothing’ being the most frustrating of these). These suggestions would really help a lot, and I think it may help with interest in beetles.

May I also suggest a possible ‘You have female beetles that will die in two rollovers!’ in our rollover summary for breeding (or have them leave clutches behind)? I have had a few I planned to breed die on me because I didn’t realize they didn’t give birth to a clutch if you bred them on day 30

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FlameHeart (please
gift) (#233839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-09 05:00:33
Yes! And, as an additional suggestion, shorten breeding CD.

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Drakine (#65247)

True King
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Posted on
2022-07-06 21:10:01
Yes to all 3 of these they'd make the feature so much better.

Edit: The only one I think could maybe be less ideal is the first one, with upping beetle rewards. I think because you can battle a beetle every 15 minutes the low reward payout makes sense. Personally my biggest want for reward adjustments is more beetle slots awarded because the price of beetle slots is ridiculous.

I think a potential fix for that though would just be making beetle slots cost something like 500 SB instead of 1 GB.

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Edited on 29/08/22 @ 16:34:08 by Drakine (#65247)

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